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Everything posted by NGhost

  1. I started shooting at about 18 when I belonged to the english civil war society . I found that I could get supper by shooting ducks with the matchlock! I then got a webly scot bolt action .410 that made it easyer. The next year I rented a cottage on a small holding (rather big small holding) got more guns and started blasting the pigeons. Nigel
  2. I have been told that you cant call pigeon. (why do they make all that noise then?) Nigel
  3. Is that a 20 or a 28 bore? Seems well proportioned to your lad. Nigel
  4. Speaking of .20 has any one had a go of the sheradon?(not sure of spelling) pnumatic rifle? looks cheap. Nigel
  5. Maj. T dosent know who you are can you email your name?
  6. I have permission to shoot in a wood at nuffield not far from nettlebed. Suprisingly productive for a 27 acre wood.
  7. I thought every one had staff... How do you get the cartridges in the gun without them.
  8. Maj One of my staff lives in shabbington Terry very keen on gun dogs. Do you know him?
  9. NGhost


    In the 19th century a chap in oxford was trying to taste every animal he could. The two things he said was the worst: Bulebottle flys, and moles. Shame about the moles always fancied having a go at them.
  10. I'm in Wheatley just outside oxford on the M40.
  11. I use 3 bean poles and a vacume cleaner rubberband to make a tripod, works better than 2 as a bipod. Went out on saturdat night setup at the edge of a very large waren, bunnies scatterd, 2hours later not one had come back! walked 100 yards up the field, lodes of the chaps. shot one at 70 yards, whilst walking up to it saw another at 100 yards ish. Fired 8 shots at it missed each time 9th... a very satisfying whack and his eyes went out. walked up recoverd it, the biggest rabbit I have ever seen. went back to find the first.... No rabbit just the big dog fox that always seems to know how to give me an unsafe shot. The thing seems to know when the red light comes on its tea time!
  12. NGhost


    I dont hang anything (somtimes the phesants get a couple of days if i'm being a bit lazy). I like to get rid of whole crows asap they are horible things. Likwise with the squirrels as these are full of bighting fleas. I have a book from the us on preparing game (includes "coons" hmmm.) they dont seem to soak anything, though I am told that salt water can improve muddy taisting wild fowle.
  13. Flat pellets are used for target shooting, acurate enough :( the flat head helps cut the paper target.
  14. NGhost


    I eat all the rooks I shoot, infact my youngest son always asks "got any crows" when I come back from shooting. They are horible things to dress (they eat all sorts of c**p), so I just brest them out. It taste is very similar to pigeon. Substute it for pigeon in any recipe. Squirrel is realy nice but the skin takes a lot of removing. Now has any one tried fox?
  15. In the days of lead it was 42g lead, no.3 shot. But I know people that have used upto AAA 56g. I use 32g TM no.3 shot.(or 40gr HP .22 RF lead ) Choke about 1/2 is fine. (I prefer open chokes for all of my shooting) For duck I use 32g TM or steel both in 5 No. shot, 1/4 or IC choke
  16. CO2 is nearly safe, the problem you can get is frost bite! I use CO2 cylinders to inflate my bike tyers, when they vent onto your fingers you get a great big blister, if you pick up the cylinder afterwards it will stick (freeze) to your hand. The only way the gas will harm you is if you fill a poly bag with it and stick it over you head. The taking plants out of wards bit was a bit of a nonsense, as plant only gives out a tiny bit of CO2 at night, and this would be swamped by the amount the nurse would give out taking them away :laugh:
  17. As a student some 25 years ago I had a Biakal s/b. It had a lovely safety catch. With it engaged the gun would not go off if you pulled the trigger, however it did as soon as you dissengaged the safety. Made a mess of my boot but missed my foot! how lucky can you get. I now unload, or empty the breech with the s/a, I never use the safety.
  18. I got an ex RUC coat, dark green, gortex best coat I have ever owned, and only £70 from the army surplus. However I tend to use a £10 plastic thing for crawling around in the mud after bunnies and pigeons in the rain.
  19. I got a lightforce gives a beam usable to about 300yards, red to about 150. I leave the red filter on as the bunnies are not so skitish with it and my night vision is not wrecked. I was going to get Deben Mini but they only had it as a compleat kit (in the gun shop) and the Lightforce on its own was almost the same price and I have batteries for the pigeon rotor.
  20. They are great fun but if you miss they dont tell you that much as it is dificult to tell just how far out you are. If you hit you know it. If you use them in a wood the tracer can ricochet of the smallest of twiggs giving a rather entertaining display. But because you are watching for the tracer you will miss most of the time.
  21. I made my own poles and used the thing that you have on adjustable tent poles. It is a couple of stainless bands with a thumb screw going through. If you find one that fits your lower pole drill a small hole fit the device and you will have a very servicable adjuster.
  22. I have never paid the asking price for a gun (oh just the hushpower). Get to know the real market price, go into your local shop offer what you think its worth, if they say no, ask for a free gunslip and 100 cartridges to be thrown in. If the answere is still no and your sure they are over charging walk out. It helps if you are a regular customer.
  23. I have a Bennelli Super Centro, Its not cheap but has everything I want in a gun. A couple of times I have put a few hundred shells through (on a clay ground) put it away without cleaning and it still cycled 24g loads next time out. Cleaning is realy easy, put the paradox cleaning mop through the barel, wipe the bolt, put in locker, done. The heaviest load I have used was 56g, the lightest was a 24g subsonic (a very, very light home load) it would jam with this load but then the load gives vertualy no recoil. I would not exchang it for any other sa. Oh yes they use beretta chokes. (not suprising as I beleve Benelli are owned by beretta)
  24. Many years ago as a student, I lived on a farm and outside the bathroom was a "sitty" tree. I used to lay in the bath and shoot pigeon untill the water went cold. Only problem was the ferral cats learned to sit under the tree
  25. Yep, I use the Browning electronic ones. The best around.
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