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Everything posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. Legs 11! And so it grows - today Northolt, tomorrow, the world... Err... sorry, where was I? Oh yes - just spoken to ACST, they're expecting us, and are fine with it being a large group. We don't need to book the skeet layout specially - as we are a large group we will squad together. Local rules; Make sure you have your license with you. They will book everyone in, and send someone with us to where we will be shooting first, to check that we are safe sensible chaps, which, of course, we are... 28g max load, max shot size 5/6 2 cartridges max in s/a or p/a (sorry, chaps :( ) No restrictions on wad type No local rules on carrying guns between stands, other than "be safe". See you all on the 11th
  2. ... and with the addition of wraivi's mate Gas Operated, we have now reached double figures Wingman CaptainBeaky Impala59 quentyn Wraivi theshootist arm3000gt Beaky Jr Scrumbag Gas Operated Ill phone them on Wednesday (when they are next open).
  3. Excellent Wingman CaptainBeaky Impala59 quentyn Wraivi theshootist arm3000gt Beaky Jr Scrumbag
  4. Do they allow section 1 guns? I'll check when I phone.
  5. Excellent! Number One Son is also interested, so: Wingman CaptainBeaky Impala59 quentyn Wraivi theshootist arm3000gt Beaky Jr Enough for a squad
  6. Good man! So that's: Wingman CaptainBeaky Impala59 Quentyn Wraivi Keep 'em coming, pumpers...
  7. Just checked... Expressions of intent from: Scrumbag The shootist Arm3000gt Still intending to come, gents?
  8. Ok, I'll keep adding to this post as people chime in: Wingman CaptainBeaky Impala59 Roll up, roll up!
  9. Ok, peeps - could we please have a show of (virtual) hands for numbers at the inaugural PW Pump Club Clay Shoot? Wingman is away with work at the moment, so I'll phone them with numbers and check on any restrictions etc.
  10. Before I phone them to ask, does anyone happen to know what, if any, restrictions they state concerning cartridges? IE max shot size/load, plastic wad/felt wad etc?
  11. 'Enry is now reassembled, working and open for business. Just need to get some practice in...
  12. If they were, I'd have one already... If they were, I'd have one already...
  13. Today, I welded 'Enry's action bar back together, and added a reinforcing plate, to hopefully avoid a repeat breakage...
  14. Nice work Looking forward to the shoot (still trying to find time to mend 'Enry :sad: )
  15. Belt grinder with a large diameter contact wheel is the usual way to do it...
  16. Congratulations to you both
  17. Nope, but that's no reason not to try it
  18. Ah, ok - Never seen a fixed choke one!
  19. Multi choke, surely? What are the markings on the choke tube? (Just forward of the gnurled ring)
  20. Mahalo are quite good for the price - there are forums dedicated to the ukulele, so you may find a more informed opinion on there. That said, you generally get what you pay for. The proper uke tuning pegs are a PITA - modern geared tuners are much easier to use and keep in tune. Expect to have to tune it every day!
  21. See if you can get hold of some MicroMesh - washable abrasive sheets, going down to very fine grit (I have some 12000 grit, and IIRC out goes to 24000). Brilliant for getting a mirror finish.
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