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Everything posted by Gerry31

  1. Just remember shooting one is the easy bit once its down then the work begins one way or another you have to move the carcass and of its 150 yards down a valley its not an easy task.
  2. As above take care when choosing a heavy barrel I bought a remy 700 vssl in 22:250 and once you had fitted the scope the pod a can ect I couldn't carry the bloody thing it weighed 22 pound I know that dosnt sound much but trust me you can't carry it very far
  3. Hi all somebody put a link on here a couple of weeks ago for swivel seat tops for hide seats I can't find it can anyone help cheers
  4. I had one some years ago a great little dog with a mind of its own. When I got divorced my x took the dog with her christ I do miss that dog lol
  5. Its a wren they are getting quit rare these days
  6. Jack pyke do a olive green vest for 50 quid search shooting vest on flea bay there not to bad and fit in for both clays and game days
  7. Ok guys I think I get it I should have had an idea really if it looks to good to be true it normally is
  8. My shooting buddy is tash and we shoot alot on kk land you may know him he's the local milk man and his lad breeds collies in the fat one with Arctic blond hair lol
  9. Hi just been offered a series 1 petrol freelander for little money I was going to use it as a second car just for shooting anyone got any info on them are they any good
  10. Frenchy hi from Bacup not sure if we haven't met out and about
  11. The muppets in the countryside arnt country folk but more likely to be townys who've out price the villagers making it impossible for the youngsters in the villages to buy or rent houses
  12. Sorry if I didn't make it clear yes ofcourse you must inform the relevant people but you dont need to send you cert in. The FEO will possibly come to see your new location and will then inform you about your paperwork. As I said previously I still have my Derbyshire certs but am now in lancs.
  13. No need to post your cert they may even not issue a new one until is due for renewal. I moved from Derbyshire t Lancashire and still have my old cert but am now registered in lancs.
  14. I've been a couple of times an an old mate f mine used to work there they seem right enough
  15. Gerry31

    Smart Phones

    Take a look at a motorola ATRIX I live with mine cheaper then an iphone but does much the same in fact I rarely bother with my laptop now this is brilliant
  16. Good advice it is a mind game to be sure
  17. O dear why are some folk so sad if you are going to shoot clays then a skeet vest is a good investment dont listen to all the bs on here yes some do have pins cloths caps ect but its horses for courses. I never wear my skeet vest in the field by the same principle I dont shoot clays in camo. Believe it or not some top clay shooters have all the bits n bobs but shoot live as well and you dont hear them taking g the p
  18. Abu44x really spoilt lol
  19. There is no right answer to this question the beretta is the better gun by far and with care will last a life time every part you may ever need will be available however if you can't hit anything with it then it just a paperweight you need to shoot as many guns as possible until you find one that suits you. Only once you have been shooting for a good while will you be able to judge truly whats what.
  20. Gerry31

    London 2012

    Your mum has a little man?
  21. Lol me too you never find them all
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