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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. Mice!


    Personally i only buy a watch if i like the look of it, strange or what? And as for up to the second accuracy?? I don't think its that important. Just found that the watch i had on yesterday has stopped!! D'oh. I was going to see what the time difference was between the three, the two still going are within a minute of each other so good enough for me.
  2. Mice!

    Squirrel Job!!

    I doubt you need all the thing's they're asking for, could be a nice number for someone semi retired or a youngster starting out wanting experience after college
  3. Mice!


    imagine how good the sale will be when he has a clear out πŸ˜‰
  4. Mice!

    Squirrel Job!!

    https://www.countryside-jobs.com/job/Feb19/grey-squirrel-officer-seasonal-scottish-wildlife-trust-0702_1.html?fbclid=IwAR1K-_893UuqZnJN8MYuWoX7j2FZ8ziY7Jnty2S68ARxLfOuEN4DJKkjPAM @scotslad So any lucky devil up in Scotland fancy a grey squirrel control job?
  5. When they make you watch videos as an apprentice and you see a finger get peeled!! No thanks, and I'm normally only on cnc, when I worked over Liverpool way the amount of rings and bracelets folk were wearing on the shop floor was unbelievable.
  6. You definitely want a ring you can get off easily with the luck you have!! I won't work in mine, not a chance.
  7. I wouldn't worry about hanging around waiting for them, they'll turn up as and when, i tend to stick to week days for shooting from upstairs certainly not when its BBQ time. As for what to feed, suet works best for me, high energy and they have to nibble at it, they can't just run off with it. As for the neighbours if they do see you or say anything which is hopefully unlikely say you've seen a couple of rats and that squirrels are trashing your bird feeders, i bet you'll be amazed at how many you get , folk think it's one or two squirrels visiting there garden but when you've shot 14 or 15 you start wondering where they are coming from.
  8. Think you need to get out more🀣🀣 I'll send you some pics out of my Zeus book if you like?
  9. busy day, like the dog. Add your squirrels to the tally please https://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/382568-how-many-grey-squirrels-are-killed-in-2019/
  10. We'll why everyone else is poking fun that line really made me laugh πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  11. what can i say? Hope you weren't carrying a rifle at the time
  12. Stop walking about so much and you might spot himπŸ˜‰ have you tried a thermal yet for spotting? They are scary good, things that you haven't seen because there not moving suddenly appear as if by magic, I've only used one once and thought wow!
  13. Probably that amount on paper, and why spend your own money when the sinners will give you there's πŸ˜ƒ
  14. Might not be the best deal but if you buy from Argos you at least get thirty days to take it back if you find the signal isn't good enough or the batteries don't last.
  15. my phone isn't letting me quote sections? I don't see any problem with more home grown foods. As for reduction in wages most companies try that anyway, my employer changed shifts reducing wages, and lost a third of the staff and counting, so leaving the EU isn't likely to have as much impact as that did. retirement age has only ever gone up and less immigration is actually a good thing as far as most people are concerned. So as i said, i just don't see most people will notice anything different. And you said something in an earlier post about sorting other things once this fiasco is sorted out, your right there its as if the country has stopped for two years.
  16. Well going off what three articles said in Mondays paper England's performance was near perfect? And Sir Clive says Scotland should beat Ireland Saturday!! Ireland will real from the defeat apparently? I'm expecting a wounded animal and Scotland to suffer the backlash.
  17. You had best stay off of Pinterest then Walker, that will definitely get your juices flowing πŸ˜‰
  18. I doubt he thinks making your own, probably the idea of paying a grand for it.
  19. Mice!

    Stick wood

    I clicked on a Tilley hats link the other day in the sales, so now I'm getting Tilley hat adds at the top of the page, doesn't explain the Muslim mums though??
  20. Mice!


    Ha ha, i haven't been thrown with menace for a while now, just teaching kids, it will come as a shock.
  21. Finally caught up πŸ˜₯ That's a major part of problems today people spending what they don't have, and no matter which government is in power if the population is in debt they are easier to control. And i still can't see how people will notice any difference in day to day life once were free from the EU?
  22. Mice!


    Another Judoka by chance? Small world if so πŸ˜„
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