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Everything posted by 51/50

  1. Depraved, backless, lowlife SCUM!,anyone caught doing this should have a different kind of lanyard put around their neck & get suspended from the nearest tree!,unbelievable!!!
  2. I've never heard of them,just tried accessing their website through a few different Google search links & i can't access them,keep getting '403 FORBIDDEN',no idea what that is?,i'm no computer geek!,did manage to see a few bits & pieces of info regarding them on other sites & it all seems to be importing weapons to Canada from USA & vice versa?. My Briley button purchased via Brownells UK finally landed & started tracking in this country this morning so hopefully will be in my hands sometime tomorrow.
  3. 5 outings since 7th April for 143 mixed corvids (Rooks,Carrions,Jackdaws & Hoodies). All outings were requested,permitted by local FEO's & on a few different farms,all legal & above board under the current lockdown situation & every possible precaution taken. Highlight was a 110 yard belly crawl to get within range of a Hoodie that was actively terrorising a pair of nesting Lapwings,32gms of No5 'Stone Dead' saw the hoodie being exactly that!,whilst picking up the Hoodie & returning i saw no sign of a destroyed nest but judging by the behaviour of all 3 birds there was definitely a nest nearby,i'm happy in the knowledge that i probably saved it.
  4. Nice sunny dry days up here recently & my road bike is stuck in the shed!,it's doing my neep in!,to make matters worse the gf is a key worker & clocking up the miles on her XSR900 going back & forth to work,it's not fair!
  5. Not an option really,also previously considered,the face to be coated would need to be shot/sand or vapour blasted before coating,for obvious reasons the rest of the follower would need to be masked off,i wouldn't risk it. Edit: kinda off-topic but can anybody tell me what the criteria is on this forum for posting in the 'Wanted' section?,i'm looking for a few shooting related items but i'm unable to post an add,i can't find anything related to this in the T&C's,do you need a certain post count or is it time related perhaps?
  6. Absolutely fantastic video,the lad's a European & world junior clay shooting champion,watching that vid it's little wonder why!,this video should be posted on the likes of Packham's & Wild Justice's social media pages,i'd do it myself but i don't partake in social media,it would be interesting to see how long it took for the video to be removed,we all know how much that lot like actual facts,proof & evidence of damage caused by pest species!
  7. Thanks Impala59,i had previously considered dayglo tape but the surface of the follower is slightly domed,trying to adhere tape would be a bit awkward & the thought of the tape ever coming off & getting jammed anywhere put me off that idea,the follower is stainless & has been polished to death,i've now completely given up on a replacement hi-viz follower,it's fried my head for too long,resigned to defeat!,as for the oversized bolt release button i did actually have the option of getting a bespoke one made by the same fella that CNC'd me a bolt handle but it would have meant posting my OEM button & mechanism to him so he could get dimensions of the mechanism then machine one along with a button,the button would be simple enough to make,the mechanism wouldn't be quite so straight forward & if it wasn't 100% it would have meant stripping the gun & sending it back to him to modify,way too much hassle,i have now bitten the bullet & purchased a Briley button & a couple of other bits n bobs from Brownells UK,very costly but hey ho,buying from them also eliminates a lot of grief should the wrong part be sent or is faulty,perhaps i should have just done this ages ago.....i'm often my own worst enemy,years of having 'one-off' parts made for various bikes has taught me this,when i get something in my head it consumes me & has to get done at any cost,fixing things that ain't broke,it's a man thing! 🙄
  8. Just received a reply from Phase 5 in America & surprise surprise... 'We do not believe our follower will fit your Beretta magazine'! AAAARRGGHH back to the drawing board AGAIN 🤬🤬!!! This is driving me insane!,perhaps i should go get one CNC'd for me which will likely cost a small fortune,i'd need to get it anodised aswell.
  9. You ought to try scrambled duck or goose eggs with chopped smoked salmon cooked in with them,plain scrambled eggs will never be the same again!,i've even done it with pheasant eggs,absolutely delicious!
  10. When i was dealing with the trigger on mine i recall seeing something on the net about being able to use the spring out of a retractable ballpoint pen,certainly not something i'd be comfy with,for the sake of saving £15 i wouldn't be taking any chances with any trigger component!
  11. Thanks again everybody,your input & advice is very much appreciated. What do i say...my head's in knots with this,i've been looking into this for sometime now,emailing various companies in the UK & USA ,countless hours surfing the net,i thought i had it sussed but again i'm fraught with uncertainty,thanks to this chinese bio warfare situation my finances have taken a big hit & i'm in no position to take any chances of being stung with extortionate import duties,i was about to go ahead with the deal with P.S.H.Q as mentioned in my original post but reading over their messages yet again there's nothing they've said that's 100% positive relating to duties,what would they care,as soon as i've purchased & they've shipped it's out of their hands,so...after going through the replies & advice on here i've decided to just bite the bullet & try & get the Briley release button via Brownells UK,it's pricey BUT i know if i get it from them i'm safe from any hidden charges & it would be easier to deal with any product problems should any arise,i'd been in touch with them previously regarding a Sure Cycle mag upgrade kit which they said they couldn't supply,i then asked about a Nordic Components low drag follower on their website & was advised that they would not fit my magazine tube,i gave up with Brownells at that point,however,i've been on their website again & am now enquiring about a 'Phase 5' low drag high viz follower they stock,if that'll fit my mag then i'll buy one,i've also found the 'Phase 5' American website & emailed them regarding fitment,i can't find info anywhere about fitment or non-fitment of my gun,i don't really need a new/uprated mag spring or plug,the only reason i want a replacement follower is purely for safety,higher visibilty in low light situations etc,the reason i want an oversized bolt release button is because i have a health condition that plays absolute havoc with the dexterity of my hands in low temperature situations,i've already had a bespoke oversized bolt handle made for that reason. Thanks again for the feedback folks,i hope that lot ^^ makes sense & i shall keep you informed on any progress,cheers!
  12. Thanks guys,i'll catch up on this later tonight,i've been summoned to get the GF's bike out of the hibernation shed & give it a check over,it's in for an MOT on Friday. Before anyone bites my head off she's a key worker & therefor can use her bike to travel to work!
  13. A relative of mine has a Ruger M77 Mk2 6mm PPC,i've put quite a lot of rounds through it,unbelievably accurate!,i'm not sure what trigger unit is on it but i know it's not standard,the rifle has had a fortune spent on it,a big dog fox unfortunately found itself on the receiving end of it just 2 nights ago,comeuppance for killing lambs!
  14. 51/50

