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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. Years ago I remember they made a 20gr, a 17gr hollow point and the standard 17gr ballistic tip. I found the 20gr very accurate. I have shot a fair few over the years and I think winchesters are the most destructive but hornadys give you a touch more penetration. The 17 is the gun I carry through the spring when I'm lambing because it's light and relatively quiet if I see a fox when I'm amongst the ewes and lambs, not that my sheep are overly fussed by the noise of the bigger toys. I'm currently shooting hornadys because they've got that little bit of extra penetration if I need to flatten a fox and haven't got my favoured head shot. Just remember if you do chest shoot them you're likely to get a runner. They'll be dead but they won't know it for a little bit!
  2. Shamo or Co Shamo chickens are the favoured fighting types, we used to frequent the poultry sales as kids with grandad fobbing off unsuspecting visitors with trios of white silkies that were definitely trios but inevitably weren't! And well handled ferret kits that liked to bite because we never knew about vasectomised hobs or the injection for the Jills. There was decent money to be made on the silkies for a 12yr old but the big Shamo birds were the prize of the scary looking foreign blokes, much the same as the knackered brown laying hens were the prize of the Indian takeaway men!
  3. Tagg cycling waterproof trousers are light and pretty waterproof and have velcro on the calf and ankle so they sit well on your leg. And the regatta isotex 5000 jackets are lightweight and waterproof but more than a pacamac. The 10000 are better again and still very lightweight but will take up more room than a pacamac. The pair will set you back about 60 quid, possibly less if you find some on sale and you're a very big or very small size.
  4. You don't even need to be a scientist to see that reducing the badger population can only have a positive impact on reducing the prevalence of Tb. It's very basic mathematics; a population of 10000 with a 15% infection rate is obviously going to have a higher incidence of cattle/badger interaction than a population of 2500 with a 15% infection rate. And with continued culling eventually the infection level in the population will be depleted to >1% or less. The man looks like a badger so probably identifies as one! P.s Benthejockey1 is the artist formerly known as benthejockey, I lost my phone, no longer have access to my Severn equus email and forgot my password so it's been a ballache logging back into everything!
  5. You could use stockboard instead? It's a bit more expensive than ply but it's made from recycled plastic so it wont rot or suffer from not being waterproof.
  6. Thsts interesting. Mother had a sparrow hawk lose a fight with a double glazed window. I was going to have it and get it stuffed. I didnt in the end, I had no idea about all the regulations around it for a dead bird.
  7. Boots, moleskins, check shirt, green tie, V neck jumper, tidy coat and a cap and you'll be fine. That's my attire for shooting, first driven day was 2 years ago at the Rhug taking FIL's place. I thought of look like a poor relation but it was all I had and was all tidy just not what I had in my head as 'proper' shooting gear. I looked absolutely fine. Couldnt justify buying a set of breaks for the odd day maybe 2 a season when I can wear moleskins for loads of other country activities.
  8. 😂😂 hes not managed to cut an ear off yet though
  9. That's a fully functional gate I dont know what you're moaning about. You should have seen some of the proper Welsh gates I used to have to use when I was hunting in Wales. They were made of bale string with a hint of rusty metal.
  10. @team tractor is the man even though hes tamworth based. He'll make you a thing of great beauty...it may or may not come with blood stains depending on if he lops off various appendages or not 😉 hes an artist...like Van Gough 😂👂
  11. Ita not open all year round so much as there will be one species or another in season at any particular time of the year. With muntjac being on the menu all year round as an invasive species but i.n the case of muntjac good practice is to leave does that have young at foot.
  12. @Walker570they're always in short supply when I want to shoot one 😂 @NoBodyImportant where I live weve got roe and fallow deer but I've only got relatively small pockets of land to shoot so I have to work hard for my venison. The one 60 acre plot can be very productive around this time of year and then from December onwards its barren apart from foxes. Fallow are tricky to shoot because they're very transient and around me they get shot on sight so they end up nocturnal so actually arranging a date with one takes a lot of luck, I shot a small buck a week ago at 35yds. I nearly didnt go out and only sat under the tree where I did because I had one photo of one deer two nights previously. A 243 to the neck dropped him on the spot. He wasnt so small when I had to drag him 600yds and lift him into my pick up. He was 80kg just short and walking through long grass so looked small!
