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Everything posted by AYA117

  1. SINNER you mentioned the thing that shall not be mentioned
  2. To keep it on topic. Fiocchi JK6 38g feltro and RC HPF3 36g are both very good felt loads for very long range shooting, oh and yes I have used both and found them to be very good.
  3. Good reason, " I want to go clay shooting" that should cover it.
  4. No problem, and 3 boxes is even better
  5. If you only have 20 to shoot, why not get two boxes of Eley Bismuth? They are better then steel and cheaper for the club than 250 of steel.
  6. I think the law does not only say any wildfowl must be shot with non toxic, but anything shot with a shotgun on or over wetlands, rivers, ponds etc. must also be shot with non toxic,.
  7. Why do you want cartridges for protected birds ? If he was asking for 3 shot, should he buy 5 instead?
  8. Go old school and get a 7x57
  9. Same here, if I see the barrels I have missed.
  10. They are a very nice 3" to have and now I want another one, but another 20 year wait may be too long for me!
  11. It is under 7ib something around 6ib 12oz, it weighs very little more than my standard No.2. I saw one for sale about 20 years ago and missed it and had to wait until spring last year to find another one, I think there was only 12 that came into the country ( I may be wrong) I love the fact that it is a light weight game gun that will handle anything I chose to put in it. It will happily fire JK6 T5s All day long and at the end you do not feel like you were in a car crash. Oh and choke wise it is 1/2 in both barrels.
  12. If the gun fits you perfectly and is well balanced (very important ) the recoil is not really noticed. I shoot an AYA 3" No.2 and even with 50g Tungsten Matrix the recoil is perfectly acceptable.
  13. Very true, it is a completely different style of shooting. The gun comes up to meet you, you do not make yourself fit it.
  14. If it says 20 bore on your certificate go back to the RFD and get it changed, they should inspect every gun that passes through their books, so they are at fault. Not only did you join the Side by Side club but as a bonus you joined the 16 bore club.
  15. Nice looking gun, if you bought it from a shop let us all know which one, so we do not go there
  16. Would be nice to see some pictures.
  17. And that is the answer really, I shot a 20bore for years and now it lives the cabinet and has done for over 20 years. Better to have one gun that can do all rather than keep changing guns, even more so when you first start shooting.
  18. I would really like one of those in 12 gauge.
  19. Very nice, my first Land Rover was a 11A got it before I was 17 and ran it for 4 years, they are meant to leak oil, that is how you know there is some in there and it prevents corrosion.
  20. And can we have our cartridges in ounces and not those gram thingys. Use it for land fill.
  21. Are they giving you a refund or another slab of cartridges?
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