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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. Ha ha I had to check my damn phone hadn't changed the word on me 😆
  2. You been at the red wine again??
  3. Mice!

    .25 Cal.

    7 years on, some threads never go away. Welcome Dave 74 , you will find some really good reading a few pages in on FAC air and .22 vs .25.
  4. Walker has an AA410 for sale in the sale adds, looks very nice, but can't think what calibre it is. Scopes!! Like everything else what's your budget? Illuminated recticle are very good for low light, i bought an old simmons scope a bit ago 3.5x10x50 just because they were always written about for being great in low light.
  5. Don't think so, have you tried sending a PM?
  6. Mice!

    Monkey Puzzle

    So why don't people like these trees? doesn't everyone have favourite trees? Horse chestnut, silver birch, midland hawthorn to name a few for me.
  7. Mice!


    Did you get sorted?
  8. well my kids were asking why the cows were on the beach, and where were they going, no point in everything be aimed at experts.
  9. Imagine those two suggesting an Air arms and a BSA didn't see that coming at all. @bruno22rf come on Bruno tell us your thoughts on daystate, love reading a good rant.
  10. Mike Tyson wouldn't make your top ten? Really?? I'll have a look at the Foreman fight, i never think to watch boxing on YouTube, tend to put UFC on, but i do like watching good boxing. Think I'll watch some Mcguigan and Calzaghe as well.
  11. I had a watch of the highlights on Friday, couldn't bring myself to watch the full fight given the comments I'd read. looked like an old fashion brawl, Eubank obviously busier but couldn't stop chunky, looked from the highlights like there had been pushing hitting the back of the head the low blow and shoulder charge, but at the end of the day its a fight. I then watched Wilder v Fury, now that was a good fight, hard to understand the draw decision but you always have to beat the champion. then pressed on the real Tyson, Iron Mike, wow he was good, only watched the first ten minutes but next time I'm in the gym that's what I'm watching.
  12. you could make some nice trophy shields out of that oak.
  13. I'm sure Sciurus will be on later, but i think it makes a big difference when there are red squirrels in the area, when the public can see them and those in the tourism industry know people will come to see them, then they can understand better the need to control the greys and keep them out of red areas, hopefully work like this will help the reds spread and keep driving out the grey squirrels.
  14. Mice!

    droppings id

    its good isn't it 😘 the garage is supposed to be getting altered and a new roof, so i think its called neglect, i new someone would spot it. Could be the difference between a big hog and a small one?
  15. Have you tried putting nuts or sunflower seeds out instead 😄
  16. Mice!

    droppings id

    these have been in the garden for a few days and rained on.
  17. Mice!

    droppings id

    But its been very warm, I've had hedgehog poo in the garden this week, saw a frog last night, lots of ladybirds about and saw my first butterfly on Sunday. Spring has sprung.
  18. Nothing modest about 142, especially given how key an area your working in 👏👏 and 4691 is very impressive, imagine how many greys there would be if all those had bred!!
  19. I'll bite, bought my Rapid in the late 90s 98/99 i think, I've yet to change a seal, thing is there supposed to be easy to mess with so people do. I am thinking of getting a service though, and the Rapid forum is amazing, its obviously clicky and specialized because its 97% rapids but there are some great blokes on there. I probably shot more with my Webley tracker than anything else, and a bsa super sport with open sights, hours of fun. Keep looking at Pro Sports, going to treat myself at some point when one comes up near by.
  20. how many do you want? Preston Blackburn Bolton to name three in the northwest, there are complete divides around where people live, and I'm sure its the same through the country
  21. Haven't you said this already today?
  22. And that's the important part, money being spent at the sharp end 👏👏
  23. And yet you can be paid to trap in Scotland??
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