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Everything posted by stroudwaterboy

  1. It is worth having a ring round if you go down the dealer route as the last price I was quoted was between £185 and £225+ depending on how long it takes to program.
  2. I have a good selection of chainsaws including an electric one for logging up. It doesn't shall we say feel like a "big boys toy" without all the noise and drama, but it does the job just as well as all the others. Stihl is without doubt the best. One tip make sure you keep the chain sharp! I see so many people look like they are using a bow saw, moving this way and that trying to get the chain to bite.
  3. Shoot at Bristol Clay Shooting regularly, small, friendly and some stands can be very testing. You also have Stroud and District at Bisley locally as well.
  4. Tried that, my keys are not magnetic.
  5. Debit card and Credit card, as said earlier it is cheaper for companies if you use a debit card than cash. If they get awkward I use the credit card, did that once when buying a car the salesman said I could pay in anyway I wanted, even credit card assuming I wouldn't have the credit limit, the look on his face when it went through!
  6. Don't worry if you put £5 a week by, when your SGC arrives you will be able to get a new DT11! At least it feels that way it drags on so long.
  7. Research is the name of the game. Keep your money safe for the time being, but research a number of possible stocks, once you have got a couple you are happy with, use one of the on-line portfolio tools to record imaginary purchases and then watch them go up and down. After a few months see what lessons you have learnt and start again, this time buy a few, only small positions mind you, this gets more interesting because it is your money you watch gaining or going down the drain. Gradually increase as you gain experience. You will never see huge rates of return unless you take huge risks but you can keep well ahead of bank rates. In my experience brokers are only in it to line their own pockets, use an on-line trading account.
  8. As a landlord I know you have to be very careful with making sure you follow the process properly with the deposit, you must make sure it stays with the deposit holders until it has been agreed between you what will be taken from it. Looks like they could have big problems with that already. Make sure everything is in writing. Your original request for details of the metering charges should have been really. You cannot make money on reselling electricity and they must have a separate record of what you have used i.e. a separate meter. The best way I have found to handle county court cases is to go along in person, well prepared and make your case carefully. Have details of you costs as well, if you make a good case you will have them awarded to you if you know what they are. Was the decoration problem in writing as well?
  9. A knighthood for playing one GAME of tennis, er no.
  10. Congratulations, it will change your attitude to life big time!
  11. You have been offered the best for use as a quiet genny, the Honda is the best you will get. Three rules to remember, put it on the bank before use, too many people have died from filling their boat with fumes, boats and petrol do not mix you will need to keep the fuel and genny in a separate locker vented to the outside and do not run it after 8pm, if you are lucky you will be shouted at if not you will find it stops when under water! It is best really to do a power audit and get a battery bank the right size, that is one the engine/alternator is capable of charging fully and with sufficient capacity to see you through until you next move off.
  12. If you buy an old wooden boat assume it is rotten, it will be somewhere even if not obvious. A plastic boat will be your best bet but you will need to see it out of the water if more than 5 years old, once out you are looking for osmosis which will show up as blistering of the top coat. If it has osmosis and you still want it that compare an area of the hull without and with, if the area with feel spongy walk away it gone too far. If it is still sound you will need to rub down the blisters, fill them and then put a new top coat over the whole hull. If you find a pastic boat of some age without osmosis and you like it buy it quick if the engine is OK. As was said previously Diesel only, you want to start it from cold, once its warm does it smoke, check for oil and water in the bilge if you find some where is it coming from? As always with specialised subjects if you know someone with experience take them with you but do not ignore your instinct. Do not buy the first boat you see but look at a good number you can always buy that first boat once you have had a look round. And it is good to see you have worked out already that a boat is a hole in the water you throw £20 notes into but never manage to fill the hole up.
  13. On the subject of using stainless you will find initially at least that it is soft and will need to be thicker.
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