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Everything posted by Minky

  1. We were having an informal clay shoot and a mate was using 2x28 gauges. 1 was a Beretta O/U AND the other was an auto. When using the auto, the primers were dislodging from the case and generally jamming between the spent case and the top of the action. In one case we had to remove the barrel, the gas piston and linkage. A lot of wiggling and tapping of the action to get the mangled primer out of the action. Shooting recontinued. Never ever seen or heard of this ones. Bornagi cartridges.
  2. There is no right or wrong with cartridges. If they go bang and the lead is put on the target the load will do the job. Get a light 12 and shoot light loads. A lot, lot cheaper. And a better shot column pattern.
  3. Handy if you were near by. It's always a million miles away up north from here.
  4. Imagine the days in the field that this gun has seen. The group's of friends that have been out shooting on driven days. Even now it is still a tool that was designed to do a job and given the circumstances if the lead is put on the target it would still do that job.
  5. I need another cabinet. Although plod said that I'd already got far too many. I told him that you cant have too many. Guns.
  6. Details.? What they like.? How much.? Edit.... I know that you are very reasonable with price. AND I know that everyone wants to get the best price for their item BUT the vast majority of items that ordinary PRIVATE SELLERS put up for sale on the forums are unrealistic regarding General market values. This is shown by the amount of items for sale ---- item views and the zero amount of bids on the items. I've got a 4 that I shoot well with and it has got fair/ good wood, but the action / metalwork is rough and I'd like to be able to combine a bitzer that I could still shoot with.
  7. Now I'm not stupid but after I've read that, I ain't got a clue what your on about or asking.
  8. Thanks P. Arrived quickly and a Really nice item. As new condition. Top grade.
  9. Don't agree, Those poor householders that got burnt out last year would disagree with you. It might have given people half an hour to get stuff like important paperwork out that was burn't to ashes. It doesn't matter what the emergency is or when the last mammoth went on the rampage but if you're out and about and a lion has escaped a warning alert might be useful to you. if you think that the government holds you as such a high threat level that you need monitoring as to whether you are at home or gone to Tesco or whether you shop at Morisons or Waitrose or the corner shop then you are elevating your importance. It isn't some great government conspiracy to find out whose cornflakes you buy. They don't give a monkeys .. unless you start publishing documents with certain words such as Bo*b or communicating with individuals that are known.
  10. Anyone know what they intend to do about the fact that there were a lot of random things. Some got the msg early, some got it late and some like the Mrs & I Didn't get it at all. The warning is important because when there was that Tsunami in Japan Many Many lives could have been saved if a warning could have been sounded 20 mins earlier to allow people the time to get to higher ground, like the poor blighters working out in fields or driving in cars. If it saved one life it would have been worth it. And as for the disbeliever conspiracy crowd you must be rogues & up to some sort of mischief that needs checking out.
  11. I might have known it. Neither my wife or I got the warning.!!! Both of us are with Vodafone. She's got a new iphone and Ive got a Samsung. Very disapointed that we weren't selected to be warned of impending doom.
  12. Well people, the day is neigh. The GUBERNMENT alarm is coming. 3 pm.!! Those disbelievers have only got about an hour and a half to get the tin foil hat fashioned, to get any electrical transmission eqpt wrapped up and to dig a big hole in the garden to stop the GUBERMENT access. anyone not complying will be added to a list. AND your name WILL be at the top of the list.!! you'll be Part of the one in ten.!! The list WILL include, anyone spending cash, owning a cat, anyone doing cash jobs,(tax dodgers.) Pipe smokers and anyone wearing a val Doonican Christmas jumper. you're ALL GOING TO DIE.!! At some stage anyway.
  13. The person may well be a thick Item... But ...PLANK !!.... isn't that demeaning to Woden items.? Discrimination or what. Don't forget the shoe incident. 🤣🤣🤣 How humiliating. and just to think that my granddaughter was embarrassed when the auto passport reader didn't read her passport first time at Gatwick.
