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Everything posted by PPP

  1. Ok great, swivel it is, I guess worth the extra cash, currently have 9-15 Chinese copy..
  2. Thanks, which model please? There is quite a spread and I don’t understand why... for example http://www.uttings.co.uk/c637-bipods-and-supports/brand=harris/
  3. I am, at best, heavy handed with things and as a result my ‘cheap’ made in China Bipod has bent out of all recognition after 18 months use. i like the idea of javelin, but not the price.... Any suggestions for a strong functional bipod (weight not important)
  4. Aha... thanks... that could well be it as there is still some wheat around which seemed odd. To be honest the wheat that was brought in looked a bit green still
  5. Would make sense as the first bits were probably 2 weeks ago, first pass then the whole lot done the next day (and it’s some serious acreage) Scuse ignorance... ‘take all’?
  6. A lot of the wheat here started coming in a week or more ago, winter barley looks close but very thin and OSR will be in next week, Farmers off to the carribean early this year, RangeRover sales down on threat of poor crop though...
  7. I naively thought I could rock up in the then works mondeo estate and pop the boot loaded with dozens of Iceland’s finest to the local hotspots before Mr Whippy and his buddies turned up and could therefore clear up.. which I did... for a while... had no idea how organised that community is...
  8. Me too as a Sunday job as a yoof... progressed to bar job in a pub near to the crossroads set, cigarette promoter in a shifty nightclub (sacked for a T shirt ‘fags4fags’) self employed ice cream seller before being run off patch, VIP security lackey, call centre clown (the worst job ever), DJ, Diamond Trader before entering financial markets so fundamentally career highlight was mushroom picker!
  9. Thanks to everyone who suggested these, just changed my HMR from Atac and it’s a lot quieter at the user end (luckily haven’t been at the target end)
  10. Not stop, no, but Gamebore and Hull have listened and released fibre versions of previously recently released plastic only wads (extreme pigeon and Sporting 100 respectively) whilst people still buy plastic companies will still sell to them.
  11. Lead is a given because of the lack of credible affordable alternative in the clay and game/vermin volumes i shoot. Fortunately i don't need not too often but when i do i use fibre bismuth. The point that you love overlooking is that there is an effective alternative to plastic litter but you enjoy winding people up bragging how you love to sling plastic into the environment which most decent people find abhorrent. Find me a decent alternative to lead that is the same price and usable with genuinely bio degradable wads and i'll switch tomorrow, the choice against plastic already exists. Unless we make sensible choices ourselves then our illustrious leaders who don't understanding will force change upon us, and who knows what other bans will be stapled to the back, it really is that simple.
  12. Nope, I use Bismuth as i don't do much wild fowling so can wear the cost.
  13. PPP

    Match fixing?

    Up until now they have played weekend teams ?? playing to win and losing ... ok playing deliberately to lose - match fixing and dishonest Alhough, if they were trying to win ......
  14. Not with plastic. You are choosing to miss the point to create a reaction because you think it’s cool to be the person advocating wanton littering. Leads a given, plastic or fibre is a choice, choosing to use plastic mens purposefully littering
  15. PPP

    Match fixing?

    Further a team progresses, more money is generated...
  16. Deliberately littering the countryside with any plastic is unacceptable, end of.
  17. PPP

    Match fixing?

    Fixing/playing to lose ... potato/pohtahtoe ... still receive a financial incentive for artificially influencing outcome of the game
  18. PPP

    Match fixing?

    Looked like they were playing to loose 1-0 from the start... handshake agreement before kick off?
  19. PPP

    Horse fly bites

    Yuck! Thanks for tips guys , ice and anti hysthemine were the only solution, thankfully hand back to normal by Tuesday (4days as suggested)
  20. These are ok https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rolls-Self-adhesive-Non-woven-Outdoor-Camouflage/dp/B01GL8MX04/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_468_t_1/260-2847526-2661062?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=DYHKFRGMPRE3JQ3CXZBM
  21. Good point, I paid half this BUT I had to do the refinish myself... How do you polish the pad?
  22. It’s flipping tiny though, I bought one for my boys fishing box, no good for those of us afflicted with sausage fingers..
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