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Everything posted by mikesy

  1. That's a decent price you got it for. Lucky you! I'm on a waiting list for one but it could be a while yet before it arrives. Let us all know how you get on with it and what's good/ not so good about it. Enjoy.
  2. Thanks it might be an option , what model of Pulsar do you have?
  3. Aye will do , might be a while but I'll get in touch.
  4. Hi GRamsay, was in touch with them a few days ago, even though they have it advertised on their website, they have never had them. They said if I do get one that they would like to see it. I have ordered one, now just have to wait and see how long it takes.
  5. Thanks for all the replies , placed my order with the RFD. No idea when it will arrive but have been told that a shipment to the distributors of around a hundred is due some time in January! I wont hold my breath.
  6. A couple of negative reviews but mostly seem pretty good Jim.
  7. Ive just found some reviews from fellow members but any further info gratefully welcomed
  8. On my perm the rabbits spook the second you shine a beam on them and there's not enough time to get them in your sights so I am considering NV I'm thinking of putting in an order for one of the Yukon Proton's, was hoping to find out if any of you guys have one and how you rate it. Sole use at present would be for rabbits up to 100m with a .22 LR. I've never owned or used NV gear , so I'm a total novice and I am trying to avoid buying a white elephant. Any advice on how it performs would be well appreciated . Many thanks in advance
  9. Hi , go to the pound shop and buy some metal tent pegs . Bend the top to form the letter S ( the S being on its side as in parallel to the ground when pegged into the earth, the bend at the top , slots into where the plastic rivet is on the fud, about 9cm down from the bend, wrap some black insulating tap round at least 10 times to form a stopper so the folding part of the fud does not slide down the peg and keeps its shape. If you want a pic, pm me , works a treat and much lighter without the heavy duty spikes.
  10. I tried the dead rabbit with a single magpie decoy placed about 4 mt from the rabbit. Within the hour , I got 2 magpies, both of which landed in between the rabbit and the decoy ,worked a treat,also worked well for the crows , thanks all for the advice. Happy hunting!
  11. Lots of good advice, thanks. Got some rabbits last night lamping , going to give it a try with a rabbit and a couple of magpies tomorrow. ATB
  12. I've seen them on *b*y, I'll probably get one as they are quite cheap. i have a Sam Neyt crow caller, expensive but worth the money and its great for the crows though it takes a fair bit of practice to get the call right,( better than the Primos Power caller) imo. Cheers
  13. Thanks for all the tips , going out today as I've seen quite a few in the fields , {defrosting a couple of decoys just now} and thanks for the offer Filzee. I've got another homemade rattler to try, one of them has got to work!
  14. I'll have a look around on the net as I've tried various home made rattles but never had much success. Thanks
  15. Great ,thanks for the replies. Weather permitting , I'll be out tomorrow morning. Funnily enough , yesterday there were a few about making a racket, missed the first one and never heard anything after that! Meant to ask , is it a case of the more decoys the merrier or should I stick to one or two.
  16. Hi all, I have a few magpies in my freezer and was hoping to use them out in the field as there seem to be quite a few about just now. Can anyone tell me if a magpie on a flapper or even just put on cradles will pull them in ? I do well on the crows using a flapper and was hoping it would do likewise for the magpies. Thanks
  17. Hi , Do you still have the mod?
  18. thanks Jamie. Comments appreciated.
  19. Hi, sorry missed your reply re the 3/4 drop in choke as i was on holiday. If you still have it, how much are you asking? Mike
  20. I have a spare Beretta 301 drop in half choke for sale or swap for 3/4 choke
  21. Hi, looking for drop in choke for a Beretta 301 1/4 & 3/4. would you have either or both? Thanks
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