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Everything posted by mchughcb

  1. How much is the government paying your heating bill?
  2. Did Putin ever declare a 3 day war? Still 20 years after Bush yelled Mission Accomplished they are still at it.
  3. Thanks for the correction. How much was in the bank account again?
  4. Of all people, Zelensky was named in the Panama Papers.
  5. Yes. Fair enough that's too bad because he is interviewed about why he made his choice. I'd rather hear it first hand than read it second hand on wikipedia.
  6. This view that all of Ukraine was against Russia stepping is a completely false narrative. Russian speaking Ukrainians in the east, declared a separate state, then asked Russia for protection.
  7. I just post the first link https://tass.com/politics/1409091
  8. Did you bother to watch Ukraine on fire? They interview him over his decision. The cheap gas deal was better financially for the country than the loans the west were giving. If he took that deal then they would be paying fuel prices which he couldn't afford to pay.
  9. And for not accepting the overthrow of their elected government in 2014, the resistance must be crushed. If they vote to be autonomous it's against the illegal government and must be crushed. If they decided to join the Russian Federation they definitely must be crushed. Was the Donbass daily shelling Kiev for 8 years
  10. Agreed. Anybody who has seen waring parties with lawyers will understand there is a point if you don't agree there will nothing left and the lawyers are rich. Cue the military industrial complex.
  11. Russia was invited by the people who previously identified as Ukrainians to protect them. Ukraine wants to join NATO, except NATO is not so ready to fast track membership them like Sweden. That tells you everything.
  12. There was plenty of Russian speaking of Ukrainians dying already, bombed every day in the city before March. Ukrainian should negotiate for better terms before they face an unconditional surrender or dragged into a war that neither they or their allies can afford and eventually tun into a completely failed state like Somalia that nobody will support.
  13. It's unfortunate that the very countries that put sanctions on the country supplying food and energy are complaining that it is Russia's fault. China and India continue to buy energy and goods at cheap prices. Much like blaming everything on Covid rather than the government actions that caused the economic meltdown. Which depends who you talk to was necessary to save the NHS or was a complete over reaction bloated scam. Demanding answers from everyone again and complaining about the answer? Very strange behaviour.
  14. Yes, ending the conflict, and stamping out corruption. Then the word got out rather than get back to the negotiations he amassed a nato trained force and was heading to donbass.
  15. I remember getting a surcharge on my car license for the military operation in East Timor. It was the first time as a poor student that it hit home wars cost money and poor people who want nothing to do with it actually are least able to afford it. What could I do nothing, but the next time a flogger tells me I need to support a war I've got nothing to do with I take a deep breathe
  16. I missed that part about your heating bills? How much is the government using other people's money to cover your heating bills?
  17. How much is the government (other taxpayers) covering your heating bills? No, the Jews and Arabs will be fighting after this conflict. You do not want it to spread, Israel has at least 25 nukes.
  18. Did you ever see the 2 interviews from this russian donbass woman about what happened? If you listen carefully to what she says you will see this appears to be a media setup designed for maximum exposure. Millions. Does anybody not think the civilians casualties are very very low compared to Iraq?
  19. There goes the pipe. The swedes have decided to withdraw from the joint investigation sighting national security concerns. How much is the UK government covering your heating bills? Should the bill be sent to the US taxpayer? So Zelensky is now asking Israel for their Iron Shield defence.
  20. You think that destruction of a multi-billion dollar gas pipe line that could provide cheap energy to 80 million germans by unknown agents is interesting, I'm just curious how many government money (other people's money) are you getting to cover your heating bills?
  21. Yes Grenada, where the USA went and invaded to save American students and could wait to get rod of them commie plotters. Even though thatcher said Reagan shouldn't and the UN declared illegal. It's alright when we do it. Speaking of which, Sweden is now not going to publish findings of Nordstream 2 explosion sighting national security and now the Germans have said they know who did it but not naming anyone. What that tells me it wasn't Russia or it would be on the airways 24/7. So when your allies blow up your cheap energy supply, when do they stop becoming your ally?
  22. Well Iranians are building cheap disposable drones which seem far cheaper than the multi use predator and Turkish drones which it's worth using a S300 or just plain fighter jet on. Probably not in Russian military doctrine but will be going forward.
  23. Well hundreds got launched then and redundant drones in same targets. Amazing what a cheap single cylinder rotax can achieve.
  24. More whataboutery The old special military operation condemned by the UK and the UN. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_invasion_of_Grenada So people are going to buy Iranian micro drones then?
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