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Posts posted by bottletopbill

  1. As BASC asked  Mr Packham or other's for there support in dealing with hares as farmers want them gone due to illegal activities. We have to protect shooting as we will get the blame and not the illegal people who just do not care .Would be a good cause for BASC to fight and let other's know we care.

  2. Having to see a child or any one go through all the interviews and having to have a medical and photos taken does really make every person sick .Had to take another child to the police station for taped interview a few weeks ago. Does not get any better after attending three different cases all sexual assault on very young children .Hope I never have to go through that again for the sake of any child

  3. Worked as a youth worker for the local council they spent a huge amount of money on security on  all the clubs computers to protect the kid's and keep them safe. Waste of time the kid's cracked the system over a  few weeks'. You may think you have all the protection but have your kids got around it on i phone and i pad please keep checking all the time.

  4. Been through all of this with foster children with mum & dad touching the children and letting many other's be involved. Lots of police station visit's seen by doctor's and examined police video  of children for court. Police can check for men's sperm for many years on a wall or carpets with test;

    Just because the two of the children said different stories  C P S said no further action but this was a daily event for them over many years. One was under four year's old and sister six year's old  and ask my wife if she  done oral . They were scarred of father Christmas yes they had men dressing as Santa.

  5. Be careful of what you say the wife  made a comment about our things are changing for England and now we are blocked by you tube. Freedom of speech is now a thing of the past.

     We are not racist we have cared for many children in the care system  every race and culture.


  6.  To Chris

    Just came home with 22lr to many people  walking about the land only saw one rabbit and that bolted before i could get out of the car. Spooked six pheasant's and they flew of  laughing away . No pigeon's about in my perm  but that is shooting all over. 

    Still struggling with both knees may have to have the first one redone and the other needs a full replacement but that is less painful than the total replacement is.

      Wished I was as good as the stick you made for me  still used daily.

      Glad you are fine  and keeping busy and be safe.

    Thank's Bill

  7. Look's like old boggy is going to be busy making lot's more .  A must have item for after lockdown and for cracking open a few bottle's  have you used your one yet ditchman

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