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Everything posted by Glenlivet

  1. My mate at the garage wanted to hook it up and test it but I'd rather just change it. Not getting an eBay cheapie, I'd rather do the job once then forget it. I was quoted £300 for the Landrover bit!!! Think someone had his wires crossed 🤔
  2. Paid £2,650, the nicest bit of wood I've seen on a stock for a while. Check my signature, slightly more than one gun and one gun less than my cabinet space. I blame Wabbitbosher 😳😳😳
  3. Bought my DT10 today so could do with moving the Guerini on before my firearms dept. start getting twitchy!!
  4. Thought this was a mobile phone thread. I'm out🏃
  5. No, to be honest I've tried everything else and the MAF sensor has a reputation for failure so may as well change it anyway given 111,000 miles on the clock.
  6. +1. 637 I was beginning to think I'd got them all 🙏🏻
  7. He's French......it's his name. Also coule be Italian, Michele is a boy's name.
  8. Glenlivet


    Buying a new pair of thongs (flip flops) gave the same problem in Oz. The strap was never quite in the same place leading to a badly burnt line on the top of the foot.
  9. The throttle goes 'dead' after or during hard acceleration or hill climbing, almost like a speed limiter. It's also slow to pick up from idle when pulling away. I've had all the filters done, including crankcase breather. The MAF sensor is my last hope.
  10. Need to find a sleeper owned by someone without access to the internet 🤑🤑🤑
  11. Strange world, I'm fancying a DT10. If I can find a good one which fits......
  12. Thanks, I was quite surprised when I processed the photos. Just imagine how good it would look with your new glasses.........
  13. Thanks for that. Too far for me unfortunately this weekend.
  14. Where is this shoot? Can't find anything on the Internet.
  15. This is my gun folks, don't know why it doesn't show on the ad.
  16. Waiting for my new sensor for my TD4 after following this thread, hoping for a similar result.
  17. I spent 6 months going round Australia on a CBR1000 in shorts, singlet and thongs, no gravel rash except when I found myself in a swarm of locusts. #don'tfalloff!
  18. I remembered cornering one which had escaped, it just lay down and tried to die. Shoving a Magnesium bullet down it's throat brought it back but it was touch and go for a while.
  19. Arrived today, all good. Thanks Teal 👍
  20. There was recently a Merino found in Australia with a (I think) 40 odd stone fleece and would have died if it hadn't been sheared.
  21. Op hasn't responded to pm so I'm withdrawing my interest. I guess Max is staying put with happy kids....
  22. Jesus Christ sells cartridges? Must be where Digweed buys his.....
  23. Oh yeah. I wear reading glasses for close stuff when wearing my lenses.
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