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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. 40000 a day 😱 that's some amount of crispy duck! On a large commercial scale wet definitely blows dry out of the water. Scald them, chuck them in and a minute or two later they're done compared to having to hold them up to a plucking machine and do them dry. But on a small to medium scale dry is definitely the way to go. The Bingham plucker blow straight into a bag, there's no scalder or running water to factor in and as Bornfree says you can average 1400 a day.
  2. Most I ever did was 30 one Xmas and 10 geese but fortunately I had help. It's quite lucrative still. I sold every single one bar 4 which were Xmas presents. I charged £3.75/lb and people snapped my hand off. I did reduce the price on a couple which were over 30lbs dressed! I had trouble one day when they knocked the feeder over and decided to try and eat each other instead! And I had them a fortnight earlier which is why they got so big but it also meant the 3 stags, that got chucked in by mistake by Cyril Bason, got randy and a couple had scratches on their backs. I stand in a jumbo bag and pluck straight in to it. On my wanted list is a dry plucker and a small chiller room!
  3. £70 😭😭😭 I can't even find one for 5 times that!!!! My fingers have just about recovered from the bloody wing feathers now! I did 19 by hand. Killed the first one on Tuesday afternoon and dressed the last one last night.
  4. Go for a dry plucker. They're more expensive but less risk of damaging a bird, you don't need to buy a boiler as well and you're not dealing with wet feathers everywhere. Some even blow the feathers straight into a bag. If I ever get more than 40p to my name I'm going to get a dry plucker.
  5. Why would you ever need a bayonet on an AK47? Surely you keep spraying bullets at them until they die, run away or you run out and then proceed to beat them to death with the AK47. Give it a swill in a puddle to get the blood off, tip the water out and find some more ammo.
  6. WMS in Llanidloes they do all sorts of long range stuff with all sorts of calibres. Bit of a trek but there's some nice places to stop over thar way.
  7. Can't help per say but I saw Mrs Sykes, who owns the Gatton, yesterday out hunting. She's alive and well if not a little bit madder than she used to be. Best boss I ever had by far.
  8. At the hip, pointing forwards, arcing left to right in a half crouched,stooped position 😂 I've taken to carrying the rifle muzzle down pointing slightly forward. If by some miracle it went off on its own - because as any good anti gun person will tell you guns want to shoot people of their own volition - the shot is going to land a foot in front of me. There's no one right way to carry a firearm, as long as the sharp end is pointed in a safe direction, you aren't swinging it through people when you unshoulder it and if you're carrying it loaded and ready to go an accidental/negligent discharge is going to go in a safe direction then that's pretty much all you can hope for.
  9. Moved a bag of wheat and left a fenn where it had been. Snap 1 more. Woohoo 1/4 of a century up! 199
  10. Chalk up another fat one. Takes me to 24 in about 6 weeks I think. 196
  11. Delivered some venison steaks to mine this morning. They don't drink so venison is the easy option.
  12. If I'm honest I forgot to take it off. I normally would. I took the back bone out, Mrs BTJ and the step daughter are a pain in the **** when it comes to chops and won't just pick them up and eat them and end up leaving loads on the bone, or I have to cut the bones out before I serve them so I did away with it! I also did a rack of lamb and a rack of mutton with the others, it's good but I'm not entirely happy with how clean I got the bones.
  13. @WestonSalop If you want a good meal go to La Dolce Vita in Shrewsbury town. It's above the more well known Paulos but knocks spots off anywhere else. The son is or was a chef on the Welsh cooking team, the mother is also an excellent chef. I haven't been for ages but it's probably my favourite place to eat when I've got some money to my name!
  14. Buy a sausage stuffer to add to the collection it is SO much easier than trying to use the mincer.
  15. Been desperate for a cold snap for a month so I could kill some lambs and a barren ewe. Missed the frosty week last week with hurting my back but the forecast was good for this week that it wouldn't get above 5 degrees till today. I killed two lambs and the ewe on Tuesday afternoon. Treating myself to an electric hoist was definitely a good idea it made lifeting much easier! Chopped them up yesterday afternoon and they cut very well. The lambs were small but I expected that, the ewe had very little milk and they just don't do the same on a bottle and they definitely weaned early so never grew. The ewe was a Torwen that belongs to the FIL. Hes list interest so I'm running them with ours. She didn't hold to the tup and we're at a size now we can cull hard and Barren ewes are top of the hit list. She's only 3 so although technically mutton she's no real age and will be very good eating. This is a photo of the better lamb.
  16. Add chiquitos to the list of places never to visit. And actually Panama Hatties by Chester was the same if not worse than Chiquitos.
  17. Solicitors can be particularly useless in property sales. 99% of the time it's a box ticking exercise for them. Our solicitor wasn't bad but our vendors solicitor was useless and ours were constantly chasing them.
  18. Murmeration that's the word Mt sleep deprived addled brain was searching for.
  19. Ah now I knew all my years of watching the history/discovery channel would come in handy. There was a similar case where hundreds of dead starlings were found scattered over a small area, dead as a door nail. They concluded that a perfect storm of weather conditions, predators and a massive conflagration of starlings. I can't remember exactly the weather conditions but they pretty much crashed into each other and knocked each other out of the sky to fall to their death.
  20. I'm a climate warrior fighting the scourge of single use plastics, I use them to light the fire most days 😂
  21. For a laugh wake up early and watch Wildlife SOS on channel 5 at 530am in the week. They 'rescue' and release everything. Dying RTA deer, RTA badgers and mangy foxes. I got an extra bit of permission recently bordering a small perm I have that's a wildlife X roads and the farmer explicitly said the RSPCA dump foxes on his groud and if I wanted the duck flighting I had to shoot every fox on sight.
  22. I'd do it just out of interest but I've killed and skinned 3 sheep this evening and it took the lorry 9 hours to get back from Newcastle race course last night so a trek to Alnwick to skin something that could be a human or an elephant, I'll have to pass. Give us a clue what is it?????
  23. Unlikely but there are 5 zoos in and around Alnwick according to Google.
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