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Everything posted by steve_b_wales

  1. Finally, it's sorted. TEAL changed my email address from the one I originally joined up with. My thanks to him and of course, everyone else who has tried to help and commented on this issue.
  2. Sad news. R. I. P. Ian (Pike!)
  3. Sad news indeed. Read the poem, The Last Battle.
  4. UPDATE. I've just had a new desktop (tower) built for me. All the details saved on my old computer were actually on a portable 1TB drive. I installed Open Office easily on the new one and I can now access all the data that I saved.🙂
  5. Thats my next move in a day or two. Thanks.
  6. Thanks. I tried that but for some reason, Chrome isn't accepting my password, even though it's the correct one. I'll leave it this weekend and try again in a few days time.
  7. I did try but failed. Thanks though. I'm using Google Chrome. The problem I have is that I could reset my passaword by providing the email address that I originally provided when I joined in 2007, but I have changed service providers since then, and cannot remember what email address I used at the time.
  8. I have just installed a new desktop computer. When I tried to log onto this site, it asked for my password, which I have forgotten, despite trying many variations. I then went onto Pigeon Watch using my laptop (which I'm using to write this) and it automatically entered my password. The problem I have is that I cannot see the password. I tried to reset the original password with another one, but it's asking for the original password first, before I can change it. How do I sort this out????
  9. He 'turned' to Christianity, so therefore could not return to his native country as he would be at 'risk'! What a total farce. In some countries, you only have to have a record of breaking wind in public and you are not allowed in!
  10. This is what I have always done. I keep the receipts for any powder, primers or bullets I purchase. I have receipts going back a few years. I also have receipts for any firearms I've bought/sold, going back at least 20 years.
  11. True, but the question didn't mention a british bird.
  12. Question on Tipping Point: What's the name of a bird, known for it's singing, is red, and has the same name as an eminent religious dignatary? My Wife: Robin!
  13. I am returning to Egypt (Soma Bay Hurghada) twice again this year. It will be our 14th visit to the same hotel.(Palm Royale Resort) We have ventured into Hurghada Marina and were not pestered or bothered by anyone. I asked about the other hotel because we will have friends stayihng there the same time as we will be in our hotel. I agree though, about not getting involved with 'random people'.
  14. By chance, has anyone stayed at the above hotel?
  15. I've got, and use sometimes, a lovely Yildiz S/S .410. The quailty is excellent.
  16. That's what a friend of mine did, for at least 15 years, until ill health forced him to sell his shotguns and pack in shooting.
  17. I had this reply today from BASC. Thank you for your email. Police are within their rights to ask to check security & they have done it the right way by making an appointment. Guide on Firearms Licensing Law 18.12 Paragraph 22.3 of this guidance sets out the power of entry, subject to warrant, available to the police. While this is an important power, it should not be necessary to use in all cases where inspections/home visits are required as such enquiries or inspections may be carried out with the certificate holder’s consent. It is expected that responsible certificate holders will co-operate with reasonable requests to inspect security arrangements or other aspects of suitability, and failure to do so may be taken into account when police consider suitability to possess the firearms. To mitigate any misunderstanding on the part of the certificate holder the police must provide a clear and reasoned explanation to the certificate holder at the time of the visit.
  18. I have no worries at all, just curious.
  19. I did think about a link to them. The shotgun was handed in first, then approx' 1.5 hours later I had the phone call.
  20. UPDATE. The shotgun has now been surrendered to the police. It's a shame because it actually worked.
  21. I have 4 firearm cabinets, 3 of them hold up to 5 firearms, but one has only two rifles in it, due to their bulk. Another one that can hold up to 5, actually has 4 in it. I also gave top quality ammunition cabinets kept separately from the firearms of course. Also, if I cabinet is for, example, 5 firearms, there is no law to say that you cannot put more than 5 inside. It's the strength and quality of the cabinet that matters. This will be my ' non renewal' inspection in over 40 years.
  22. This is new (to me) in south Wales and I have held both shotgun and FAC licences for over 40+ years. I'm not worried about it, more curious than anything. I'm not in the least bit worried etc. My security is excellent. I'm just a bit curious as this is a first for me.
  23. First dibs to me. Confirmed on other post.
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