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Everything posted by Glenlivet

  1. My DT10 came with a set of Gemini ported chokes. Never come across them before, does anyone know if they're any good? Any tips on cleaning ported chokes?
  2. Several of them at a relatively young age of cancer. She worked in an office environment, no contact with chemicals or anything else dodgy. As I said, strange....
  3. The people she worked closest with when we lived in the UK have all , strangely, died. Everyone else she knows would be classed as family, however loosely. There is one possibility now that the requirement for the referee to be a lawyer etc has been removed. Working on it..... Agreed. It's just the bit about her staying in the car that narks me.
  4. I'm fairly clear about the purely legal responsibility that she can't stay in the car alone, and sending her into the supermarket alone is not necessarily going to result in a 'couple of bits' being purchased! It just seems a bit daft that the more secure option of guns in the car should be illegal!
  5. She has her own gun and this would be the ideal solution. However, because we lived out of the country for so long she doesn't really have anyone to act as referee. Still working on this.
  6. Just had an email from BASC re the Mirror running Chris Packham stories. They have a poll here http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/springwatch-host-chris-packham-begs-8535831 as to whether M&S should stop selling grouse. Currently running at 73% no, vote now!
  7. Sorry for your loss. My dog died earlier this year, not an easy time.
  8. No I don't but I'll be at Catton Hall tomorrow if that's any good? Or South Cheshire Clay club on Sunday. Or try an XL at your local rfd 😈😈😈😈
  9. Quite often, on the way back from a shoot, I pop into the supermarket for a couple of bits. The guns are under the squab in the back, in gunslips with trigger locks - so safe enough. However, they would be safer still if my wife stayed in the car, common sense. My wife doesn't have an SGC. If she comes into the shop (less secure option) I comply with the terms of my licence. If she stays in the car (more secure option) I'm leaving my guns accessible to a non licence holder. Is my thinking correct?
  10. As above, as new only worn 4 times. Size XL, I'm 6' and 17 stone with a 44" chest and it fits okay with a T shirt. Surplus to requirements as I'm selling my Guerini. More details here http://abgunsmiths.co.uk/country-clothing-shooting-clothing/caesar-guerini-shooting-vest.html £70 posted
  11. Cost about £40 as long as the code isn't encrypted, like my Landrover 😡😡😡
  12. Don't know diddly about Canons but http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/340811-canon-500d-dslr-full-set-up/?p=3108496&do=findComment&comment=3108496 Comes with a couple of kit lenses.
  13. Take a jpeg photo and upload it here https://www.camerashuttercount.com/ Take a jpeg photo and upload it here https://www.camerashuttercount.com/
  14. Congratulations. I seem to have one left which is incredibly cautious, with good reason!
  15. The first one is sold! Personally I'd get the later 24mp sensor in the D3200/D5200/D5300.
  16. Could be that the view finder isn't accurate although on cheaper cameras it's actually the opposite problem, ie they only show 95% of the picture. Or it could be the bottle of wine you drank before doing your David Bailey impersonation.........
  17. We've been going (with a 12 year break whilst living abroad) for 25+ years. Always a good day out with a stunning backdrop.
  18. £30 for 50 bird at Ragley run by Churchill's. Got a free cap when I complained!!
  19. Thanks guys. Just hope the graining hasn't been applied by magic marker when I strip the stock!
  20. Don't say Cameron didn't warn you!!
  21. As title. I've decided to strip the DT10 and refinish it. I'm using Truoil on my wife's Silver Pig which is going well but what does the collective think for the DT??
  22. First up, why are we trying to stop these people travelling to Syria? If someone wants to go we should facilitate that and at the airport rescind their passport/citizenship and dna test for future identification. Get all the bad guys in one place. And before anyone says that it's illegal to make someone stateless, who cares?? Also scrap Schengen. I thought it was a bad idea at the time, now proving disastrous.
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