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Posts posted by Nick8310

  1. Good news on the sale falling through (well for you anyway) allow the new onwer if it ever happens may still need a safe shot who turns up to keep on top of the vermin. Where abouts in Essex are you?

    ATB Paul.

    I am on the outskirts of Brentwood and my permission is in Staple-ford Abborts sorry for that late reply to the topic the sale fell through a year ago however I started a new topic called (In a spot of bother really) it's a new problem which has arised I won't bore you with it but basically I cleared the land of fluffy fellows thanks for the reply.



  2. You shouldn't have to much trouble gaining a F.A.C then you should fill out the form and ask the farmer if its ok to use it. Then the Police will check the land and with your experience with shotguns you should get granted one worst case you will only be allowed to use it with a mentor for a while to make sure you are sensible.

    i know one farm most of his land is clear as he have 243 he-self haven't asked the others 2 farmers

    You shouldn't have to much trouble gaining a F.A.C then you should fill out the form and ask the farmer if its ok to use it. Then the Police will check the land and with your experience with shotguns you should get granted one worst case you will only be allowed to use it with a mentor for a while to make sure you are sensible.

  3. need to get experience a rifle first had a air rifle befor all together i have just shy of 1250 acres of land to shoot all on my own but with a condition on to focus on cretin fields as and when I'm told there have a problem with pigeon or rabbits as farmer's would like that area dealt with that pest and make a difference befor choosing to shoot some other parts of the farm which i think is fare yes was down near braintree last weekend a village called kelvedon and that was just over 2 hours drive

    haha that's alot of walking about you must keep fit yes i know braintree stones throw away. Does all that land have F.A.C clearance then?




    yes i live in Murrow Cambridgeshire and have 4 fields all with in half a mile of each other that have big rabbit problem i can manage about 10 rabbits in an hour with the 410 by having a quick walk

    Great opportunity but yes its got to be close to 2 hour drive something like that?

    Great opportunity but yes its got to be close to 2 hour drive something like that?

    Also you would top up that rabbit count if you had a rifle you should apply for one :good:


  5. Hello all PW members,


    Hope your week has been better than mine, I was out on the field in last nights rain and although I was in a full water proof outfit I still got soaked. Still a bad day on the field beats a good day at work.


    Now for the spot of bother bit, as some of you know i enjoy shooting as much as the next PW member however i am fast coming into a spot of bother, the permission i have has basically ran out of rabbits. I am the only shooter on the land which inst very big, other than the land owner so its not because of to many shooters, i have just shot them all. Which is great for the land owner but bad for me. This as much as i hate to say it a plea for help, with next to no rabbits to shoot my rifle is fast collecting dust.


    If anyone out there can help me with nights/days out and about on their permission i would be forever be in your favor even if its just lamping until you get to know me. I am no fool when it comes to shooting and fully understand this does not give me permission to shoot on your land/permission and likewise for whom ever helps me. Although i wont be able to repay whomever with shooting on my permission, not unless you wish to shoot grass because that's all about there is now. I am more than willing to return the favor in what way i can and hopefully meet a new good friend along the way. Of course i am fully insured with BASC and if your wondering i have a F.A.C Sako Quad .22 Rim with Moderator.


    Also i am thinking of putting in for a HMR soon so i would love for anyone who has this and/or higher caliber rifles to give me tips and tricks, never can have too much experience, likewise for me if your an Air Gunner with F.A.C cleared land/permission i would be more than happy to safely teach, and hopefully help you to gain a F.A.C as a way of repaying you for your good deeds.


    Please PM me if you can help me out, If not thanks for the time you took to read this many thanks Nick.



  6. Not to sure about the stir fry way but I do know abit of rabbit with a dolop of mango chuckney wrapped in a tin-foil parcel and cooked for 10-15 mins on a high heat makes and mean meal on top of rice (Rabbit Curry) good luck with the Chinese style though

    Nick :-)

  7. As I said earlier no lambs or poultry and the permission I was on wouldn't mind if I had or hadn't shot, and I agree with the notion that there is a difference between hunters and killers. I have shot with many people and from experience people who have a shoot now and admire when dead approach are trigger happy neanderthals. If it wasn't my target species for the day and no nearby farms for him to disturb and with him sat still basically waiting for me to pull the trigger (unsporting) there's no harm in letting Mr Fox roam for an extra day or two although it must be said I would happily get him another day. However as stated above it was a you had to be there moment.


