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Posts posted by Strongman

  1. Yep, let them **** it up then when he comes back to you at lambing time let him know what you charge per fox!! If he doesn’t like it he can get the clowns in.

    Bornfree, don’t want to pry and say if you don’t want to but how much do you charge per fox then?

  2. Top job again Stu. Hope you’ve had a good Christmas mate.  I’ve not been out for a while now as I seem to be visiting every man and his dog this Christmas! I’ll be out next week though.

    Hooe you have a safe trip back Grant. Looks like Ed has done a good job holding the fort while you’ve been away! 

  3. 6 hours ago, racing snake said:

    What with the weather, Christmas stuff, and 2 weeks into a 6 week course of chemo, getting out has been a challenge! Finally manged it last night though. Dog and Vixen. Moon a pain again.


    Good to hear your getting out mate. Top job getting two with the moon & weather like it’s been.  I went out earlier in the week, got soaked and a tan from the moon 🙄.

    You take it easy mate and get yourself better. The foxes will still be there for you!!

  4. Well I christened my new toys tonight. Second field I picked up a distant fox in the thermal. Got set up on the sticks and started calling and I’m he comes. This is easy me thinks as the fox is about 60 yards away and clear as daylight in my new ATN 4K scope. Just waiting for him to present a good broadside and he disappears down a bank towards the river! More calling and cursing, he reappears in the field! Can’t see how I didn’t see him break out. Anyway calling again he comes back only this time disappears into a pile of brash! After 15 minutes I decide to stalk round the brash to see if he is still about. No sign so start heading back. Quick scan with the thermal and he is looking at me from down by the river. On the sticks again but this time he has gone!

    Walk around for another hour only seeing mice and owls and I approach the last field. In the thermal I can see two suspicious creatures in with the sheep. Stalking closer I get on the sticks and pick them up at about 80 yards. A quick squeak and they are both looking. I dropped one but the other was off before I could get onto him.


    A vixen which looked like it was paired up by the way they were acting!

    I don’t think I would have picked them up so easily without the thermal, which was better than I could have imagined. It certainly will be a game changer. Mike, you’ve got to get one of these!! Can’t wait until Wednesday when I’m out next! 

  5. On 03/12/2018 at 08:09, WelshMike said:

    Which lovely new toy did you get? This thermal kit is soooooo tempting lol. 

    Hi Mike, went for the Quantum xq30v. Not been out with it proper yet as work keeps getting in the way! From what I have seen of it so far through it will be a game changer. Get one, you’ll not regret it!! It comes with its own little man bag too 😂.

    Good work on the foxes chaps, seems chicken farms are the place to be at the minute. I’ve seen another fox in the field behind us but not got on him yet. I’m sure it won’t be long though! 

  6. Good to see you today Ed. Will look forward to a night out to see how the professionals do it!!

    Had a play with said thermal on the field behind our house last night. Had a quick scan about and low and behold there is a fox near my bait area! Rifle out and ready but he has disappeared! Left it out on the kitchen table and checked regularly over the next hour. At about 11 o’clock he was back and I was ready. Made a right Horlicks of setting up a rest on our oil tank but managed to stop him at about 110 yards for a shot. 


    Really fat dog fox. 

    Looking forward to getting out properly with my new toys this week 👍

  7. Nice work Grant and Stu. I was out tonight but it was like daylight. Saw two of which one was mildly interested in the call but didn’t come close enough to present a shot. Very still and cold with freezing fog coming and going which made matters even worse. Frustrating night but will be out again this week, hopefully the moon ******* off too!

  8. Just scrapped my 2010 V50 and have a few parts to sell on. Thought I’d ask here first before Ebay. 

    Near and offside headlights £30 each posted.

    Front fogs £20 posted the pair

    I also have the following for which I have no idea of cost so let me know if your interested and my prices are way out-

    Couple of  types of boot cover / net dog guard. Need to be collected, £15 each for dual cover and net £10 for just dog net.

    Wing mirror (can’t remember which side) £10 and front grill £10  

    If someone wants the lot then I’m open to an offer.

    For pics or more info pm me your number or email address and I’ll watts app or email.


  9. I managed to find a window in the rain and went out on Wednesday night. Very quiet out but eventually came across this lass.


    Squeaked her in from about 70 yards in some sheep. When she got to about 50 yards she headed into some trees to my left. After slaloming through she appeared at about 15 yards and turned to run. Managed to stop her, dropping her at a mighty 20 yards! I’m going to carry a stick next time to save on ammunition!

    Saw two more in the distance, one showed some interest in the call but then headed off. Good to be back out again though. 