  13. Would an otter get in a crayfish trap? I'd have thought the opening would have been too smal? A tin of tuna with holes I'm is supposed to be good bait.
  14. Probably too much risk of catching natives at a guess although why catch and release couldn't be an option I donr know.
  15. More foxes have died post ban than pre ban. Pre ban foxes on hunting estates had a close season and were pretty well looked after. They were fit and healthy foxes because the stupid, slow, sick and injured got killed. It wasnt the most effective form of pest control BUT during lambing time it was a very effective way of targeting an individual fox that was killing lambs. With the advent of NV and thermal foxes get hammered especially on shooting estates where although a pain they always left one or two for the hounds. Im a member of group on FB and they kept tally one month and they shot over 400 foxes in a month! People dont understand animals dont think like humans. They're constantly alert looking for danger but that's their daily survival instinct, if a fox is chased by hounds and gets away he catches his breath and goes back to his day job he doesn't go home and sit in a dark corner needing therapy, they also learn very well so if hes been hunted before and hes within ear shot and hears hounds barking on the wagon or hears the hunting horn hes legged it long before they get to him.
  16. It's all to do with the m³ of water discharged per house hold from the septic tank and existing tanks requiring permits from the EA depending on volume of discharge and if its into a watercourse, treatment Reed bed or soak away. Some tanks are exempt but I fully expect that wont be the case because as the old phrase goes where theres muck theres money. I'm not hugely au fait with it all but I think that's essentially the crux of it.
  17. When have the antis been afraid to tell a lie or three?
  18. Not really the end, I wouldn't be surprised for them to amalgamate or something similar. The antis are claiming it as their victory but it's not really, poor management decisions caused ruptions amongst the staff. I believe they have the money to continue. The hounds are being drafted out to different packs, my friend is getting a few. The antis harassed the atherstone horrifically for the past 4years, criminally in my opinion. If Kathy Scott got hit by a bus tomorrow the countryside would be a better place!
  19. Oh I know! Mrs BTJ was in meltdown before we moved because our friend who's a drainage engineer, told her about the new regs. Fortunately what she was worrying about wasn't an issue in the end. But our tank at the new house will need changing in the future and that will be a world of fun!
  20. To be fair rabies isnt exactly some far away unheard of exotic disease and its not like Nobbyathome was looking fir help in some remote backwater village on a mountain, so although they may not have had it on the shelf youd have thought theres a little stockpile somewhere like the UCH hospital especially in London. I bet theres a handy stock pile of anthrax, small pox and ebola vaccine in London!
  21. Weve been on septic tanks for as long as I can remember, never had any problems really until make up wipes became a thing. Mother, sister, girlfriends theyd get through a few as well as other 'ladies things' plus mother was a ****** for pouring fat down the sink. One day the upstairs toilet was flushed and backed up the downstairs one. Several hours of sweating and wrestling later a 2ft long plug of fat, tampons and face wipes gurgled down the pipe into the septic tank and landed like a brick. Fun times.
  22. The Yukon is a bit naff in daytime conditions and pretty much unusable in sunny conditions. Like Nev I zero at 50yds because it's easy to see. I've got a doubler on my Yukon which helps and if you extreme it and do a good job its crystal clear. As soon as it starts dropping dark you'll be good to go and zero which at this time of year is quite early. The thing to remember is when you knock over half a dozen rabbits in a row is you've got to find them all! Many a time I've lost dead rabbits and a few foxes. One dropped on the spot, we drove round looking for it for ages, couldn't find it, next morning wed driven a couple of yards past it!
  23. It's no help but I do agree the ASE mods are very good. I've got an ASE north star for my 243 and although heavy its bullet proof and I dont think youd ever get one of them blowing up on you!
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