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Everything posted by 51/50

  1. Shooting on ground they had no permission on plus shooting together (i presume) under the current lockdown & social distancing rules,these fellas are obviously braindead & probably shouldn't have been granted certificates in the first place!
  2. As previously stated the aim points in the 17hmr scope will be completely different from the 22lr specific scope,i've got a Hawke Vantage IR 3-9x50 .22lr Subsonic on my CZ455 & i can't fault it,it's eliminates a lot of guess work.
  3. They can also still be shot in Scotland under GL 02/2020 from (1st April to 31st December) for the prevention of serious damage to livestock,feedstuffs for livestock,crops,vegetables and fruit.
  4. About 30 years ago myself & a relative were asked to deal with problem rooks in the grounds of a country house hotel,the rookery was in a stand of pine trees & was well established,growing year upon year until it got too big to ignore,the noise & the amount of cr#p being constantly splattered all over the buildings & guests vehicles got to a level where it was affecting business so action had to be taken,our first outing was in time for the branchers,a good majority of them were dealt with using air rifles,afterwards,any that had made it back into the nests & quite a number of adult birds circling above the trees were dealt with using a Marlin goose gun & Baikal Record cartridges!,the rookery was considerably reduced in size by the end of the day,pollarding trees with a shotgun,sore on the neck & shoulder but bloody effective! 🤣🤣🤣
  5. Still no video released of train tickets left hanging on his garden gate?
  6. That is extremely impressive!,my woodworking skills go as far as cutting kindlers,you could be making good money with skills like that,excellent job!
  7. I don't believe i've ever met anyone who had a good word to say about her or the SNP, nobody understands where they get all the votes from!,i'm surprised that even with this pandemic going on that she's still not banging on about another independence referendum!.
  8. No thank you but i'd happily take a stake to hers! ,wretched deplorable little 'woman'!
  9. Hello from Scotland. I happened upon this forum by chance & it looks to be of great interest,i've been shooting for 40+ years & i use various airweapons,firearms & shotguns. I hope you are all bearing up ok amidst this virus catastrophe,quite beyond belief isn't it! Take care & stay safe, Regards.
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