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Posts posted by Strongman

  1. I bought this off here about a year ago. I set it up and was impressed by the system but have never used it! 

    There are a few spare bits and two taller shot / powder tubes.


    I do most of my shooting with a rifle now so don’t have the need to reload. 

    Looking to get back what I paid, which was £35 posted. 

    Could arrange for it to be picked up from the Shooting Show as I know one of the exhibitors and could leave it with them, for £30. 

  2. Having upgraded and replaced our phones I have a 16GB iPhone 5s silver/white and 32GB iPhone SE silver/white for sale.

    Unfortunately both have small cracks on the screens, neither really impare the functionality as they are up in the top right corners. Both have screen protectors fitted. Cannot find chargers for phones but can be bought cheaply.

    Would like £35 (sold) posted for the SE and £20 posted for the 5s.

    I also have a 16GB iPhone 5s in space grey. The screen is fine on this one and also has a screen protector fitted. The battery is not great but I have a battery case fitted which works well. It also acts as a protective case. Would like £30 posted for this please. Can include a charging cable for the battery case for this one.

    Please pm me for pictures as I can then send easier than uploading on here! 

  3. Having had a last walk round on the shoot I help run on Wednesday I was surprised to the lack of birds we saw. I suspected a fox may have been about and pushed them from the usual holding areas so it was out into the cold on Wednesday night.

    First hour was quiet but I set up in a new area with a bank steadily rising in front of me with woods at the top to the left and right. Played the vixen call on and off for about half an hour and had three dog foxes calling at one point! The nearest was in the wood above me to the left. I switched to the trusty beercan call and down he can within a minute! Duly shot at roughly 50 yards. Large dog fox.


    Moved back over the river to where I thought I had heard one of the other foxes calling. By this time it was really cold so it was nice to be moving! I set up the caller and retreated under a tree to wait. After about 10 minutes I had a scan and thought I’d have a look behind me. Two heat masses were in the distance by out pheasant release pen. Looking through the NV I could see two foxes ambling down the hedge together. It was crisp under foot so I didn’t want to risk moving closer so I watched and waited. They headed towards me, and at the closest point we’re sniffing rounds a pile of brash. I took this opportunity and dropped one at 115 yards hoping the other may stop long enough for a second shot, which he didn’t! Another large dog fox, this one with a patch of mange on his rear quarter. Headed home to thaw out after this one!


  4. Sounds like a good night of shooting. Top work once again chaps  

    Ive just got back from the rough shoot I help run and I shot a fox as it came out of a small spinney. It was a really maingy thing so not photo worthy. It had been seen round the farm recently, accounting for a cat and some chickens by all accounts! 

  5. Good shooting that Grant. Which is your 'dead tree' which is adorned with various carcasses?!! My bait station is 100 yards from my rest / top of our oil tank! Unfortunately we don't have a window that opens enough to give me a shot from the comfort of the house! Make note of that Mike, window to allow a shot onto the hunting estate!!

    You've not heard a beercan call then Mike! If you let me know your email address I will send it over to you.

    While we are on the subject of calls, has anyone got a gekkering call I could pinch please? I am hearing a lot of dog foxes round our way and wanted to try something different.

  6. After my nightmare last week I had a zeroing session on Sunday. My scope had indeed been knocked and I was 4” high and left!

    With that all sorted I was out Tuesday night with a vengeance. I was met with near daylight! 

    First stand and vixen call produced nothing. Switched to beercan call and a fox burst out of the hedge I was next to only 30 feet away! Dropped him at about 60 yards when he finally stopped!

    Saw two more in the distance on the way to my next stand but with the bright moon they soon scarpered. Set the caller on the beercan call and had a fox racing across the field in seconds, catching me completely unprepared. Got him in the scope as he was looking puzzled at the caller I hadn’t muted in the melee! He was oss again before I could get a shot off. He skirted the wood above me but disappeared after 20 minutes or so. 

    Third and  stand, as I was freezing by now, had foxes calling from all directions to the vixen call but nothing showing. After about 30 minutes one appeared about 250 yards on the edge of a wood. After careful coaxing he started to come. Switched to the NV only to find he has raced in and is sniffing the caller, probably picked up scent of the vixen I had earlier! He started to move off but stopped and I took him at about 40 yards. Large dog fox. 


