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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Got to agree, I see a lot of noise coming from trumps legal team, but it seems to reduce to mutterings in court. I think all they've shown is small scale frauds have taken place, like any election, but they certainly haven't proved anything wide scale yet, or at least not to my mind.
  2. That's concerning to say the least, although in itself its obviously not proof of wide scale fraud, its evidence fraud and or errors can and do happen. Take the whole trump and election debate out of it, in the UK I and many others have thought for a long time postal voting in particular needs looking at as its wide open to vote rigging.
  3. Since you've posted at 2a.m in the morning it's not really surprising you haven't had many replies yet. The point is though, it's not about his obvious talent as a F1 driver, it's asking what he's done to deserve a knighthood, many on here don't believe being able to drive a car fast deserves that and I am in that camp, to me he appears a very self centred narcissistic person.
  4. I feel exactly the same and that was part of the very point I was making, I'm sure those that voted leave would love to do just that, get on with it, leave the EU and forget all about it, the problem is, many (obviously not all) who voted remain simply will not leave it go and those in power will simply not concede, as it appears president trump could be doing (if what he's claiming is proved false of course)
  5. Your clearly not over brexit as you've posted about it several times, as your worried the british gravy train is about to dry up, enjoy Germany and don't expect the British to fund you and the rest of Europe.
  6. There is a trade deficit in the EUs favour of something like 100 billon plus we pay something in the region of 34 billion for the privilege. We're like a giant customer, but we can shop elsewhere. You don't see tesco charging an entry fee, if they did, we'd shop elsewhere!
  7. It was probably a message from Google rather than home bargains. You need to turn your location settings off, as at the moment Google will have a tracking history of everywhere you've ever been since you had that phone. Go into Google maps and click on your timeline, then check out dates, once youve picked your jaw up off the floor, alter your settings.
  8. How about tyson fury, he's the lineal undisputed heavyweight champion of the world and has come back from huge personal adversity, against all odds to do it. But it'll never happen, he doesn't fit the profile.
  9. Another good assessment and how I feel at present.
  10. I've got an open mind on election fraud, postal vote rigging has been going on for years, the question is whether it's large scale fraud capable of cheating an election, I await the courts decision in that respect. My above post is just highlighting the same point as yours, it goes both ways, and the same people trying to block brexit, or prove Russia collusion and vote rigging are some of the quickest to rubbish trumps claims.
  11. Do any politicians care one jot about anyone but themselves? If farage or anyone else will action what was democratically voted for, they'll get my vote, Boris says he will and time will tell, but if he doesn't, I believe the tories are finished.
  12. I think this is a good assessment, but it swings both ways, no one sensible can claim that remainers in power have not been blocking brexit for years and yet many people will argue black is white in that respect. Calling for second referendums, we didn't know what we voted for, it wasn't a legally binding vote, the list goes on and on. That type of politics is a very dangerous game to play and we may well see more of it here now its been done. Farage said it best when he stated, for democracy to work, the loosing side must concede (or words to that effect), that's certainly not what's happened with brexit and now trump looks like he's decided to play the same game.
  13. Quite correct, however if most people who voted leave are annoyed enough to vote for him and his party, he'd win by a landslide. The brexit referendum was the largest vote in this country's history. Either way, it'd be enough to destroy the tories which I would happily watch if they're arrogant enough to row back on the strongest mandate of democracy given to politicians this country has ever known.
  14. I don't know, but I believe if Boris is stupid enough to ignore the mandate given to him via the referendum to leave the EU, farage will certainly get enough votes from disgruntled leave voters to ruin the Conservative party and may get enough to win, who knows. It should have been straight forward, either a free trade deal, which to be fair to the EU, they said was not possible, in which case no deal, as was promised before the referendum took place. What stopped it being simple was all the remainiacs in power blocking democracy, as is happening with trump refusing to step aside if its shown trumps vote fixing allegations are false.
  15. Farage, that's who I'd be voting for under those circumstances.
  16. Really hope your right Scully 👍
  17. Any revelations, I can't be bothered to watch 2.5hrs of video.
  18. That's right because any 'deal' done with the EU is likely to be a rubbish deal not much different to remaining, give us a deal like any other normal country would expect to sign up to, or just no deal and you'd see a lot of very happy leave voters. It's really not hard to understand.
  19. That's how our voting system works, the winning side was to leave, which means leaving and becoming a independent county again, no EU Court supremacy, no freedom of movement, no EU negotiations of who we can trade with ect. Anything short of that doesn't deliver what was voted for, as you well know. If we can do a deal like any other sovereign country would, then all the better, but I just don't trust the EU or our own politicians, time will tell but I'll certainly not be holding my breath.
  20. Yep, it's already been mentioned by the remainiacs along with Biden becoming potus
  21. Just a hunch, maybe it's my distrust after being let down and ignored over the last 4 years, but I smell a rat, the EU is suddenly being reasonable, Cummings has left, the withdrawal agreement that should never have been signed, the noise over fishing as if that's the sole biggest issue, I think they've quietly done a deal that will go back on the referendum, there's simply too many in power who won't allow brexit to happen.
  22. I've a horrible feeling we've been done over again, with Cummings gone I think Boris is going to break his election promise and yet again ignore the referendum result. Time will tell and I hope I'm wrong, but it doesn't look good to me.
  23. I think that's how most leavers feel now. After the remainiacs behaviour trying to stop the decision of the referendum, plus the lack of trust after the bully boy tactics from the EU side, we've lost all faith and would feel happier with a clean break, I personally want nothing more to do with the EU (the made up and unelected group, not the continent).
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