  14. How many times is it that bloke thought that they were indispensable to the company and yet the company carried in like a ship going on its way. How many times is it that a newbroom manager who hasn't got a clue comes in and blokes who knew the score suddenly decided to finish up taking their knowledge and skills with them. This is happening now as so many have had an interruption to their working life due to covid. Only the other week the News reporter was asking a bloke out on the golf course what the government could do to get blokes like him back to work.? His reply was nothing. About 6 months after I retired my old workplace collapsed and the remaining staff were all made redundant. Nothing to do with my retirement. . Blamed on covid etc. Did I give a monkeys. Naah.. not my problem. See yah ole mates. They contacted me for assistance but I wasn't available. Shame. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
  15. I wasn't going to retire but it got a bit silly at work and the wife said " YOU ARE FINISHING " She was right and it did feel a bit odd at first but retirement is brilliant. I don't even think about work now. Loads of people have asked me if I want to work for them but apart from a few favour jobs it's done and I love it. The wife is brilliant and we do as we please. She isn't retired yet but she just said I'm retired also. Get up when I want, do as I/we want it's marvellous. The thing that hacks me is that I worked hard and put money into my pension pot and took the 25% which I reinvested. The downside is that I get wacked tax on the rest. You can take out the difference between the state pension and your allowances tax free up until the age of 75. Now my oldest sister is in a care home after covid and has to pay £4500 a month for the privilege. Her and her husband worked and payed all their working lives only to have it stripped away. If they had blown it on ANYTHING they would have enjoyed it. Retire and live when you have worked for and got before you are a mumbling old person looking at a wall awaiting the end of the conveyor belt to fall into a waiting box. You cant get a single second back. And it doesn't matter what you get paid it isn't enough. Retire. Edit.... I really did enjoy my job and would go back in a flash but NO. Nothing is worth the time working at a job in comparison to being with the wife or helping the kids and being with the grand kids. The shooting time is good also. Holidaying out on Maderia in 5 weeks. I wonder if there are any clay grounds out there.
  16. I've just read that wee Jimmy is under starters orders awaiting a call in to have a chat about hounds and the wind. Sooner or later surely someone is going to have charges thrown at them over this missing money mission. Apparently no one wants anything to do with signing off the accounts. And there's the small detail of the missing 600,000. This was supposed to finance an independence referendum not to spend 170k on a deluxe motorhome which allegedly has been parked up outsideđ Merrill mothers house for two years. So where has the other 430k gone to.? Also considering that Merrill is supposed to have LENT the Snp over 100k. AND why did that blackford fellow suddenly resign his positioñ at Westminster. Rogues the lot of them,, As in the words of Fraser in dad's army........ " they're doomed. Doomed I'll tell eye. DOOMED I SAY". Perhaps that dog blackford reduced the pile of cash and transfomed it into another sort of pile, you know that they say where theres muck there's brass.
  17. Don't turn me off.... I believe. ... I believe. Wasn't there a song believe me by Petula Clark.? Only old folk will know that.
  18. I don't believe that fact is important enough to warrant the government marking you up as a subversive. I don't think that you can. You have to acknowledge receipt before you can use the item. This. I don't see what the problem with this alert is. As soon as you are born you are in the system. You have a national insurance number. A tax record, an NHS number. Umpteen things. If you are connected to the internet in any way you have an identity. A lot of vehicles are connected to the manufacturer and that vehicle can be tracked as to everything about that vehicle. That's how some bloke who shot and killed someone with a crossbow was identified, tracked and convicted. even though he had burnt the vehicle. Unless you don't exist you are known and in the system. If this is happening you need to have a look into your settings and notifications.
  19. Well here you go boys. AND to those who are hermits. live under a rock. wear a tin foil hat, ne'ar-do-wells, general folk who think that they are important enough to merit government time and attention, terrorists and weirdos. Oh and religious menaces, odd balls who come round informing that the end of the world is neigh, Kwis types. Forgive me if I have not encompassed all variants. ANYWAY it's..... A message with a siren at 15:00 BST on 23 April will say "in a real emergency, follow the instructions in the alert to keep yourself and others safe".---------YOU WILL OBEY... OR ELSE ....... EXTERMINATE. Link... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65290166
  20. Minky


    Last July I had an operation to reconstruct my right Achilles tendon. After this I've had amounts of physio and all of the treatment has been first class. I have had superb treatment. There have been a few minor issues but nothing too bad. I am still recovering back to full repaired condition but it has been fine. I have no probs with getting consultation and action from the GP's.
  21. But ... a - 16 yr old lad was sent to us for work experience and he couldn't tie up his boot laces. I joke you not 16 going on 17 and he couldn't tie up his boot laces. !!! I don't know if he could wash his hands himself or whether mum did it for him.!
  22. Son in law had same problem with these in his Brno auto. After a lot of investigation we found that because the nose shape is longer, the steepness of the round feed causes the tip of the bullet to collide with the top of the chamber entrance which is square. With a std bullet the whole round has space to flip up flat out of the magazine before being rammed into the chamber. The effect was to bend the bullet almost to right angle and end up with the whole bullet + case jammed between the bolt and the chamber, ( as in your picture). we experimented and cut the bullet tips shorter with a Stanley knife blade. All of the shortened rounds chambered and fired. Problem was resolved by me buying them and using them in my bolt. I've found them to be accurate. Why can't you hold them until your son uses some of his ammo and then feed them over. Or find someone to hold them. ....IF.... there were no other rounds available and it was my rifle then I'd alter the top of the chamber a little bit with a dremel to change the feed area. Edit.... a std 22rf bullet is 40 grins these are 42. The extra grn lead WT is achieved by a fuller bull nosed bullet in comparison. It's not much but enough to cause a collision with the chamber edge. 'Re Edit. I've just noticed that in your action isnt ejecting the fired case causing a lock up .? Dirty chamber.?
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