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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I count myself very lucky as I get to see and work with these types of birds every day.

    I'm very very jealous, was the woman in the program very good with her bird or do you think they just showed the good bits?

  2. Sounds like your always busy, but a baby is a whole new game, I was only doing upto 60 hrs before my daughter was born, not working for myself but pretty much bullied into it, small company this is how it is, I left two weeks before she was born they were stunned.


    I would say your over doing it and need a balance especially once the baby comes as your misses and the baby are going to need lots of attention, can you get someone to cover or help with the shop or on site?


    Hope your guts behave from now and good luck.

  3. I enjoyed it, need to watch the last quarter of an hour again, as kids came home so while it was on I missed most of what she was saying.


    Stunning pictures and yes it was different to what you might expect, I would like a follow up program in say two years I think there are going to be a lot of nervous squirrels and rabbits where she lives.

  4. It was a very odd feeling. Im scared of nothing but the dentist but this gave me a feeling like whatever was growling up there really didnt want to share whatever it had.

    It was probably a big squirrel 😄

  5. Imagine it being -40c, we come to a standstill at -10.


    I would think your right anser2 a small enough limit to sell to put off people (company's) shooting pheasant shoot numbers but to encourage wild fowlers to shoot a few more knowing the birds wouldn't be wasted, it could probably pay towards your shooting as well if your using guides etc meaning you might get out more.

  6. Will, what are you asking for and how are you asking? Going back twenty years I shot and ferreted around Frodsham and Helsby which wouldn't be a million miles away from you, used to be an hours drive for me. I was only shooting air rifle but had several small farms close to each other, can't remember why I ended up there just did. Lots of knocking and asking around but I was happy with what I got.


    The beating route is definitely the other good way to go, you'll meet like minded folk have a good laugh and hopefully get some shooting out of it.


    Also can you not join a syndicate? There are always diy ones about?



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