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Posts posted by GaZMaN888

  1. Hemel is ok. The Gadebridge/Warners End/Boxmoor/Chaulden side is nicer than the Highfield/Grovehill?Bennetts end side which are nearer to Buncefield. Although I would say that as I'm from Gadebridge...


    The trouble with Hemel is that it's now full of people who are quite happy not to get a job and spend their whole lives loitering. If McDonalds makes the decision to close a branch in the town centre you know you've got problems! The town centre is full of pound shops and empty units now, not much hope going forward.


    It was a decent place to grow up in (I'm 28 now) but the best thing I ever did was move my family to Somerset. Would never go back.

  2. I didn't mean they couldn't do damage mate, I don't doubt what you say for a minute. I was trying to say that even though dogs aren't bred for fighting these days they still possess those traits that made them useful for the job in the first place. Probably didn't explain it very well...



  3. We bought a teller "dog specific" stair gate for her as she would jump a normal one easily and guess what, she cleared that too so they definitely can jump.


    And whilst I agree with the "deed not breed" argument to an extent you still need to consider the damage each breed could do. They might not be bred for fighting any more but they will still retain some of the characteristics that made them desirable as a fighting dog in the first instance. The power that Norma (yes she was called Norma) had was unbelievable at times and whilst no dog bite is ever trivial I could easily see her doing much more damage in a much shorter time than say my dad's Golden Retriever. But ultimately responsibility has to lie with the owner.


    Anyway, sorry to jump on the thread Linny, just thought I'd throw my 2p in. All the best.



  4. I had my EBTxStaffy (see avi) PTS when my daughter was 3 months old. She was soft as they come at home and was attached to me like suplerglue, to the point where it was detrimental. The problem was she was a rescue that didn't cope well in kennels and her fear manifested itself in aggression. She would go at strangers in the house and out on walks so I kept well away from others when out and about but the trouble was could I trust someone else to be as careful as I was not to let her bite someone? (After we had decided we couldn't keep her with my daughter around) The answer was no, so having spent hundreds on training and behavioural assessments I had to have her PTS. Hardest decision I have ever made and it still gets at me today, but I know it was the right decision.


    I hope everything works itself out for you in time and, more importantly, your granddaughter makes a full recovery.



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