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Posts posted by RockySpears

  1. You can't have a hydrogen boiler until everyone on you gas main has one.  They are even talking about trials of hydrogen whereby a whole village converts all at once (as has to happen)  but if you object then they simply cut off your gas for  your non-compliance.


      So an elderly couple refuse one, then freeze to death, who is responsible for the deaths?



  2. Morning folks.  I am sure I know what to do, but doing it does not work.


    Dripping bathroom sink tap.

    Lift and twist type, left is hot, right is cold.

    Drips via spout not around body.

    So, water off, hot and cold isolators, little cap off tap to get to grubscrew, handle off.

    Domed ring unscrewed.

    Brass retaining nut off.

    White plastic lever in blue cartridge should just lift out and change for new cartridge.

    Not a chance, every video I have looked at shows the cartidge just lifting out of the body, it even looks to be this same cartridge in the one below.

    Is it possible the cartridge is secured from below somehow?  I can't imagine it is as this would present opprtunities for leaks and you would have to remove the tap entirely to change the cartridge.  I am using about as much force as I can and no luck.  The cartridge is "loose" side to side and so I can only imaging it is "stuck" to the tap at its base.

    Do I just be brave, drill through the lever and put a bar through to give me more leverage or is there some plumbing magic I am missing?

    This video is identical to my situation:


    Thank you,



  3. A large part of your bill is of course, Green subsidy:

    "The total annual renewables subsidy impact on UK household cost of living is £9 billion — which comes to £340 per year per household."


    Most of these subsidies go to wind farms where basically they are paid for how much the "could" produce, not how much they do.  In addition the amount paid to them "the giant 588 MW Beatrice of the North East coast of Scotland, which only became fully operational in the summer of 2019, has a CfD strike price of £140/MWh now worth £158.73/MWh, roughly three times the wholesale price,"

    Wind farms get paid 3 times what the consumer is charged and our taxes pay the difference, and this is 2019,



  4. 2 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    as misogyny exists in everyday life, in advertising , religious text , media and entertainment, its only when someone becomes offended by it that   Exactlythe thought police MIGHT try to make something of it.

    Exactly.  Mysogyny can get you a record IF someone reports an incident.  By this standard any action of yours at which someone else is offended, gets you a record with the Police and can lose you your job,



  5. 38 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    You cant report someone for a misogynistic ideology !

      I bet you can.  Sadly we have "Non-Crime" charges in the UK which will go on a DBS check so you could loose your job (if a teacher, nurse etc etc).  Someone just calls the Police, reports that they think a Mysoginistic hate crime has happened and the Police will call you up and mark you down as guilty of a Non-Crime.

    "Where it is established that a criminal offence has not taken place, but the victim or any other person perceives that the incident was motivated wholly or partially by hostility, it should be recorded and flagged as a non-crime hate incident."

    This is what the Police teach these days:


    Anyone can be taken down for anything!




       As an addendum:

    "Miscellaneous crimes against Society"  how's that for a broad definition of a crime?


  6. On 02/10/2021 at 21:08, henry d said:

    This raises the question why do physically fit/large women not do the amount of bad things men do?

      Because it is not in their nature to be like that.  Men and women are different.  Men anger faster, are more likely to use violence to settle differences etc etc.

    This just how it is.  I myself have gotten ready to knock some ones lights out, but, fortunately for me, there has always been a calmer head around to say it is "not worth it".

    It would be lovely if anyone, not just women and girls could walk around alone at anytime, anyehere, but it just is not going to happen, ever.


    There are bad people in the World,



  7. 11 hours ago, henry d said:

    Which is what I was getting at. Why should women need to behave differently?

      I won't walk along empty roads in darkness,

    Some people are bad, that is it.  Bad people do bad things, as a bloke, I don't want bad things to happen to me, so I don't travel alone, on a public road at night.

      Women are weaker, physically, so don't walk alone in the the dark, simple.

    it is not nice to say this, but it is a fact, bad people exist, who would have thought it?



  8. 11 hours ago, NoBodyImportant said:

    You then have 4 rental houses.

      I did the same sort of thing whilst IT contracting for 10 years.  Although I have to say I did learn to fly in that time too.  I simply don't understand people and "things"; new cars, branded clothes, £5,000 holidays etc etc.  Little thought for the future.

      In the modern world we can almost all look forward to being active until our 80's more or less.  Father and mother in Law are away every couple of months just seeing somewhere different, with a hot tub and champagne for the beginning and end of the day.

      I know that I will probably be retired for longer than I will have worked, all things equal, so have planned accordingly. 



  9. 10 hours ago, NoBodyImportant said:

    Lower middle class at 120k over here.  

      Nope, that is practically the 1% group for UK:

    "To be in the top 1% of income tax payers in the UK (i.e. to be among the 310,000 individuals with the highest income), a taxable income of at least £160,000 is required."

    and for the World:

    "You need just $34,000 annual income to be in the global elite" ... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2082385/We-1--You-need-34k-income-global-elite--half-worlds-richest-live-U-S.html



  10. 2 hours ago, strimmer_13 said:

    We'll never afford to buy in this county unless something drastic happens.

