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Everything posted by PPP

  1. Excellent, thanks, wondered if the composite stock would be frowned on akin to taking semi auto shotgun into Grouse moor...
  2. Hi To be honest a mixture although not much vehicle shooting.. As for target shooting it will be for practice / fun on ranges, we have a few good military ranges not far away, doubt I will be competitive other than with myself.. Interesting, thanks.. Awesome, thanks I know what you mean but wooden stocked rifles do get pinged (as my T bolt will tell you)
  3. Agreed, I’m already carrying a stone too much, another few pounds won’t hurt ?
  4. I will be ordering my 308 this week and have narrowed it down to this. Rifle use will be: 10% Deer 10% Boar 20% Fox 60 % Target Which variant would you choose and why? Current think favourite is CTR or Super Varmint
  5. Thanks, will pick up some CCi subs
  6. Just picked up 10/22 in 22lr expressly for being as quiet as possible due to proximity to stables and shouty Jemima/Henrietta types.. And suggestions what to feed it with? I know not everyone will agree but hopefully there will be a popular choice.
  7. Business is certainly slow in the gun trade, Browning are phoning round dealers here to try to generate
  8. 150M Rabbit headshot is quite some feat..
  9. No problem, just my experience using Browning Tbolt. CCi game point worse than Winchester..
  10. Good post, walked the recently cut stubbles which have been left longer than normal this year and seemed thicker, due to the sun baking the flipping things are like pungee sticks, good call to leave dogs at home
  11. Winchester Ammo? Exactly my experience, switch to Hornady sorted problem
  12. Each in the case of the fing magpies....
  13. Upside is I found my Boker knife!
  14. I solved my Buck sharpening problem by losing it pigeon shooting!
  15. PPP


    I think you are right, look at the bottom line and if you like it pay, if not denied if you want to spend time searching around. As long as the entity is UK authorised and rated capacity with FSCS back up, much of the rest is background noise.
  16. Weddings and families are a source of untold stress and aggravation, If i were the OP i would do all i can to try and be nice, maybe a short note to your sister and partner acknowledging that Vegans were not intentionally catered for when planning the meal but outlining the component parts so as they can decide what they can or cant eat, you could go as far as saying that although you would miss them you understand they may wish to make alternative arrangements for dinner, then its up to them... As an side, i know quite a few Vegans, some of who go this route for medical reasons and some ethical. To be honest, they have all been pretty respectful of how we live and that respect has been returned, we are united by a disbelief of vegetarians who seemingly can't make their mind up especially chicken eating one or those partial to the odd Big Mac or Bacon sarnie
  17. Big kit in the call for all eventualities, lives in there so always available for shooting. In shooting bag and pigeon bag and rifle bag i have a small fist aid kit to cope with stings, bites, ticks, thorns, cuts and bruises, maybe a sprain and eye washes and patches to cope with the all to common eye whip one receives when pushing through the thicker stuff but nothing that would help that much if seriously caught on the wrong end of a firearm. Probably more peace of mind than anything
  18. I wasn’t bored, but I am now ...
  19. I think it’s due to the difference in weight (or maybe pressure) rather than modifying the bullet unless you are spraying bullets all over the place?
  20. Started cutting ours today whilst putting up Partridge Pens, not great stuff to breathe in... Pigeons were straight on it
  21. The kickplate ones I have are fitted with Alan bolts to move the plates up or down, not that I use them after getting the auger ends
  22. Yep, the walls are quite thick and the holes line up with the plastic collar on the pole where the adjust, the rod that goes through is maybe 5mm rod One tip, get the longest poles then you can use them in winter too, they push a long way into soft ground.
  23. Mine have a hole drilled through that a cross bar slots through to get extra grip.
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