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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. I’m interested if collection works out. How far from Salisbury are you when not in the Peak District?
  2. Be certain it has actually changed. I switched shoulders and found it very straightforward.
  3. Norway I have heard is crazily expensive. We did Iceland which was painfully pricey but cheaper than Norway (spring, not northern lights time). Apparently uk flagged cruises can work out cheapest, I could be tempted to try the faroes or shetlands in years to come
  4. Wb123


    I keep avoiding the temptation of watches by telling myself i can only wear one at a time and they need to be constantly worn to stay properly wound. I might cave in though if I manage to get the job that might be coming up in the next few months though.
  5. That’s no way to talk about big Sarah, Ditchy has checked and despite appearances she most definitely isn’t a dyke.
  6. I think it has to be seen as an attitude test, are people prepared to put the effort into studying for the test.
  7. Go for a ‘tache then, facial hair makes those winter nights lamping much more comfortable. Are you involved with your local hunt at all? Equestrians seem keen on rabbit control (though my experience is that they want a visible but controlled population). Other good options are joining or just drinking regularly at golf clubs (they hate rabbits), networking with trades who mostly cater for the very wealthy (a mate who is a high end gardener has more land than he can shoot), and perhaps most importantly just talking to lots of people enthusiastically about shooting (most of my offers have been off the back of discussing hobbies in general). Remember ultimately you are selling a service even if you will do it for free and others will pay for it (offering to pay for shooting is an option I missed above), people have to want you.
  8. Grow a beard (I was astounded how the world changed when I grew mine and looked 15years older), dress properly, and get involved in the local farming community. My shooting offers have all come from people who know I shoot rather than having to ask.
  9. Having rented many places I would say bolt it in, hide it inside a suitable bit of furniture, make good when you leave. Every conversation I have had with prospective landlords and letting agents has either brought a fast 'no' or the property goes to someone else. Each landlord I have had has found out and ultimately been begrudgingly accepting (finding new tennents is not without cost to them).
  10. The flying thing is the real killer for us. Little driving, very frugal on energy but at the moment between the better half and I we are averaging four flights a week. That’s with seeing each other twice a month and her work being at a low period for travel. When her work was last very busy she was often doing ten plus short haul flights a week for meetings. I’m currently working away till something comes up closer to home so flying home two weekends a month.
  11. The smaller suppliers are exempted from the green levy so you can get a better deal so long as you keep moving as they start to get too big.
  12. I got a shock a few months back when a mate pointed out one of my headlights was out (I had no idea, but now suspect it may have been out for a rather long time given the improvement fixing it made). That said changing the bulb turned into two hours of contortionist antics as a sadist octopus had designed the thing (presumably to justify the suggestion in the user handbook that changing the bulb is a main dealer job). Given the price of a main dealer for an hours work I can see why many would leave it till mot time to fix.
  13. I would just throw them in the back, they will still have less room to fly around than most livestock trailers.
  14. Do you have any shoes suitable for job interviews that would otherwise be heading to freecycle?
  15. Wb123

    Tweed jacket

    Depending on the size I could be up for this. How short and not thin are you? I can’t make out a size on the label.
  16. Wb123

    career change

    I have been thinking about trying something new, I enjoy bits of my work but they are small parts of it and there are significant barriers to progression. I have enough in savings to fund a change if I could get back up to my current earnings inside three years but those savings may soon vanish into a house deposit in which case I will be stuck. Let us all know how you get on.
  17. Keep detailed records, forward to the police.
  18. I have always got on very well with aigle wellies and would suggest either the neoprene or cotton lined ones. I have cotton for summer and neoprene for winter. I find the neoprene too warm if working in them for most of the year. They seem to wear very well and are very comfortable indeed.
  19. I was most impressed by a demonstration bone conduction system a rep fitted to me once. The demo kit fitted like a pair of glasses and the sound was clear as a whistle, and would Bluetooth to ones telephone etc also.
  20. I can’t fathom why but I find I can make out conversation better in such situations with earplugs in and keep a pair in my wallet for those situations.
  21. Thresholds of hearing loss for nhs hearing aid eligibility will vary by region depending what the local commissioning group fund. I understand generally things have been tightened up somewhat over the last few years.
  22. If you have a tendency to chop and change things then go for something either fabulously cheap or a used browning/beretta/miroku so you don’t loose too much when you change. If like me you tend to keep things till they die it’s probably less of an issue. I bought a left handed akkar churchill over under for 700-800 quid roughly four years ago (I can’t remember but I think it was around that) with 1000 cartridges as it was the best fitting gun of two left handed contenders in the shop (having driven a very long way to see a left handed beretta that then wasn’t there). I thought I had made a mistake for months but have never felt the need to sell it or look for a fancier over under to replace it. Right handed shots seem to have far more temptation available to them though. I have shot many much fancier guns borrowed from other people but none have felt desirable if that makes sense (all borrowed from right handed shots though).
  23. Wb123


    Ouch. I hope your employer are forgiving. The best of luck.
  24. Wb123

    Gillette ad

    I’ve not shaved in years but found a braun electric thing to be fantastic. No mess, a two minute job that could be achieved whilst doing all manner of things. A mate used to keep one in his glove box to shave in the traffic jam on his commute, one hand, no mirror needed, easy.
  25. An uncle has one, he seems to like it. Apparently it goes like stink but does drink a lot (he reckons high teens for mpg).
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