    Nick :-)

  8. No lambs running around so there was no real need to dispatch him. I just thought sporting wise it wasn't a challenge and because of his youth I don't think he was very cunning hopefully this life lesson for him will make for a interesting hunt for the future. ( I am very surprised at the amount that said shoot!)

  9. Now this is a little something which happened not to long ago, one of those moments which only happen a few times in your life. I was out on a permission of mine on a cold frosty morning a while back, out after for some rabbits. I was wrapped up warm laying prone in my favourite spot with my bipod extended, just admiring the sun glistening off of the frost covered ground when the first rabbits started to emerge. About 2 hours later and several rounds in I have got some clearing up to do and perpetrations for the dinner table to begin, But just as I am about to get up to fill my bag a young adult fox walks out of the bush-line i'am prone in, and walks 10 yards in front of me and then freezes. I knew that he had spotted me and he knew that he had walked right in the line of sight. As I looked down the scope cross hairs fixed firmly on him, my finger slowly squeezing he just stared at me, and then he done the unthinkable he just sat right there in the field. If it was fear or not knowing what to do that made him do it I don't know but he just sat there and relaxed as if he knew that these were his last moments. So I relaxed and let go of the trigger, it didn't seem fair 10 yards with a sat still target, I stood up which made him run down to the zone which I had been firing in and followed, as I made my way down he grabbed one of the rabbits only pausing for a brief moment to look back knowingly that for today we was both out just to get some food, but another day he might not be so lucky as to walk away with part of my food.


    What would you have done?


    Nick. :-)

  10. Now this is a little something which happened not to long ago, one of those moments which only happen a few times in your life. I was out on a permission of mine on a cold frosty morning a while back, out after for some rabbits. I was wrapped up warm laying prone in my favourite spot with my bipod extended, just admiring the sun glistening off of the frost covered ground when the first rabbits started to emerge. About 2 hours later and several rounds in I have got some clearing up to do and perpetrations for the dinner table to begin, But just as I am about to get up to fill my bag a young adult fox walks out of the bush-line i'am prone in, and walks 10 yards in front of me and then freezes. I knew that he had spotted me and he knew that he had walked right in the line of sight. As I looked down the scope cross hairs fixed firmly on him, my finger slowly squeezing he just stared at me, and then he done the unthinkable he just sat right there in the field. If it was fear or not knowing what to do that made him do it I don't know but he just sat there and relaxed as if he knew that these were his last moments. So I relaxed and let go of the trigger, it didn't seem fair 10 yards with a sat still target, I stood up which made him run down to the zone which I had been firing in and followed, as I made my way down he grabbed one of the rabbits only pausing for a brief moment to look back knowingly that for today we was both out just to get some food, but another day he might not be so lucky as to walk away with part of my food.


    What would you have done?


    Nick. :-)

  11. Yh his a brilliant chap makes the videos so clean and crisp does a proffisanl job. One thing I will say about the Yukon sights which worry me a little is they bug out a little with incorrect lighting say your shooting around farm buildings(at night) which have flood lights in the distance if you was looking through the scope and just caught the edge of one of them flood lights it take a while for the scope to settle down (glows very bright) think you have to turn it off and wait for the glow to settle how long that is I am not sure :-s that's honestly all I have herd about them maybe the new ones are abit more stream lined let me have a look.


    quote form Yukon (The scope may flicker or flash when used in a bright environment; to correct this, place the cap over the objective lens and enter a dark environment. The scope will restore itself to a natural functioning state in several minutes or hours, depending on how long the scope had been exposed to the light.)


    Hope this helps you decide if it was me I think I would prob go for Yukon especially if your only using the one rifle just don't point it at a light by accident lol would love to have hunters vermin's land it's always got so many rabbits.


    Nick :-)

  12. Just seen the pic brilliant stuff nice shooting looks like a day state rifle good air rifles there are a few tips on how to make shooting sticks on YouTube that could help I based mine on a chap called Hunters Vermin he has a channel all the materials he uses can be found at a B&Q and its a very clean and clear video to follow in my profile picture that's the result of my attempt.


    Best of luck Nick :-)

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