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Everything posted by spandit

  1. David, I will make enquiries. Have just emailed your colleague Matt with some details, should have copied you in, sorry.
  2. Blimey! What did he apply for? Congratulations nonetheless...
  3. Thanks, David. Was intending to join today but we haven't got proper Internet yet and other things got in the way... Is there some way the police could issue my licence with the .22 & .17 on it but withhold the .243 without me having to pay for a variation? I'm making some progress on finding a mentor and getting some more experience but to get enough to satisfy Sussex is going to take a long time
  4. Tried calling BASC today but no answer so will try tomorrow. The conversation I had with the police last was that they wanted to issue all calibres at once, as to delay the .243 would be an admin cost. It's also delaying my co-terminous SGC
  5. Just had a reply from someone who might be able to help... fingers crossed
  6. Had a call from Firearms Licencing Officer at Police HQ in Lewes, think I'm going to join BASC and ask them to clarify as at the moment they don't want to issue my licence for .22LR/.17HMR without the .243 to save admin costs/time. It's also holding up my coterminous SGC
  7. Haven't joined BASC yet, was hoping to wait until my FAC was granted and not having to use them to fight my corner straight away. My FEO doesn't tend to answer e-mails straight away so I won't know until tomorrow now, I expect. Silly thing is, I was applying for CF straight away to avoid the variation cost of £28 (or whatever it is) - now they're asking me to pay another few hundred to get the DSC1 (and fuel, accommodation etc.). Perhaps I should ask my old house master at Eton to have a word as it's obvious I must be minted? My experience of CF is limited and I am in full support of the need for some training, whether through mentoring or a more formal route. My main issue with the mentoring is that my mentor could write a letter in 6 months saying how great I am, but with no proof of my marksmanship, regard to safety etc.
  8. I'm not 100% sure why moderators are on the FAC - I fired a moderated .243 the other day and it was bloody loud. With the mod off it was much louder, so it does work, but it was hardly the dull hiss from the movies
  9. Playing Devil's advocate with my own posting... Just re-read the FEO's email: He might be implying that I should do the DSC1 course as it's at the end of this month, which is a bit tight for licence issue, although not beyond the realms of possibility, but the mentor condition is the only one that is a requirement. The mentor, by the way, is someone quite well known but he hasn't agreed yet as he's a friend of a friend. Still chasing a couple of leads for another mentor locally but no luck so far
  10. According to my FEO, from conversations with his boss, I need to book and compete a DSC1 course, then get a signed letter from a mentor. I'm on the brink of giving up with trying to get the .243 for now
  11. You'll want the 17 for fox. Go for a CZ452, they seem to be well regarded
  12. I understood that they reduced the muzzle report down range, avoiding scaring the prey
  13. You might find there is no wood to screw into - dry lining is quite often just stuck on with plaster. If you drill through the plasterboard and into the wall behind, you could fit some long chemical studs. My cabinet bolts through the floor too with 4 coach screws (it's sat on a piece of plywood to spread the weight but the screws go straight through that and into the floorboards
  14. Don't use Convey Law or Gordons... Go local, it will cost a bit more but less stress
  15. No joy so far, but still got a couple of lines of enquiry to follow. They are insisting on someone with an open licence, despite stating quite clearly he's allowed to shoot his .243 on my land (which will be happening tomorrow!). Am on the verge of just going for the rimfire and putting in a variation down the line for a .243, despite the cost...
  16. The chap that offered to be my mentor for a .243 has been turned down because he doesn't have an open licence. Anyone in the Heathfield area who could offer to mentor me?
  17. Fortune. I agree with you to some extent. I do feel that people should have some instruction etc. before being allowed to shoot on their own but as you say, what qualifies a mentor to do such?
  18. Problem now is that my mate doesn't yet have an open licence and they'd like him to, despite clearing my land. He said "fair enough, give me an open licence then, I've been shooting for some time" and they said "no". At least the FEO wants me to have a licence but finding another mentor is going to be problematic
  19. I've heard this "wouldn't accept" before but how do I go about it? The land is 10 acres & gently to medium sloped (you wouldn't want to cycle up it) and I was intending on doing most of my shooting prone - he reckoned with a natural upright stance I'd be in danger of shooting over the boundary...
  20. Hi, which part of which Sussex are you from?
  21. Went fairly well, I think. I'd cheekily asked for a .243 and it looks likely they'll grant it, albeit with a mentoring condition. Now, I know BASC are opposed to any conditions but I feel this one is fair enough. However, I asked my mate (one of my referees) to mentor me, which he was fine with. He sent an email off to the FEO and forwarded the reply - looks like they're asking for mentoring for rimfire too, which I'm less thrilled about. At least I wasn't swayed when he suggested FAC air but he also implied I'd need to shoot from a high seat for all calibres. It's a start and not a "no", which is the main thing. He was happy with cabinet anyway (didn't try to pull it off the wall - in fact, he asked if it was bolted to the wall or just held there by weight alone) and did mention any legal quarry so the magpies' days are limited...
  22. I wonder if it was the damaged safe I sent back?
  23. Was wondering why the police hadn't called to talk about my FAC application. Turns out I hadn't put my mobile number down & the number I'd stated has been disconnected. They eventually traced me through a call I'd made a while ago... Anyway, he's coming to chat next week...
  24. Can you post details of the silicone moulding stuff you use? I think you'd be better off trying to cast with wicks in situ. If you stiffen them with some melted wax, you could poke them through a small hole in the mould and have enough sticking out to make sure they're vertical, if that makes sense
  25. I nearly resorted to chemical fastenings but managed to get the expanding ones tight in the end. Just a shame there weren't more fixing holes on the back. Regarding security, don't know why an electronic one is deemed to be much less secure. With an angle grinder I could open any Bratton Sound without the key - might take a while but they're still thin steel. I'll keep you posted as to what the FEO says when he/she comes round
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