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Muddy Funker

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Everything posted by Muddy Funker

  1. I'm a regular and have been for five years now. In my opinion specials are worthwhile, my force will generally put them out together and they will deal with the usual friday and sat night town centre stuff and anti social behaviour from the feral kids which actually puts a huge burden on regulars, especially during school holidays. They will never go out alone and take the place of a regular. But that doesn't stop them from being able to deal with a lot of things. One aligned to my rota has nearly ten years service and is as good as any regular I've seen, it just takes longer for them to get up to speed due to the hours they put in. My hat goes off to them in general because as another has said, I wouldn't put up with what most front line police go through for free, **** that. Best of luck to the op.
  2. I shot a mate with my 177 HW100, well inadvertaintly. We thought it would be a good idea to shoot a golf ball set up 40 yards away, it wasn't. My shot pinged back and hit him in the thumb lol. Sorry Andy, lesson learned.
  3. Not really mate, I've shot more rabbits and pigeons than I can remember. There's a time and place though right? Or do you just kill everything you see because you can?
  4. I can't actually believe people have suggested taking potentially unexploded grenades and mortars to a police station lol!!! Because that's a safe thing to do isn't it.
  5. Exactly why I bought one a few years ago. Totally open paddocks no cover. I feel like a bit of a tool wearing it, but I can lay in open field 30 yards out from the fence lines and essentially look like a bush. Got mine on the bay, all burlap and mesh.
  6. Haha I'm having the same dilemma. Whatever you do don't shoot an HMR!!! I was all set for a 22LR but shot a mates 17 and it's just so deadly accurate. Ammo cost is an issue as HMR ammo is around three times the price. But weigh that up against accuracy and range and maybe that's a fair trade. I'm asking for both, 17 for day. 22 for night. Simples.
  7. Nice one, I haven't actually seen it in the flesh yet but have good photos and have spoken to the dealer who I've got a good feeling about. Of course it's never going to be mint but it's been serviced and had woodwork refurbed recently. It should have years of life left in it. And it's under £300
  8. I once shot a rabbit that had a full on dose of mixy, It was the sound of munching that brought my attention to it. It has ventured out only ten yards from wher I was so I took the shot. I still feel like **** when I think about it, and probably wish I hadn't killed it. Part of me says I put it out of it's misery. Then the other part says who am I to decide? How do I know if it was in 'misery'. I wish I'd left it for nature to decide
  9. I've just put a deposit down on a second hand HW60 .22LR, it'll be my first firearm ( I shoot air weapons and shotty), I think it's around 8 years old but I told in really good nick. Good choice? Or would I have been better with a newer cheaper rifle?
  10. It has to effect behaviour in my opinion. If the moon has enough power to control the planets tides, then surely it can assert power over us being as we're made up with a fair amount of water.
  11. I've made a plunger out of a carrier bag filled with old rags, shove a broom handle into the bag and tape it up. Plunge away! I've never had this method fail, mind you it was probably only Richards I was dealing with :-)
  12. Not really, they receive a call and have to follow it up. It has nothing to do with whether they want to be there or not.
  13. Muddy Funker

    Credit crunch

    My other half is training to be a Chiropractor. At this time there are no student loans so it's all self financed with bank loans. She also works part time at a Doctors surgery so it's all study and work. We've done the maths and she'd be better off not working and going down the benefit route, this country and benefit system is an embarrassment and it makes my blood boil. Laziness seems to be rewarded while someone who is working hard towards a career is struggling and facing the real possibility they might not finish the 5 year degree. I work my a$$ off too but you know what, I'm tempted to just say **** it leave work, get your degree and new career. What a joke, I bet the people that fought for this country feel sick at what it's become. Rant over.
  14. Muddy Funker


    Blight My Gardeners Delight plants all got nailed lol Still managed to salvage quite a lot of fruit we made into pasta sauce
  15. Took the words out of my mouth. There needs to be a real effort to eradicate these once and for all.
  16. Low speed is good enough for me. One of these is easier and quicker than using the space saver I have which no doubt is also rated low speed. I've got no issues in using one as a temp repair.
  17. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CAR-VAN-TYRE-TIRE-PUNCTURE-REPAIR-KIT-10-STRIPS-/280615573513?pt=UK_Cars_Parts_Vehicles_Wheels_tyre_Trims_Trims_ET&hash=item4155fdd809 I've got one of these in the car, and one for the Mrs. I've used it and it works perfectly, a battery operated pump will see you good if you're stuck.
  18. The bit with the cat made me chuckle, take it back or it'll get some of this lol
  19. I would have liked to see him shredding a target, an old car perhaps. After the initial wow this is cool (which lasted 30 secs) I got bored and turned it off.
  20. I thought that would be 15 minutes of my life wasted, pleased to say it's wasn't. I don't believe in god, but I believe in luck and he was seriously lucky. Glad he made it, good skater too
  21. Just hand them in, the police aren't going to interrogate you lol And why on earth would they check for fingerprints? It's obvious yours will be on them. Trust me they won't give a toss, probably just thank you for being responsible in getting them off the streets. People hand weapons ect in all the time (amnesty) only basic questions asked.
  22. Funny this thread has appeared at a time I'm having problems with mine. To say I'm angry with this is an understatement, it used to be blisteringly fast. It Be Unlimited by the way, great support who have given me a ton of things to try. I hate how dependant I am on the internet now, it's one of the only things that turns me from calm into a raging monster if it goes wrong lol. Edit: Okay I've just bought a couple of new microfilters as this is the first step apparently. In simply unplugging and plugging in the old one this has happened Better it seems, computers really do annoy me, they're so fickle lol.
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