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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. Mice!

    Brocock s6

    looks handy, reminds of an old titan, bearcat maybe?
  2. That's typical, they want to ban the meeting on health and safety grounds, yet there happy to turn up and disrupt it?? jog on, its called having a choice🀬🀬🀬
  3. Well i enjoyed reading all of those, small walked up shooting with great dog work by the sounds of it, sounds ideal.
  4. they have got an add? On the paid section on here, it might have been about air rifle membership but you could still PM the fella for info
  5. So how did you present the tools then? A wine box was my first thought, hope they went down well given the time and effort you must have put in.
  6. We make stuff for Airbus, and we were told by them before the vote that if it was leave then jobs could be at risk. But if they could get the work done cheaper elsewhere with the same quality then they would anyway, which is why companies send work to India, china anywhere that suits the money men. But I doubt the work airbus do is going anywhere anytime soon.
  7. Mice!


    Not been in a subway for a while, but that sounds good πŸ˜‹
  8. I have a question, why did you stay and shoot when the farmer wouldn't let you get to where you wanted to be? It doesn't sound like there were as many birds about as you were told. Is it because you shoot other land of his? As always i love the way the birds are displayed πŸ‘
  9. could be Wales Wigan Workington lots of places where they follow the line.
  10. Mice!

    career change

    You can still do apprenticeships when your all grown up, but it comes down to money, bills to pay life to live. I hear folk say all the time they want out of engineering as its pants, but when your used to earning X amount you stick where you are. have you thought about evening classes or open university type thing?
  11. I'm thinking of a foreign film with a tattoo a dragon and a girl, whatever they did she filmed it, and sends him little WhatsApp videos every few weeks so he doesn't forget. If labour do somehow get in with the rabble they have i think he would resign and watch the country burn, probably from Europe or one of his middle eastern friends homes.
  12. Mice!

    Funny eye

    Nice to hear. The number of times I've given my brother safety glasses for when he's under cars, and he still won't wear them.
  13. yes the tree huggers are up in arms, but it is kind of daft when the law states you can't release a non native species but you can apply for a license to do just that?
  14. https://katch-it.co.uk/products/ ok so this isn't air rifle info but there are plenty of folk who are trapping and killing squirrels all round the country that post on here regularly. Some of you may be on the Grey area squirrel group on Facebook which is run by Brendan Anderson, well Rob Elton is now sponsoring Brendon to help with costs, doing raffles and other stuff. So i said I'd stick his web link up, hope this ok? I like the look of the multi catch traps and the Larsen, can any of you guys that use Larsen traps take a look and tell me what you think. cheers.
  15. Mice!

    Lunar eclipse

    Yes it looked good, I'd have liked to have seen the halo, pictures are good, but its always nice to see them properly.
  16. Sounds like fun, good luck.
  17. Mice!

    Lunar eclipse

    Oops πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Drove home from work at 6, it was like driving through soup so nothing else to see.
  18. Mice!

    Funny eye

    hope its nothing serious and your seen quickly. Did things get back to normal or have you been checked out?
  19. I've said before, it would be better to self regulate than have rules forced upon us. I only said 5 or 6 thousand as to me that seems like a lot of birds, when you get into the ten and twenty thousand then i really think you need to be showing its more than just about shooting. The general public turn a blind eye to how many chickens are reared, and the conditions there living in so long as the majority get a cheap bird, pheasant are smaller dearer and seen as fancy food. As for journalists only reporting what they want? Since when has that ever been any different. And Basc & CA need complaints from all members about not backing up this estate, divided we fall and all that.
  20. There was something last week on Facebook about a fella thinking squirrels had killed a chicken? Apparently just an opening high up, guy was saying no way could it be rats, he was putting up cameras to try and catch something in the act. not sure of the outcome, but squirrels take eggs and chicks so why not hens eggs.
  21. Mice!

    Lunar eclipse

    Did anybody else see the eclipse tonight? Watched the moon disappearing at about 0435, thankfully heard it mentioned on the radio, we did see a bit of "blood" but the car park lights didn't help plus it was misty, then nothing because of the weather. I took a very bad picture on my phone, but we won't have another Lunar eclipse for 22 years one of the lads said?
  22. Mice!

    Funny eye

    One chap i know nearly lost his sight because of his eyes swelling and putting pressure on his lenses, apparently if he hadn't gone to A&E he would likely be blind now, he did have other symptoms but i would say if there is something wrong with your vision for a continuess amount of time you get it checked out, that's not wasting anyone's time.
  23. We have hearing tests every year through work, I'm always told my hearing in my right ear is poor, and left isn't great, yeah well I've always thought noisy job, i haven't shot much just beaters days with shotguns and a few clay sessions every now and then years ago, but as others say it doesn't take much to damage your hearing. We had a new company come in last year, and the nurse managed to put the willy's up me by saying something else could be wrong with my ears not being the same. Now the NHS get plenty of stick but doctors then sent for hearing tests then an MRI scan all within two weeks maybe? Nothing found that shouldn't be there, but i always wear ear protection now, whether in work, home or near the guns beating, and its worth trying different brands to find what's more comfortable as we're all different. Be sure to make the youngsters whether at work or shooting wear there hearing protection.
  24. What didn't get cooked or frozen went in a bin bag, then wheelie bin, like most folk do I'd imagine? Didn't compost it as it would attract rats.
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