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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. Mice!


    thisπŸ‘†πŸ‘† I've done Pilates in the past and the instructor makes a massive difference, not everyone can do the same things and a good instructor will see who can do more or not.
  2. always one of my favourite games to watch, no quarter asked and none given. careful now walshie they'll be falling out with you and its only week one, but boy did i take some stick that year. I still think France will be tricky, you just never quite know how there going to play or turn up, rule out the two or three howlers and they smashed Wales?
  3. Mice!


    Something to consider is a small covered bird table, I've done this so the pigeons and magpies can't eat everything, I've found they won't land under the roof, or put big gauge mesh on the sides, then the smaller birds will land on the "cage" hop through and feed while the big bullies can't bother them.
  4. next time she's passing ask if she has a squirrel one for me please πŸ˜„
  5. our kids haven't got to the phone stage yet, although some of the daughters class mates have them, Not having a phone in class seems obvious but out of class?
  6. Boy was it cold this morning, headed off at 07:10 and car said it was -4/5 and I'm not sure my toes have warmed up yet. On the drive there, being a bit more careful because of the risk of ice i get stuck behind some idiot peaking out of barely cleared windows, then as i approach a give way, round the bend and there are seven or eight geese in the road!! Then there was a barn owl flying along side me. Unfortunately that's about it, not a breath of wind but the squirrels had more sense than me, probably tucked up somewhere warm, plenty of birds about in the canopy but otherwise not a thing was moving. I did see a squirrel along my river later about midday in some conifers, but nothing I can do about that one for now.
  7. Mice!


    https://m.facebook.com/groups/1095546103914599?view=permalink&id=1615926478543223&refid=18&_ft_=qid.6653478610039084458%3Amf_story_key.1615926478543223%3Atop_level_post_id.1615926478543223%3Atl_objid.1615926478543223%3Acontent_owner_id_new.100000185440973%3Asrc.22%3Aphoto_id.2602770179739138%3Astory_location.6%3Astory_attachment_style.video_inline&__tn__=*W-R#footer_action_list not daft birds when it comes to food.
  8. We'll, that's probably upset a few folk? I didn't enjoy the attacking side of the game from England thought they kicked too much and didn't seem to be running the right channels getting in each other's way. But defence was top draw, put Ireland under pressure and really happy Manu was back, so does that put us on course to win it? Hope so.
  9. not long, I've told the misses it's take away for tea tonight as the rugby is on πŸΊπŸ˜‰ I imagine there were several swear words, told to stop messing about and get back to the game plan.
  10. I'm not sure I know anyone who voted remain? This is for many reasons, most people simply don't talk about it, their probably sick of hearing about it and just want it done and over. Probably also why its the same people who post on this thread, your four pages behind before you know it. But most folk i work with or socialise with do what i call real jobs, and want out so we're in charge of our own futures, things might change but i honestly don't expect to notice.
  11. Mice!

    White Stuff!!

    Your right, a couple of inches should not close main roads, you wouldn't expect every road to be cleared.
  12. you have to be good to win when your that bad. brilliant second half for Wales, put pressure on France and punished them every mistake they made. France must be gutted
  13. I thought why has he kicked again?? Boom try 😯 now its a game
  14. Expected a better start from Wales, handling and decisions not what you normally see. England all the way, looking forward to tomorrows game.
  15. The joys of being self employed, just remember it was never yours, I've always thought its strange how you pay it in January when folk are skint from Xmas and depressed because the weather is naff,
  16. I only now two folk who have had it done but both say its like a new lease of life, take your time.
  17. I bet if you had only shot on that drive you would have had a great day, cracking write up in good company by the sounds of things.
  18. neither would i, why do women always want a new stair case?? very nice work as always πŸ‘πŸ‘
  19. Mice!

    White Stuff!!

    just showed Cornwall on the news, cars all over the place, unable to get up the hills, looks bad. Stocking up for the few days of bad weather
  20. Mice!

    White Stuff!!

    they were just trying to scare people and keep them off the roads.
  21. Mice!

    Lunar eclipse

    More good stuff to see if you have clear sky's this morning
  22. stick a link up, if you can get some sizes I'm sure i can knock something up, hopefully
  23. can't see why a 24mm washer is a problem? Put up a sketch of what you need, and what material.
  24. Its as if we're apologising for not being defeated. Very good Ditchy, nail head. You might say there "loans" not grants, but which every they are i bet the terms are fantastic. How many industries have the EU brought to the UK to the detriment of countries in proper Europe?? All these businesses leaving our shores weaken us making us dependant on others. I don't doubt that unions didn't help, I've been there and seen it first hand, being made redundant four or five times and in most cases the work carries on in another country.
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