    My single, son bought his house 2 years ago, £70,000, £210 a month repayment.  Salary £22,000 as Rental agent for local firm.

    That's the North East England for you.

    I have never understood why people with nationally bargained wages ever live in the South, Police, NHS workers, teachers etc etc, no one can tell me the London Allowance makes up for the difference?

      My wife's salary never went over £60,000, I hit £80,000 for a few of years but now is £22,000 and I will stop work in a couple of years (wife already has at 55) at 57.  Sold up family home a couple of years ago, 5 Bed detached, 1/4 acre, double garage etc etc £450,000.  Now have 3 bed bungalow, 1/3 acre, green house, summer house, workshop, quadruple garage, gun cupboard and all the gadgets I want.  Enough money in the bank to pretend I am still working for the next 20 years and that excludes state pension (which will not exist in all probability, at least not in present form/value).

      Bragging?  No.  That is what it is like here in the North East, if you have a job, most any job, you will do fine.  There are even homes in Stockton on Tees for £40 - 50,000, 3 bed terraced, it yours and somewhere to start.

      Would I want to buy a new car for £35,000?  , That is almost a home here,



  11. Wow, 7 suggestions already.

    19 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    (only downside was 8k oil changes)

    Is that recommended or just your own experience?  That is probably my yearly mileage so no beef with that

    Honda CRV had never even crossed my mind (see a load of RAV 4's), not seen any in my searches, reliable like most Hondas I guess.

    Yeti - all the ones on AutoTrader are 150,000 miles plus in my price bracket, but I will keep in in mind whilst looking.

    There are a couple of Dusters kicking around my PSG club, should ask their opinion too.



  12. I looked in motoring and it was mostly problems, not wanted, and the Wanted section of Trading Post looks to be for guns/accessories.  If I am wrong please move the post.

    After much deliberation (and waiting for a house sale) I have decide to get a little 4x4  for my days along farm tracks and trails, not a motorbike.  The wife is happy to sit beside me on shoot trips, but not behind me.

    So what is a reasonable, small, 4x4?  I am not looking to spend a fortune, and for me that is not more than £3,000.  Never paid much more than that for family cars, so not about to start now.

      This means I am looking at early 2000's or late 1990s in all honesty, I know that.  But should I look at a Shogun Pinin, 3 door or a Jimmy?  X-trail or Trooper?  Not going to stretch to an L200, but they are probably too big anyway.  Maybe at this price I should just look for best condition/lowest mileage and something that can take e10 petrol or else diesel.  I do want the bells and whistles as I like air-con and gadgets, but really need it to do 100 mile on road and then 2-3 miles along tracks and back, not off-road stuff, just tracks around fields.

     Any particular favourites, let me know, anything constructive to think about, drop a line.

    Thank you,


  13. Yep, we can video call and send pics, but asking her to look around the edge for the sliding button has failed.  It is hard enough getting her to undestand which screen to look at (computer or phone).  If I could establish the existence or not of the button it would be a start,




    2 hours ago, Cosmicblue said:

    FN+F4 key to toggle Wireless on/off

      Tried that, no dice.  I think it works only if the switch is on (I hope) otherwise it means the card is playing up/bust.  That means an ethernet connection only.  So I will need a WiFi extender that has an ethernet port socket as the laptop lives upstairs in the study.

    Thank you,



  15. Any one have one of the above?

    My aunt, who lves along way away has lost her WiFi connetion.

    I do her IT stuff using TeamViewer, but without a connection it won't happen.

    Wifi works as I can WhatsApp her and I think that during her dusting she has moved a slider on the side of the LapTop that turns her WiFi on and off.

    Despite best efforts she can find no slider and I just want to be sure there is or is not one.

    Sending her an ethernet cable to try plugging in to the router so I can get on and see.

    Neighbours no use either.

    Just trying here because ther is nealy always some one with an answer here,




  16. 1 hour ago, discobob said:

    I would have thought that it helped more people to buy homes as it would have helped with affordability of paying the mortgage.

      These things are not good, well, for the individual, yes, but really they just raise house prices even faster.  Today there are loads of Taxpayer funded "helping hands" for 1st time buyers, but what this does is it increases the pool of people able to buy a house, ie creates more Demand in a world of finite supply.  The only solution to the housing problem is more houses being built.  Maybe a Pandemic that lives up to the hype and killed off a few millions would do the trick or maybe stop with the 100,000 immigrants each year.  Although then we would need to get back to having kids again to keep the population going,



  17. 41 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

    Anyone know the rough percentage of oldies who paid into the NI end up in a care home

    My own parents.

    Mum is cared for at home, Dad has had bladder cancer, still dotes on Mum, both in own home but 4 x dialy care.  So it is even worse if you include all the other stuff.

    Some very lucky people will grow old and die quietly in ther sleep, but the NHS does its best to stop that happening,


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