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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. I'm speaking in general and like all people, there's good and bad, but read through this thread and it shows my communitys experience of the local hunt was not an isolated incident, far from it in fact.
  2. I don't think its anything to do with class, its simple plain manners, riding through other peoples fields, abusing people walking on public land, damaging other peoples hedge rows/fences, telling people to put their dogs on a lead in public areas or their hounds might attack their dogs and many other instances of disgraceful behaviour which is plain wrong, regardless of if you have billions or a penny to your name.
  3. I'm with the majority on this one. Hunting foxes with hounds is gone for good and I can't say I'm too sorry. Many of the hunts did themselves no favours, or us by association, the sheer arrogance on many who took part apart from anything, riding around the countryside as if they owned everything being downright rude to landowners, farmers and other members of the public. They'll get no support from me.
  4. I'm not advocating hanging theives but society would be a lot better without them, maybe 3 strikes and they get banged up for life, on their third offence, take away all but the most basic of human rights and they could be warehoused very cheaply unable to cause misery to decent people anymore?
  5. Cheers for that, it'll be interesting, but I hope it explains it all and links in with the, first alien film or I think the franchise (which was brilliant) is dead.
  6. Yep that's what it's looking like, although it's been received badly by the fans (not surprising really) so I could see them changing it all again anyway, in my opinion it's too much about the aliens rather than the engineers without enough explanation.
  7. Yes true and if the Scots genuinely want independence good luck to them, I believe in democracy. But at the same time the Scots must not be railroaded by a leader who is hell bent on getting what they want. I don't believe for one second NS is that worried about being in the EU and has simply hijacked it to get her own way. As for Wales, I don't think the appetite is their for independence, bar a very small minority.
  8. The Scots had their vote, it was a once in a generation referendum if I remember correctly.
  9. No matter what anyone does people are going to die, its a virus and doesn't discriminate, what could anyone have done better? You could completely lock the country down and watch people starve to death as society riots and falls.
  10. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-eu-farage-idUSKBN28Y0XW
  11. Doesn't it show that if we'd rolled over like Theresa May wanted to do in the beginning, we'd be tied to an awful deal, little different to being in the EU, if Farage had led negotiations in the beginning we'd have an even better deal. I'm looking forwards to seeing what it all means, I still feel sceptical, due to being lied to for 4 years, but fingers crossed we have a half decent deal.
  12. Yep, I'll be amazed if we get a good deal out of the EU mob. Don't get me wrong, I'll be over the moon if we do but I just can't see it, I'd feel much happier if no deal was announced, but time will tell I guess.
  13. Having opposing ideas does not make people fools. You'd simply need to set a higher burden of proof for the death sentence to be passed, I.e beyond any doubt, I haven't read it but Kiszko can't have been as the test in the UK has always been beyond reasonable doubt.
  14. https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1375510/brexit-news-eu-fishing-quote-latest-boris-johnson-eu-trade-deal-negotiation Thank god for that, fingers crossed it stays that way until the 31st.
  15. As above, some rivers in full spate are an absolute no, no. If you value your dog it's simply not worth the risk unless absolutely sure it's safe.
  16. While I obviously don't disagree with any of the points you addressed to me. That wasnt what I pointed out. What I can't understand is why your first thought always seems to be with the perpetrator of a crime, Ive never once seen you say how outraged you are at an offender, I have seen you defend them though, I just think it's a strange outlook. In this case I'm not so sure the person who had their bike stolen was a squeaky clean person themselves. On the other hand, you have look at it and think if the toe rag hadn't stolen the guys bike, none of this heart ache would ever have happened, I'm just glad no one innocent was hurt.
  17. Yes but without a deposit, he won't get a mortgage and if he has no way of raising one, due to paying rent he'll never own his own place, I'm not saying its a good idea but it'd depend on his personal circumstances.
  18. Problem is, if he doesn't have the money for a deposit, he may stay in debt renting, paying someone else's mortgage for them.
  19. I believe the real game is to make it all about fishing publicly, then at the eleventh hour, Boris will quietly sign off on the level playing field, sealing the uks fate to Brexit in name only, while the EU climb down on fishing, Boris proclaims victory and boasts of securing a fantastic deal for the county, when in reality, hell have sailed us up the river. I very much hope I'm wrong but after 4 years of being lied to by our own government, can anyone blame me! Like I've said all along, our best hope is that the EU continues to be so unreasonable that a deal can't be reached and then hopefully we can leave with no deal.
  20. While I don't condone vigilante action, I find it interesting that your first thought is to criticise someone other than the offenders. That's not like you!
  21. Yes agreed, I see the councils point that they don't want sex offenders wandering about who are no fixed abode making it hard to monitor where they are. But if they never came back out of prison there wouldn't be that problem anyway.
  22. I very much doubt it since it is predatory behaviour, which in other sexual offenders who are prodominantly white, will usually target strangers. But who knows, that's why it needs proper investigation.
  23. Your right the vast majority of sex offenders in this country are white. This thread is about a very narrow crime which has had huge impact across the country, someone else made a good post about it earlier in the thread. The unusual thing about grooming gangs is why a large network of predominately male, Muslims, of Pakistani origin are committing that specific offence and what can be done about it. Its certainly not about tarring all Muslims, Pakistanis, or men with the same brush. I can't see what's so hard to understand. Good point.
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