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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I cant see much probably because I'm not on face book but the dog could end up anywhere, your hand looked bad enough but it could be a kids face next???


    All very wrong dog has got obvious issues and is going to be homed somewhere else again, no no no

  2. No, but I guess he has entered hers..............


    Just having a late lunch when I saw your pic very funny, caught the end of the interview o the news last night, she should have just resigned but why when your getting paid for doing nothing.


    When the labour party has finished committing suicide we could use there wages to pay for extra police

  3. Mostly yes, got some new second hand ones that have stone effect 30 of them with rest coming up then going back down. I'll be doing as much as i can before and during but this way it will get done rather than being months .

  4. Hi all got a couple of guys coming round to price up for some flagging, re laying the patio if they show?


    Normally do this sort of thing myself but its about 140 flags and it would take me forever plus probably have to buy a mixer, can anyone give me any ideas what sort of price I should be looking at.


    Thanks all Mice!

  5. Here is an idea I don't use face book but sure lots of others on here do, have people leave msgs and the pics of your hand on there pages saying and showing what happened.


    Just don't jeopardiseyou case against them for when you sue them



  6. This sort of thing was common place where I grew up, break a window or panel and take your keys happily moved a long while ago and nothing ever seems to happen now, talking yesterday and neighbours had a set of ladders knicked out the garden hopefully just cos they were on show.


    Don't know what motors you have but it might be worth getting some of those drop down bollards for the drive at night time.


    Stay safe

  7. I like the above idea it makes sense.


    One of the lads at work now doesn't drink on a school night as he puts it, we work rolling shifts so we might be off Tuesday Wednesday say but no booze and the weight has fell off him

  8. We went and spread my old dogs ashes few weeks back whilst out we saw baby mallard, pheasant, lambs, squirrels several song birds green woodpecker, horses and the big finale was two roe running across the field in front of us, the wildlife we saw made us all happy.😀

  9. My biggest downfall is fried food & chips.


    In a cafe it could breakfast with chips, Maybe a portion of chips from chippy at lunch, Teatime = fried something with chips

    I'm at a loss what the hell do you replace chips with ???

    New potatoes or home made sweet potato wedges chop them up bit of oil and in the oven 25mins lovely


    Sounds like a plan - try it. at the worst you've only lost a few pence in oats and milk

    On it, we love porridge but not time on school days could be a nice surprise in the morning

  10. My brother got them done on his roof and I had totally forgotten till I read this, have seen a solar field towards st Helens off the M6, seemed strange but I guess the farmer is making money and didn't seem that in your face

  11. I nearly bought a tx 200 years ago but the weight put me off was a lovey gun though.


    Had a bsa super sport which was great around farm yards and easy to take ferreting.


    Started out with a webley tracker that I shouldn't have sold although it was a bit of a fiddle to load, memory lane ha ha

  12. Mine goes straight in the fridge at work for a few hours then its fine, its not about enjoyment though its about being healthy, I enjoy a brew and biscuits or a couple of beers at home but drinking plenty flushes you out and stops you snacking.


    We bought a slow cooker the other day and it says about doing porridge in it so its ready when you come down?

  13. Won't say love but then its the only one I have, used to shoot with a mate who got one after having Daystates, he sang its praises so after trying it I got one.


    Been hardly used in last 8-10 years few rats and squirrels in peoples gardens but no problems that I can tell, I'm planning on putting a new silencer on her as I've never thought its as quiet as could be.


    Didn't want to hijack your thread was all.

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