    Captain Tom

    Amazing!,nothing short of a hero!
  15. Thanks,i contacted Brownells a month ago regarding the parts i was after,they could only supply one part,a Briley' bolt release button but they'd need to ship it over from Brownells USA,i looked into it at the time & drew the conclusion i could get it cheaper by sourcing & importing it myself,now i wondering should i just pay the extra to Brownells & do away with the worries about getting stung by import duties,this is doing me in 😕
  16. Thanks for the reply,the parts are for a semi-auto,one of the parts is a 'Sure Cycle' magazine upgrade kit (spring,follower & plug),the company did not have this kit in stock but said they could get it & ship it to me after they had checked with their compliance officer & confirmed it didn't require an export licence,they mentioned nothing regarding homeland security scrutiny or possible vetoing,is this something i should question them about?,the only import charges they mentioned was an unavoidable Royal Mail delivery fee which they reckoned was around £13,i looked into that & according to the Royal Mail website the handling fee was only £8,i thought i had this all sussed,i'm not so sure now,so complicated! The other part i'm after at the moment is a 'Briley' oversize bolt release button,they have them in stock & said there was no problem at all regarding shipping that. Edit: it's just dawned on me,with the company checking with their compliance officer & having the shipping ok'd would that be them checking that the parts wouldn't be subject to homeland security scrutiny & possible vetoing??
  17. Rimfire Magic CZ trigger spring kit, cheap as chips & great folk to deal with. https://www.rimfiremagic.co.uk/cz-trigger-kit-for-cz452-455-rimfire-rifles/ Easy to fit.
  18. If you're interested i can put you onto a fella who'll machine one for you to your own spec,i don't know him personally but he's made an oversized bolt handle for me for a very reasonable price & i highly recommend him,excellent to deal with & high quality work.
  19. I'm about to buy a few upgrade parts from a company in Texas by the name of 'Performance Shooting H.Q.' & have them shipped over here,i've been emailing them back & forth over the past few days & it's just a matter of doing the deal now,i'm just wondering if any member of this forum has ever had any dealings with this company & can give me any feedback?,they seem fine enough but the last thing i need right now is to be ripped off or messed around.I'm also a bit cloudy about import duties etc but to the best of my knowledge Royal Mail will only want an £8 handling fee & 20% import VAT so long as the value of the shipment does not exceed £135,can anyone clarify that?,i'll be placing a few seperate orders over the course of a few weeks so the shipment value doesn't exceed £135. This is all new to me,i've never had parts shipped from abroad before but the parts i want are unobtainable in the UK,any advice will be greatly appreciated,thanks.
  20. I also doubt you'll be disappointed,i've got a CZ455 Thumbhole Varmint 22lr,it's an absolute tack driver & hasn't once let me down,my only personal gripe was the somewhat 'agricultural' safety catch but some careful needle file work & polishing sorted that out,i also upgraded the trigger spring.
  21. I wouldn't get too excited,it only applies to pest management 'professionals',if it's not your full time job....the can of worms is about to burst open again...
  22. Pheasant & partridge soup followed by pinkfoot breasts & veg slow cooked in guinness served with garlic & paprika roast spuds & rosemary carrot & turnip mash,topped that lot off with way too much of the gf's own recipe creme egg cheescake,that was 3 hours ago & i'm still suffering,eyes bigger than the belly!
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