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Muddy Funker

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Everything posted by Muddy Funker

  1. I've not forgotten about this, my path hasn't crossed with this guy at work so haven't got the details yet. I'll ping him an email through the work system and get details.
  2. I'm going to watch some athletics on the 6th Sept. I can't wait!!!
  3. Well the deposit has been paid for the ferry and I've heard back from a campsite with great reviews. We're gonna go for the 2nd week and try and do it on a budget hence slumming it in a tent. I can't wait!!!
  4. Very powerful, wouldn't like to come up against that lot, warriors. It doesn't sound like the typical rugby haka, I'd be interested to know what this one means.
  5. This answer, Try and speak with the prosecution and see if it can be arranged that your written statement is used, let him know you can't offer anything more if you were there in person. If you're required to attend you'll have to go, or you'll end up getting nicked.
  6. Right I've emailed Regency travel who seem to be the ones in the know. Last week of the event and hopefully camping so will hopefully hear from them soon. I'm gonna go and I can't wait!!!!
  7. Thanks for the replies!!! Is camping a decent option?
  8. Well this thread has been well and truely derailed lol
  9. Well titled it is an amazing video, I've always wanted to go to the TT but never have, this video has spurned me on. Any recommendations on accomodation, places to watch from? I'm guessing it's booked up for next year already? What days would be best to go as I couldn't stay for the whole event? Cheers
  10. I'll do just that. I know very little about these rifles but have heard good things. This chap is trustworthy so when he says it's good it will be. As soon as I've got pics and more info it'll be going up here, with OP having first refusal, seems fair.
  11. Well at least they got the intended target, eventually lol. I completely agree with your thinking. I don't think we need more officers openly carrying firearms, not yet anyway. But, I think it would be a good idea to have more officers authorised to use firearms and have a couple of sigs/carbines locked up at one of the stations (if station hasn't been sold), I know this is how it used to be before ARV's (a few service revolvers locked away) It may well be the village bobby first on the scene to an active shooter type scenario, if he/she was authorised and had access to a firearm it could very well end the situation before it escalates. So in theory more firearms trained officers, not routinely armed.
  12. This is a little unbelievable I know but I've just got in from work, a mate on the earlier shift knows I like to shoot and told me he has a BSA Super 10 for sale. Great condition with stirrup pump, and he's looking around the £400 mark This was just in passing so give me a shout if you want more info, I said I'd put the gun up for sale on here when he gives me pics and exactly whats on offer.
  13. I was quite opinionated in the knife thread, maybe I will be in this one? I'm sorry but some American Police forces need to adopt some tactics other than shoot as many times as you can, whatever way you spin it shooting 9 ciivilians is quite simply ridiculous. It's actually laughable, NINE BYSTANDERS!!!!
  14. Just my opinion but that's really strange advice? What you've requested is a sensible way to start, so did he say he'd support a grant for 223 over 17HMR? I'm sure some will say if you're a safe shot you're a safe shot, but the power 223 has over the 17 is absolutely massive. Watch some youtube videos 223 turns rabbits inside out, the difference is the 223 is a centrefire and the 17 a rimfire, biggeer bullet with a lot more behind it!
  15. Are you joking mate? So some random asks you if they can shoot on your land just to aquire an FAC and firearm and you'd say yes, jesus. It's taken me years of air rifle and shotgun shooting before getting land to aquire an FAC, why the hell should it be easy?
  16. A royal ringpiece, just what I wanted to see on a wednesday afternoon
  17. 206 1.4 HDI 550 plus miles to the tank, £30 per year road tax
  18. Had my 177 HW100 for years I've never cleaned it? It way out performs me.
  19. I have 17HMR conditioned for fox, West Sussex.
  20. Seriously when is this bloke going to die already? I'm not afraid to say it, hang him and open the ******* letter.
  21. That made me chuckle when I read this. I really enjoyed the archery, amazing display of skill, and I thought I'd really like fencing but I absolutely hated watching it.
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