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Everything posted by PPP

  1. Schoolbus clearly has a way to go, maybe the dinner lady should let someone else drive? I’m surprised the job fell to her in the first place.
  2. PPP

    Russia Today

    Some interesting views on current affairs.. https://www.rt.com/
  3. PPP


    It’s cirrect, has been open to misuse in the past but most companies are more pragmatic now..
  4. PPP

    Horse fly bites

    Brilliant, thanks for advice, two bites on ankle now!, Nothing sharp about this Clegg...
  5. It’s an awful feeling and everyone goes through it, out lamping last week I had two rabbits which were head shot but lost lower part of head and needed follow ups, I felt horrible and considered not shooting at all, haven’t been back since. I also use HMR although I’m not good enough to reach out to those distances as I head shoot however the round is more than capable for sure, I really don’t like it in the wind. I have shot rabbits out to 140 (but only twice) and try to get as close as possible, I usually always use a range finder unless lamping. Try to not beat yourself up about it, it’s part of shooting and I’m afraid it will happen again, as will winged birds, birds not picked up, anyone who doesn’t miss and doesn’t have the odd lost runner is either lying or hasn’t been more than a coup”e of times and been lucky. The Hare still had a better life than a battery chicken or Halal animal.
  6. I think that if you cut them whilst still growing they take longer to dry out is all
  7. It’s amazing how the remain focused media fails to acknowledge that athe EU superset is even more fundamentally flawed than ever before. However much leaving hurts (and I’m sure it will in short medium term), remaining in on an more tied in basis would have been catastrophic in th medium long term, this was my view at referendum time and it’s been galvanised. I'm absolutely sick and tired of people bleeting on and protesting against democracy whether is Brexit or Trump, it’s just boring..
  8. 4 clicks difference on Hawke HMR scope at 100 yards between 0 degrees last time zeroed and 26 degrees last Weds evening, also moved 2 clicks right..
  9. I was told 16 yards and then 16 yard increments if testing effect of choke, no idea why...
  10. Collect ours up and drop at the local recycler who also collects from clay grounds, they don’t charge
  11. Is it just me that can’t stabd this stuff?
  12. I can kind of understand that, shop was suggesting it can happen at any point...
  13. At renewal or mid term? Google shows 14 within 20 miles of home, plus I know of two others.... only now use two though..
  14. Essex/Suffolk loads of gunshops here, near half are good
  15. At renewal being the key point, shop tried to tell me it’s mid term...
  16. Thanks guys, its was clearly just a sales tactic, ah well, helps decide which gunshots to use
  17. My initial thoughts.. might stop using that shop, plenty of choice here
  18. Visited the gunshop at the weekend to pick up a few things and was told by the owner that the local police were cracking down on unfilled slots on licences and low use of ammunition with a view to withdrawing the calibre. I can understand that this may well be the case at renewal but mid-term seems a bit off. Has anyone experienced this mid term?
  19. Maybe its just naturally occurring in Wiltshire .... Love the theory that Theresa done it :)... Perhaps it was Trump... Or Aliens.. Undoubtedly due to Brexit though whatever the outcome
  20. You are right, 13.5 for me is I beleive too high for prone, cynically one could suggest the want us to buy more than one... I have a trigger stick for anything not prone but lugging it around gets boring..
  21. Excellent thanks, time for a shopping trip!
  22. Why have we got a load of Russian Spies in Wiltshire?
  23. Quick question, are the notchless ones adjustable or are they ‘in or out’?
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