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Posts posted by DrStrangeGl0ve

  1. On 11/11/2019 at 11:51, button said:

    Think that is a bit harsh, i see no issue with what he does, If you have the ability

    He is an egotist by anyone's standard. I would love to see his claims scientifically verified.  I’ve seen the videos but its even more difficult to judge a pheasants range from a camera than in the field.  I’ve footage of 55 yard plus birds that I have shot but I’d say they were 55 yards not 80 yards although they look very much like David’s 80+ yarders.  David is very fortunate to get to shoot the likes of Llechweddygarth, that shoot produces some awesome birds.  I beat on that shoot, Three Valleys and Long Mountain 6 days a week for four seasons and I can tell you that Llechweddygarth was the one that got me fit/nearly killed me. Beating as we did one day nine drives as nearly the death of the beating team and dogs.  Anyone who wants to see really high birds killed should go and pick up on any one of the those three. I’ve seen the highest birds killed however shot on Llechweddygarth.  Its a shame David is actually doing harm to the sport he actually loves by making claims that he can not verify.  I’ve tried my lazer range finder and a friend’s much superior Swarovski and it seems impossible to be able to hold it on target long enough to be able to an accurate distance.  Perhaps as technology improves then it will be possible.  I would not encourage people to take long shots as they feel that they have to.  Kill the the birds that you are capable of killing and make sure that you are not wounding birds unnecessarily.  Its hard enough for most guns to consistently kill 40 yard birds so concentrate on doing that.

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