    Good to see your getting back into the swing of it Stu. Need to give Ed and Grant a run for their money as I recon they are shooting at a fox farm down their way!!

  10. I’m sure that everyone on here will have their fingers crossed for you too Stu.

    I suppose spring will be a breeze if lambing is out of the way before December! Perhaps then you could pop down and give Mike a hand with his mansion, he’s really kicking the **** out of it now!!

  11. Sounds like an entertaining night Ed!

    When I was a kid I was lamping with an air rifle and had a rabbit all lined up in the scope. Just about to pull the trigger when a cat jumped on the rabbit! It gave me a right shock and the cat had the rabbit😔

  12. It was like daylight here Mike. I considered going out but when I saw how light it was I changed my mind! No point educating them unnecessarily. 

    Hows the renovation going mate?The grand opening must be happening soon?!!!

    Did you have some cloud cover down you way then Ed? If not that’s a good effort with how light it was. 

    Good stuff Mike. I could see 100 yards without a torch last night so two is impressive. 

    I might have to reconsider and get out later this week. 

  13. +1on the foxpro. 

    I ventured out last week and saw nothing until right at the top fields of a permission. Was with the lamp and picked up eyes within a flock of sheep.

    Got on the sticks and gave it a squeak, sure enough out he came but without a great backstop. Lip squeaked him a bit closer but had to go over to the wam to get him in a safe shot! Over went a really fat dog fox!


    Saw nothing else all night. 

  14. Good stuff Ed, nearly at the 100 mark now!

    If I turn vegan I will ask you to do the necessary Ed!! 😉

    All very quiet here of late. Went out Wednesday night but only saw one hare! Not sure if someone else has been round my main permission as I’ve not seen much for some time now. Work tailing off now so will endeavour to catch up on my other permissions over the coming weeks. 

  15. Went out on Wednesday to a farm I hadn't been round for while. It's a tricky place which only has a few places where shots are possible.

    Opted for the lamp again as I expected that this years cubs would be out hunting.

    First scan picked up eyes over on a stubble field. Crept down a roadway and picked up the eyes in a good position. Quick mouth squeak and in she comes,dropped at about 40 yards. Young vixen.


    After noisily climbing a gate I was surprised to pick up another set of eyes about 200 yards off. I lost them soon after and too around which would hopefully pick up the culprit on the other side of the farm. On arriving at my ambush point I found nothing! Called for a few minutes to no avail & decided to call it a night. On retracing my steps I picked up eyes at about 100 yards. Little swine must have been lying up in a nettle patch under an oak! It looked like he was trying to get downwind of me but I managed to stop & drop him at about 80 yards. I thought it would be another youngster but it was an old dog!


  16. Good stuff lads, good to see the numbers are steadily increasing now.

    I ventured out on Monday night and only saw a couple in the distance that weren't hanging about either. A very quiet night all told.

    Went out to another permission last night as the farmer had said his dogs had been barking at something for the last couple of nights. Decided to go 'old school' with the lamp as I was banking on juveniles that hadn't been lit up before.

    The first hour and a half was quiet and all I saw was one fox I bumped in long grass! Just before midnight I spotted a fox on a low ridge. Got set up on the sticks, gave him a squeak and in he came, straight down the beam. Easy shot at about 40 yards. A dog that looked like one of this years, lovely condition.


    20 minutes later I lit up another a long way off in a stubble field. Couldn't get closer as I didn't want to spook him as I got over the fence. Give him a few blows on the Wam and he looked straight at me and started my way. I lost him in some dead ground for a while but he appeared to my right at about 150 yards. He cautiously came a little closer but then stopped and sat looking at me. Thinking the game was up he moved again to give a good backstop but still at a good distance. I took the shot and dropped him at what turned out to be 130 yards. Another young dog fox a little bigger than the first.


    After that it started to rain and I saw nothing else other than hares and sheep! Good to grass a couple after a bit of a drought though.

  17. 1 hour ago, racing snake said:

    Thanks Richard. Yes they're been knocking them over all right! Still feels a bit weird going out when it's so warm. Looking forward to autumn now. Hope you manage to get out,

    Looking forward to getting out, now harvesting is in full swing there will be nowhere to hide so will hopefully account for a few. When I was last out it was very strange being so warm in the early hours!

    I would have thought with all this good weather you would have cracked on and got it finished by now Mike!! ?

  18. Nice to see you back Stu. You can give Ed and Grant a run for their money now as they have been amassing a good haul so far this year!

    I've not been out much lately as it seems everything has conspired against me. Hoping to get out his week though, maybe tonight if all goes to plan

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