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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. personally, I'm against this type of shooting, especially when it's of an endangered species. All the years I've been shooting has been for conservation of some sort (at least in my head anyway) and not solely for sport. In my mind this type of shooting does little good at best and certainly harm's shootings reputation. I would not look down on someone for doing it however as we all make our own choices and justify what we do in our own way.
  2. I think the rules have been changed since I packed boxing in but it used to be that there were three judges who all had to press a button within about a second of each other to score a point, a knock down scored no extra points, problem being if a older judge was slower on the button due to his reaction time, a good hit wouldn't be scored, I think it's now changed to a professional scoring system at the same time head guards whent which I think is a positive step to be fair
  3. Hw97 for me, just find I'm more accurate with it, however it's personal choice really, you can't go far wrong with either.
  4. It was for some years but I haven't seen one there for 15-20 years
  5. This brings back memories, I'd forgotten all about puff balls. Me and my friends would spend hours playing with them when we were kids, we had no clue what they were but they were everywhere, giant brown ones about the size of a football that released what looked like smoke if you squeezed them.
  6. In fairness I'm not saying it's never happened but I've never heard of a cyclist causing a serious accident being drunk or using a phone, drivers however heard of loads which is why it was banned in the first place. I'm also someone who believes as long as they're being sensible there's nothing wrong with having a nip or two from a hip flask on a pheasant shoot, live and let live I say.
  7. I think Chris may be right in as much as T May (pro EU), Johnson (deep down pro EU) would like the brexit 'light' option, the question is if the rest of the Tory party allow them to get away with it. One thing I believe is a certainty is if the Tory party allow them to get away with it, I don't believe the British people will in the next election.
  8. The fact is the downturn has been caused solely by uncertainty by businesses, virtually nothing has changed and it's some of the remain camp with their story's and prophecy's of doom and gloom that is currently driving it.
  9. He sure is and has got some bargains shame he's so far from me
  10. I can't see that being right, plus what's the EU going to do about it if a county pulled out anyway, go to war over it, I don't think so
  11. Looks like the scare mongering in camp are being proved wrong http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/07/20/ftse-100-smashes-6700-but-pound-flounders-below-131-as-investors/
  12. This is what gets me with some of the legal profession, they attempt to 'uphold' the letter of the law instead of the spirit of it which the original law was intended to represent in the first place, making a tidy profit from it along the way.
  13. I'd have thought if the eu won't buy our fish at a reasonable price we could sell it elsewhere in the world, fishing is another area I'm not entirely knowledgeable about but it seems the French have got a cheek, why should they have access to our waters, in my head that'd be like us demanding access to drill oil from Saudi, or we won't buy their oil? I'm sure they'd tell us to go whistle if we did
  14. Cheers for reply guys, has certainly put some of my concerns to bed. I'm really positive about brexit and what I feel it could allow the uk to do. I also personally feel we have honoured all those before us who paid for our freedoms and democracy in blood. I never liked May as a politician but she's making the right noises at the moment, what's people's thoughts on her at present? Do you think she's going to put our money where her mouth is? +1
  15. There are different types of fitness and there's always a trade off so it's like comparing apples and oranges I.e sprinter vs marathon runner, I think most fight a sports I.e boxing/mma are up there for all rounders as they need endurance, power and strength coupled with mental toughness to keep going not just when tired but also getting beat up
  16. This is all good news and confirms what the out campaign stated would happen, I am still concerned about the financial sector, what with the French trying their best to take it over and the amount its worth to our economy.
  17. My biggest fear with brexit, in the short term, is losing the current monopoly we seem to have on the banking sector within the EU. Our manufacturing industries have fallen to practically nothing and building the country's economy back up if we lost revenue from the banking sector could take a long time. With that said I'm still currently in no doubt brexit was right for the uk. Anyone with knowledge in this area views or opinions?
  18. Granett, you've come on here and accused several members of being racist and implied that anyone voting brexit wasn't intelligent enough to know what they were doing. You accused members on another post of threatening you in some way which was equally as ridiculous. You seem genuinely confused as to why I and others have had enough of you and your unfounded accusations. It would be stupid of me to claim, like in all of society, that there's nobody on here who holds racist views, but i can assure you that I do not, (probably likewise most of the others you've judged to, although I can't speak for them), I appreciate its hard to communicate via the internet and views can be misconstrued, if you knew me and met some of my friends (several of whom are from several different racial backgrounds by the way) and you knew what I'd spent the past decade doing for my job (I've literally put my life on the line to protect others from harm, regardless of who they are or where they came from), you'd understand why Ive been so offended by your accusations. To reiterate my point, I get its easy to misinterpreted posts and for my part my +1 posts have at times implied I agree with posts in their entirety as apposed to segments of them, which has added to the confusion, I enjoy PW and also specifically the complex debate around brexit, if you'd like to start again I would find it interesting, despite our different views, to continue discussing brexit, I will not however tolerate being called a racist when you know nothing about me or what I've done, that said I genuinely hope we can move on.
  19. Agreed, I'm starting to wonder if there's something wrong with him, either that or a troll
  20. There's probably (give or take) the same number of racists in the country before the referendum, the only thing that's changed is its been bought to the fore by the referendum, once it's settled down the racist scum will crawl back under the rocks from where they came, what you can't seem to get is voting brexit in no way makes anyone a racist.
  21. I'm not going to credit yet another allegation from you that I'm racist, I don't care what mud you sling at me, you've proved yourself to be an idiot to everyone on here, as you well know I've made no racist comments and in fact quite the opposite, i guessed your profession as I've met your type before, self righteous, self centred with above all an incredible ability to twist the truth, wouldn't surprise me if you specialise in defence, defending murders and the like twisting the truth and attempting to get them off via a loophole, for the record I've also met several very decent legal professionals to. Oh and don't forget it's not just my +1 contributions but also the times I've mocked you for making a fool of yourself on an unbelievable regularity.
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