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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. I'd certainly say that OUR pensioners should be getting looked after before we send any money abroad or we pay out yet more tax payers money on housing clothing and feeding yet more daily arriving illegal immigrants. Why would we want people who are old enough to retire to keep working? And I don't mean those in cushy jobs with massive pensions, I mean those earning low income left with no choice but to keep working. What those on great money with secure pensions like civil servants seem to forget is that Doris and Bob get by, but that probably doesn't mean they've got money they can put aside.
  2. Mice!

    My ratting gun

    50 yards with sub 12 takes some skill, but 30 should be straightforward enough. Have you done a good pellet test with your gun?
  3. Yep, it's not going to affect things unless he can be blackmailed. That would be great, with photos released by Corbyn 🤣🤣🤣 Beginning to look like we need a Labour sub section though, I'm sure there are other things going on in the world.
  4. I'd honestly rather he was out the way in a box, going to events like these are just hardly worth mentioning really, it's just what the corporate lot do. Yep, it's declared its out there, it's not receiving the use of an island and plane whenever he wants, and he's tucked away in a box 👍 So could most of those in the boxes, but it's all about who's mates with who.
  5. I can understand that though, because he isn't likely to go anywhere alone is he! Security and aids etc, the PM can't really just rock up to a game anymore than a Royal can.
  6. It really does read like something from a spy or Sc-Fi book. But why am I not surprised that a few ( the usual suspects) on here are feeling sorry for those with the pagers. When the enemy doesn't follow any rules or care who gets hurt, then you can't deal with them in a gentleman like way. It won't solve anything but it will certainly slow down the terrorists.
  7. I've had occasions where I've not spotted them but the call has caught my attention, certainly sounds like a Magpie, the wheezing bark is very odd though.
  8. Mice!


    What did you sell? There's probably always scammers to watch out for everywhere on every site, but that's certainly a quick sale.
  9. The first of the year from my garden Sunday, it's taken a good 5 years or so, but I've only had a couple of sightings this year, heard the odd one in the wood behind me, but I don't generally get 10 a year now, and each year they seem to arrive later. They must move in from further a field, but they don't get comfy.
  10. What a career he had, he did an episode of The big bang theory late on and was brilliant 👏 👏👏
  11. Looks much more like a BSA now mate, I mean it looks great 😉
  12. My 1st from the garden this afternoon, been a couple of fleeting glimpses but nothing has hung around, then as I was leaving the house another showed up 😳 2083
  13. Clearly not true, probably the father just trying to save his own skin.
  14. Did someone say there are beds available?
  15. Nice little session yesterday, I'm slowly topping up feeders, I'd set my brolley up Monday night, the feed wasn't down by much, but shot 4 in about 2hrs, they were on the feeder or on the Hazel and nipping to the feeder. The beauty of shooting a PCP off sticks is you can shoot right or left handed without any issues, or at least I can, the last one was on a tight angle to my right in the canopy and wasn't coming to the feeder, but it still dropped without a twitch. Much different colours on the male, I've had a few like this now. As a bonus I bumped into the land owner and she said its the first year they've ever had any apples on their trees, she said she's always been jealous seeing other gardens with apples on the trees 😁 Then I was off to Big wood, I topped up and had a walk about, I got one on the other side of a deer fence but left it there. I did see a few other squirrels but they were up in the thick canopy or playing chase, won't be long till there on the sweet chestnuts though so I'll be back.
  16. It was on last night, along with this stabbing.
  17. Lobby gobbler, get it right, no humble pie here, but I've played rugby with lads I can't understand 😅😅 watching the Mrs try and understand them is priceless.
  18. That's it, no deterrent, it must do the officers heads in, all the hassle involved arresting someone, risking them attacking you with the knife, then some meaningless sentence if one is even given. I'd not seen the article, but he's spot on, while people in ivory towers say the police can't do this or that, someone will sue and scream racism, more people die from stabbings, but let's not target anyone to be searched, just let the violence continue.
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