  7. Some good work going on round the country by the looks of the reports. Unfortunately not by me tonight. Had been hearing foxes on a permission behind where I live so decided on a plan to tackle them tonight. Set up caller and retreated to a corner with a high hedge. About 20 minutes later first fox arrives but is quite standoffish and only came to about 80 yards. Gave him a squeak to stop him, to which he turned and headed off. He stopped at about 110 yards so I steadied and took the shot, duly missing! 😞

    Called for a bit longer but nothing else. Moved onto my second stand and setup. After about 25 minutes a fox comes charging in to the call. Gave him a shout to stop him at about 40 yards. Took the shot and off he ran. Sounded like a good strike but could not find him anywhere. Not satisfied with possibly of my scope perhaps being knocked I headed home really pi$$ed off!! Feel like a member of billy smarts shooting circus 🙄. Some serious zero checking on Sunday me thinks. 

  8. The numbers are climbing steadily now! I am hearing loads of dog foxes calling round by me so I will be running the vixen call tonight to see what that brings!

    Sounds like you had a good night Stu and Mike. The Quantum Lite comes with a nice little across the body bag which might be of interest to you too Mike, one more for the collection!!



  9. Was going to go out last night but saw two foxes in the field above my baiting area behind the house. Decided to stay in and sort them out. Anyway, after hours of them appearing, moving towards my boundary then disappearing I called it a night at about 11!

    Checked with the thermal early tonight but saw nothing, thought I would have a quick peek at about 9 and there was a fox on the field above mine. Decided to stalk up the hedge and call him down rather that wait as I usually do as he seemed to be mousing. Thermal makes spotting so much easier and I kept a good sight of him as I crept up the hedge. In position I cave him a call and down he came, easy I thought. There was one small branch hanging down from the tree I was under that I was getting glare back from so where does he head! Lost him for about 5 minutes, don’t know how close he came to me but thermal picked him up and I called him down again. 60 yard simple shot. Young dog.


    Put a bit more effort into the picture taking, can you tell!! 😞

  10. Thermal does make a massive difference Mike.

    I couldn’t pick her up with the NV as she was heading away through rough ground. With the thermal she stood out like your mansion does from space!! 😆

    Where are you in Mid Wales? It’s just my sister lives near Ponterwyd so if you wanted to look through mine it might help you make your mind up?


  11. I did an epic 6 hour session last night. It was really dark but only a slight breeze. Thought I’d take the opportunity to go right round my biggest permission. Ticked off all the likely spots, stopping to call as I went, but saw nothing. Was heading to a field down a track and picked up something heading away from me with the thermal in an unlikely spot. Stalked down the hedgeline and picked up a fox in the scope at about 110yards. One down and it’s only 2 o’clock! Nice looking vixen  


    Spurred on I continued round but nothing moving or coming to the call. Heard a dog fox as I was in my way back and picked up a fox not 200 yards from the stockyard where I was parked. Quick mouth squeak had him racing in, right into a reed bed where I could only pick his eyes. Not content to shot at eyes I waited out and he moved off into a flock of sheep! After much manoeuvring and coaxing him out I had a shot at about 140 yards as a best option. I steadied and missed over the top! Gutted, would have made a nice ending to a long night. One down though so can’t complain. 

  12. Good to hear your doing well Stu, make sure you look after yourself in this cold weather. Got to give Ed & Grant some competition on numbers!!

    Welcome back Grant, hope you had a good holiday. Don’t know if Ed has saved you many foxes as he’s been busy while you’ve been away! 

  13. Nice work Stu and Mike. Good to see a few getting grassed before lambing. 

    Did you mop up the cubs this year then Mark as it would appear that you’ve only got wise old ones about? There should be an influx soon with the pairing up happening.

    Will the grand opening of the mansion be a good point to hold a Foxclub get together Mike? We could do some target shooting in the vast grounds too! This then will give you an incentive to get it finished at long last 😀

  14. Happy new year chaps.

    I finally got out last night after Christmas visiting, moon etc! Had a cup of tea with the farmer so didn’t get going until about 11.30. It was still but dark and there was a nip in the air. I took in the neighbors farm first which usually yields a fox or two but saw nothing out. Had a couple of stands with the caller out but nothing doing. Finally headed to the first farm about 2 feeling a bit puzzled at seeing nothing. First two fields yielded nothing so headed to the duck pond as I had heard them making a racket when I was over the other side of the valley. First look with thermal showed nothing so I moved on. I had only gone about 100 yards when the ducks were making an awful noise. Scan with the thermal reveals a fox looking at the pond, don’t know where he appeared from! Stalked back and dropped him at about 70yards, large dog. 


    Saw nothing else but pleased I’m off the mark. Heard a couple of vixens calling so will get out on the hill later this week. Got home at about 4. Glad I’m not at work today!

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