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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Delicious dinner, beef falling off the bones, rich, thick gravy etc etc.


    Top tip is to blast whatever meat you are using in a really hot oven for a bit beforehand. You then get all the roasty, crispy, meaty flavours that just aren't there if you start off with raw ingredients straight in the pot.


    I rubbed my beef ribs with a little rapeseed oil before giving them 15 minutes at 250 degrees. The fat and outer membrane crisped up almost to burning, and the bone ends were bubbling when I slung them in the pot, but 10 hours on low with plenty of veg turned them into a gloriously silky stew.


    Second top tip is that if you are cooking beef, chuck in plenty of turnips. Essentially turnips taste a little bit like horseradish, and that sweet, radishy flavour is deliciously complementary.





    Now can I ask did you add any liquid to this? Sounds very nice indeed I'm just wondering if I just put ribs in do they dry up or do you always need to add some liquid??

  2. Success, first proper meal in the slow cooker, diced up some pork chops to go with chicken drumsticks, browned it off in a pan then into the slow cooker with carrot parsnip and some seasonings, at least that's what the lady wife told me, she gave it a shake and a stir and jib done. We were outside enjoying the afternoon sunshine while the tea sorted itself.


    Kids wolfed it down and I've got a portion for later as well, wife went Tesco for hers you couldn't make it up the joy if being a vegi.

  3. I got all excited earlier in the year spotted a bird went home and identified it as a little eegret thought wow, then found there not rare in this country, but it was still the first I had seen not on the telly.

  4. I would say neck or body if you had hit the nose or jaw it would probably have been making a proper racket. Even with headshots if they are aware of something the flight response can get them into cover or down a hole.


    What range is your rifle zeroed, at are you saying 30mtrs? Might be better to zero at 35 or 40 as your using a fac and see what kind of drop you get between 20 to your zero might give you a bit more room for error.


    Wounding can and does happen you just have to try your best to make sure its a rare thing not regular.

  5. Yes but she had done 6 maybe 7 interviews how is she meant to get her facts right under such pressure???


    O wait that's her job, silly me, no idea why Mrs May called an election with such fierce opposition 🤔

  6. I'll let you know when I find out? Just curious what folk had paid for flagging jobs as normally brother and mate would muck in on this kind of thing, but kids rugby football and work mean I'll have to pay out for a change 😊

  7. Well you know what to do my lord, pretend you don't work at home do an hour every other day before work on the bike.


    Don't think you can beat cycling for fitness and I'm sure it would be a lot more enjoyable not doing it in the big smoke

  8. It depends on what you've been asked, its your land so different most of what I used to shoot fed the ferrets, if it was someone's garden or on horse land say they may just want as much as possible shot, also if you shoot all the little ones there won't be many left come winter

  9. Do you know anyone who shoots with black powder that could be entertaining, have you ever seen where the stag gets cuffed to a dwarf, couldn't shoot but its hilarious if everyone is willing to chip in

  10. I was expecting a thread about the wildlife people see when out and about not just shooting.


    I've been Beating on pheasant shoots and grouse moors on both little and large, personally I prefer the Smaller shoot with a mixed bag and a good laugh but if people want to pay for bigger bags and more shooting then that's up to them.


    As mentioned above a team of 8-12 guns on a 250 bird day might only shoot 20-25 birds each but someone has to pay for the birds being there

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