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Posts posted by Wb123

  1. Just now, wymberley said:

    It's years since I wore them but I do remember that if you stand them vertically the tops taper up from the crutch to the hip which would be right from the photo. Re the  straps sown together, could this be packing stitching - like pocket stitches?

    Serious enough stitching, hopefully a photo will appear with this post. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    then the buttons need changing position

    The buttons are sewn together so they can either be at the crack or the sack. If at the latter the studs will be pushing through any vegetation, if at the back they should be sheltered. 

    2 minutes ago, WalkedUp said:

    Mine are the short Barbour ones. Very old. I have Seeland ones too. Which are pretty useless but lightweight.

    Are your straps separate or sewn together? 

    1 minute ago, farmer7 said:

    You mean the two legs are sewn together at the belt loops? 


  3. 2 minutes ago, matone said:

    Surely the belt straps go either side of your waist? Or are these some new design?

    My cheap ones that worked well did that. On these the belt straps are sewn together such that either they must go at the back or front, this is the best photo a quick google finds. 


    Just now, WalkedUp said:

    I have no issue with mine, worn with belt loops on my hip bones. Those without evidence of hip bones just make a next best approximation 🤣

    My cheap ones are like that and work well, but unless I take a knife to these ones to put the straps at the hips would be impossible. 

  4. I bought some Barbour wax chaps as I was feeling wealthier than usual and couldn’t find my cheap as chips ebay ones. 

    Every time I wear them within ten steps they are pulling downwards on the front such that I can’t walk properly. I can get a temporary fix by safety pinning the front of the chaps to the front of my breeks but the pins seem to bend and fail within a couple of hours beating. 

    I have the belt loop at my back and as high as possible. Usually over moleskin breeks but cotton trousers are no better. 

    What am I doing wrong? Surely they must actually function in some way or else they would have changed the design at some point in the last century. 

  5. There was a thread on here a little while back that touched on home lpg tank installations.


    I have not yet gone down the lpg route myself however I did chat to a lost flogas delivery driver the other week who tells me they do still fill private tanks for automotive use.



  6. I tend to keep things till they die, at some point, once I have made my fortune, I would love have to have a sidelock with a couple of views from home engraved. It will either be left to someone for whom it will also have meaning or be buried with me. 

    If this is a keeper get something on it that will make you smile every time you see it. 

    If you sell/exchange guns either the enjoyment value to you has to be worth whatever drop in value the gun takes, or it’s not worth doing. 

  7. I have stuck with opinel carbones in various sizes for the last few years as they lock but also easily sharpen to a razor sharp edge. In the last year however the locks have undone themselves on three or more occasions whilst using the knives, on one occasion cutting the nerve to my dominant index finger, and a few near misses. I have now lost confidence in them and want to try something else. 

    Could anyone recommend something fairly traditional, ideally made in the western world, even more ideally made in the uk, that takes such a wonderful edge as readily but with a more fail proof locking system. 

  8. I beat a local dog off my neighbours cattle with a lunge whip a few months back expecting the owners to have no insight into the gravity of the situation. Much to my relief a thoroughly decent and extremely embarrassed local chap from the pub appeared and the first thing he said was thank you for bringing the whip and not a gun. 

    I explained they were fattening bullocks fattening but had it been a different part of the year and the dog had got into the breeding stock I would have shot first. Word got round the village like wildfire and I have not seen an off lead dog more than six feet from its owner since. 

    I am aware that shooting dogs on someone else’s livestock is dangerous territory, however the suggestion that I would do it has had a profound effect on local behaviour. 

  9. Rumour has it that 70%
    of parts are shared with the rest of the Landrover line, which is enough to put me off on the basis of unrepairability. But I keep cars forever, if you keep yours for a short while then move them on I’m sure they are wonderful. 

  10. Just now, oscarsdad said:

    Tell BASC and you can claim your original membership that’s unused back 

    Even if it would mean converting the now partially used family membership to a single membership for the other half? 

    I will give them a call and see what they can do. 

  11. We have family membership for basc but i have joined a local wildfowling club who include basc membership in their fee and allegedly can’t separate the two. My local clay shoot membership again comes with mandatory country sports Ireland cover. As such I seem to be paying for three sets of insurance. 

  12. It’s not necessarily helpful to compare gains between professions. The other half got 10% last April and is expecting about the same this year, but she works in a shortage field where good candidates are hard to come by so pay is rising. I got about 3.5% on a deal set pre covid but am in a field of generally falling wages.

    Ultimately the market sets the rates, and although there is a shortage of nurses I understand it is cheaper and more efficient to get more hours out of the ones we do have by paying less for a standard week and pushing them to pick up extra hours to top up. What happens if a 12.5% raise then means people don’t have to work an extra few shifts a month to make ends meet?

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