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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. It's funny, many things in life are not what they first appear, particularly it seems when the main stream media are involved.
  2. Not necessarily, but if they're not, they won't be selling many here because people will be buying Japanese and other cars outside the EU at a much cheaper price, I'll certainly be one of them. One manufactured in the EU trading block, I.e german, Italian, French ect.
  3. If we have a no deal brexit the cost of eu cars will either come down or they will loose the UK as a customer, either way I win, the EU however will loose.
  4. I don't mind swapping a german car for a cheaper Japanese one, happy days.
  5. I very much hope so, maybe a little bit of short term pain, but no deal will be fantastic for this country, certainly miles better than any "deal" the EU has offered until now.
  6. I think you've missed it, I said no such thing. Most illegal guns on uk streets are blank firers or reactivated firearms, which tend to be poor quality and unreliable. Most of the serious weapons, sub machine guns and assault rifles are smuggled by Eastern European crime gangs, or that was the case until recently anyway. I Dont understand why your always looking to jump on people, or deny facts when an ethnicity is mentioned, the UK has many crimes predominantly carried out by White British, but just like the Rotherham scandle, if people ignore the truth for fear of being "labeled", very bad consequences can follow.
  7. Yes really! Maybe it's not the largest problem with illegal firearms in this country, but its certainly a big part of the problem. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6534023/Eastern-European-crime-gangs-smuggling-guns-UK-warns-police-chief.html
  8. Got to be honest, I keep swinging between thinking trump lost fairly and the election might be a stitch up. I'm going to wait and see, it's certainly getting interesting.
  9. Why do you assume you are somehow more enlightened than everyone else who voted for brexit? +1 I think there's little doubt if the vast majority of the general public was asked, they'd agree with this.
  10. I think it's excellent news, the UK business model will dramatically change in some areas and with any major restructure, there will be winners and losers, but stopping mistreatment of British live stock on an industrial scale has to be a positive step.
  11. I don't want economic migrants who will add nothing to the UK anymore than farage, but I'm sure he like me would never watch another human being die if it could be prevented. You'd have to be inhuman for that.
  12. Unless your claiming that Spain, Italy, France, Germany ect aren't safe, or refugees are coming straight from the likes of Syria or Iraq, directly to UK shores, it would seem absolutely obvious wouldn't you agree?
  13. Interesting, but much of it is nonsense, if your genuinely fleeing persecution, you'd stop at the first safe country, not risk your life crossing the Channel in a dinghy, the whole joining other family members is nonsense to, otherwise, how did the family members get here in the first place?
  14. Interesting, I always wondered why they did it and now I know.
  15. Yeah likewise, I find some of the adverts hilarious, they'll feature a disabled person, a mixed race couple, a transgender person, a few different ethnicitys and some gay people. I've got to say I've never yet had a day I passed that many different people with protected characteristics on the street, not that I'd care if I did, I just find it funny, they feel the need to do that on an advert, almost as if being white and straight is the minority.
  16. I thought genuine refugees should be looked after in the first safe country they get to. If that's not correct, please enlighten us?
  17. what has colour got to do with being responsible? And you can also be white and not British you know.
  18. Don't worry, unfortunately the surge in dogs will end with the Covid pandemic when people go back to work and decide they haven't time anymore, the rehoming centres will be bursting at the seams.
  19. Yeah I'm not sure I follow 🤔
  20. Apart from anything else, I think the BBC is a vile organisation, they send intimidating letters out to everyone, threatening debt collectors and legal action and send people out, demanding to be let in to their homes to anyone who doesn't pay for a licence, including those who legally don't need one. It's amazing it's allowed to go on in todays age, it is effectively state sponsored intimidation,with a presumsion of guilt.
  21. That's not the point, the point is, he's done nothing to deserve one. No one on here has said he's not a very talented f1 driver.
  22. This is correct. But like I said, unless it's really unsafe, it's very unlikely your going to have an issue, there's probably a million different things in a domestic house that could potentially get you sued if someone injured themselves. I have always applied simple common sense, I.e if it's dangerous, get it sorted if not, I don't worry. But whatever floats your boat. 👍
  23. Technically yes, if something is unsafe on your property and someone hurts themselves because of it, they could hold you liable, even if it was a burglar. I would say its a bit of a strange thing to worry about though, unless it really is very unsafe.
  24. I've tried to keep an open mind on it, I felt the accusations with that earth shattering they must surely have had some very strong evidence. But as yet its looking rather silly, especially since trump for all his faults has in fairness done some pretty big things for the USA, now he'll be remembered for his leaving stunt, rather than some of the good he did.
  25. I think there's more important things to be worried about like enjoying life while we're here, than the cost of a funeral after we're not,each to their own though.
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