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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. I think the benefits agenda is quite a separate issue, I believe the reason no government would dare to tackle it is you would create dangerous people and civil unrest, some on benefits would not work if they were cut and would simply turn to crime, I honestly think you would see riots. That's why we all know of people who claim benefits that they have no right to and are playing the system. Obviously many on benefits also need them and should be on them, before anyone jumps on me.
  2. It's always the way. How many MPs came out to assist, like members of the public did, the answer, apparently 1 (who was an ex military service), yet it is the senior figures who decides who is brave and gives out awards, while they hide away, that officer should be locked up, he is a coward of the highest order, to sit there as a police officer, he will have sworn to protect the public, he has taken the money for years and when it came to it he hid. I would not have hesitated as a civilian to do what I could, let alone as a police officer, if you take the money and the responsibility, you take the risk in my view, to run away when faced with danger, no matter how grave, you shouldn't have taken the job in the first place, you've taken the job a useful person could have occupied.
  3. He was a pescetarian, which is a vegetarian that also eats fish apparently.
  4. +1 it's gold, the only bit worth watching, there's a morel to that story.
  5. Spot on, make no mistake, this "deal" will have been agreed and gifted to the EU months ago by TM and her remainiac friends.
  6. I couldn't agree more, the west is far from innocent.
  7. Agreed it's not absolute proof, also I'm very weary of our media, that said, as bad as the west behaves in its goal of world domination, Russia wants exactly the same, they've acted terribly during ww2, the rush between us and them to take Germany, the splitting of Korea, Ukraine (although I admit they were provoked with that one), Russia is far from innocent either and what annoys me is the danger they have caused to innocent civilians on our soil, Mr Skiprals daughter, the woman who is now dead and her partner who will also have life changing injurys.
  8. I completely agree, the west behaves no better, however, the amount of evidence against Russian with the skripals poisoning is overwhelming.
  9. There's no doubt the BBC is bias and left wing, but unless people are denying what the BBC have alleged he said, does that not show a motive, bearing in mind he was originally exchanged in a spy swap, so Putin has got his man back and also sent the message to anyone else thinking of defecting, he's sort of had his cake and eaten it.
  10. Just an online news outlet. Here's a link https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/world-europe-45732221
  11. In the latest update on this, Putin has denounced ex Russian spy Mr Skipral a scumbag, I'm really struggling to understand how anyone can now still claim the Russian state isn't behind this.
  12. I think that would get alot of support 👍
  13. I've never heard anything so ridiculous in my life, there seems to be this thought process with some on the hard left that anything that offends a tiny minority can be dealt with by banning it, it's ridiculous, if we went down that rabbit hole we'd end up with not being allowed to breath. Someone somewhere will always find something annoying, offensive, or intolerable, banning widespread practice will never solve anything as there'll always be something else ridiculous for a left wing nut to find offensive.
  14. On the plus side for brickies, employers will have to pay them better if they don't want them leaving then, wages are always set by supply and demand, companies will also need to offer more apprenticeships to ensure they have enough, which in turn will mean more decent jobs for the young who otherwise may have ended up working for minimum wage all their life, there's always going to be pros and cons with any major change, sterling drops equals better for exports.
  15. Absolutely, after all alot of the founders of both those countries came from Britain, alot of the ex commonwealth country's also share at least some of our culture, I see brexit as opening the UK to the rest of the world, rather than as we are forced to do at the moment being a EU member and shunning alot of it.
  16. With regards key non skilled labour, I agree, something will need to be done differently and of course a change as big as brexit will bring some challenges, however Australia and New Zealand do well using a visa scheme so there are ways around it that mean we don't need to basically give everyone in the EU a british passport.
  17. That's the whole point though, if May is to be believed, we're to adopt a skills based migration policy, where we only let people in who are beneficial to the country, which is a huge shift from what has happened up until now. As for your second paragraph, I think that's wrong to, Australia, America ect we share alot of common culture with them.
  18. At the moment, any member of the EU can come here as they have automatic right, under a hard brexit, we can let in anyone we want, or stop anyone we want, it would seem sensible to only allow those into this country that will benefit your average Joe, rather than has happened which is to flood the low skilled market, driving wages and living standards down and thereby benefiting mainly huge corporations who like to pay minimum wage. It might also encourage those same large businesses to help train UK residents where there are skill shortages.
  19. The arrogance of the EU really does have no bounds, why do they think our immigration policy will have anything at all to do with them after brexit, they seem to genuinely believe they rule us (which to be fair they probably do at the moment) and will continue to do so, even after a hard brexit. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/oct/02/eu-anger-over-mays-post-brexit-immigration-plan
  20. Like others have already said, I just think it could have been done a bit more quietly and although more effective in some areas, I think trapping gives the antis more scope to tarnish shooters, the two threads I've seen on here regarding badgers and antis have both involved trapping, I just worry that shooting doesn't need any further negative press, regardless if it's baseless or not.
  21. You'll never get an honest account from antis. I do worry what impact the cull will have on public perception of shooting, the problem is the badger has been portrayed as a fluffy symbol of the countryside, that goes about its day and causes no harm, never mind it has no natural predators and has therefore bred out of control for years, of course we know different, but with our sport already under massive pressure, I'm not sure shooting in the way the cull has been conducted was the best way forward, I think it can only lead to further pressure from the public to ban shooting and plays into the hands of antis that will stop at nothing to twist the truth.
  22. May is already prepared to give even more away than her chequers deal, she's asking the EU to come back with a counter offer and she will consider making further concessions. I just don't trust her, we should have had a Brexiteer leading the negotiation from the start, she doesn't believe in brexit and her mind is obviously set that we must get a deal whatever the cost, it would appear even at the cost of delivering a brexit in name only.
  23. https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1024966/Brexit-latest-rees-mogg-tory-party-conference Fingers crossed for a hard brexit, but I doubt we'll get it, the majority of our politicians are determined to undo the referendum and deliver a Brexit in name only.
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