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Muddy Funker

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Everything posted by Muddy Funker

  1. There is one of those on youtube amongst other places, he doesn't get killed (although he should have) but it gets very very close :blink: Excellent, I'll have to look out for that. Maybe better luck next time :blink:
  2. Each to his own I guess but I really hate seeing the big cats shot, especially that Leopard. Yes I'm a hypocrite and I value the life of a big cat to that of a rabbit. He looked like he was enjoying the challenge of shooting sleeping lions though lol A better video would have ended in the hunter either being trampled or torn to shreds in my opinion haha.
  3. I don't know any officer that goes around looking for minor offences of course we all want to catch billy burglar its just a shame it doesn't happen that often. After having to scrape up bits of a motorist and then help deliver the death message to his family while i could still smell his blood in my nose i decided to **** discretion regarding mobiles. The accident was caused by another drivers loss of concentration while on the phone. I use discretion all the time for seat belts, lights out ect... But i don't see any excuse for using a mobile while driving at all, most phones come with hands free now anyway, if not they must cost pennies. I never go out looking for people on the phone as my role is going from job to job responding to 9's calls, but if its waved in my face of course i'll do something about it. As for them not seeing you for 3 days after what happened to you, thats disgusting no excuse for that!
  4. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Realtree-Advantage-C...1QQcmdZViewItem This might help. :EDIT Can't get the link to work for some reason, could a mod please delete my post, cheers.
  5. Muddy Funker

    Bye Dad

    Sorry to hear about your loss My Mum died when I was 21 so i know what its like to lose a parent. Let them live on in your thoughts and memories.
  6. Hey Guys Had my Third lesson up at Bisley with Allen Warren this morning and shot 20 ex 25 on English Skeet. This is the first time I've done the full round so I was well pleased!! I was a bit shaky at first as I've not shot in a month so after a bit of practice I shot from each station and ended up with the 20, Got a long way to go but when I get my gun I'll be able to go and practice without it costing me £70 a pop lol Just wanted to share my happiness and stupid grin with you.
  7. I do!! And I'm 31 lol Good for you mate, welcome to the forum. I'm new here too and am picking up an amazing amount of info from all the old threads This forum rocks.
  8. Ok should've watched the video before commenting, they don't look like any carp i've seen before haha. Looks like fun though, they should break out the shotguns
  9. It is funny how other countries see carp. I love fishing for them and wouldn't dream of harming one lol B) I'm not knocking people from other countries doing that though its just a different way. No one would get away with doing that in front of me here though
  10. Interesting thread. I've just had my SGC granted and i'm in the same boat, i think i'm gonna go for a 686E Sporting to use on both the clays and rough. Seems like a well made gun, realistically priced and i hit things with it.
  11. Its been said already by others, its all about being honest. The moment you lie your integrity has gone. Not wanting to rub anyones face in it but i had my visit last night and had my shotgun certificate granted, its my first one so i'm really stoked. Sorry for the thread hijack lol.
  12. Doesn't have to be to BS by law - should be fine as long as it's solid, 5 lever locks etc. Home office guidance on storage is available on the BASC website and goes into the detail. EDIT Here you go: http://police.homeoffice.gov.uk/news-and-p...pdf?view=Binary Nice one Cushat thanks for the reply, will check out the link B)
  13. Hi and I'm new here too and everyones being patient with me at the moment, haven't asked lots of stupid questions yet though, yet!!
  14. While on the subject i've just fitted a 3 gun Infac cabinet i bought 2nd hand off ebay a couple of weeks ago, its in excellent condition and is fitted in my bedroom wardrobe on a dividing wall to the house next door solid as a rock. Just one thing, there is no BS Mark on it. This was a concern when i handed over the money but the guy said it was only three years old and passed all relevent checks when he had the visit. Do i have any reason to worry? or does that BS mark not have to be there?
  15. I like the idea of getting them do all the horrific jobs but i wonder how many would turn up to do it? Alot of them have such little respect for authority they probably wouldn't do it. Locking people away is rarely the answer in my opinion unless they are gonna make prisons tough and not a lesson in sitting around doing FA all day. Anyway i've gotta go to work now, thankfully the one officer that does keep the kids of the streets is working tonight, PC RAIN haha
  16. HA! I finished watching this about half an hour ago Thought it was pretty good, very Hollywood but I guess it couldn't be done any other way.
  17. I tend to agree with what you say, I'm a police officer with Surrey and at the moment i'm on nights and you wouldn't believe how kids on the streets can seemingly bring a division to its knees. I'm sure its worse because of the holidays but every 5 minutes calls were coming out on the radio about groups of youths doing this and groups of youths doing that. I think alot of it is over reaction by the public as alot of these kids are causing no real trouble just hanging out like we all used to do when we were younger, but its so frustrating knowing that people really need our help yet units are getting tied up chasing kids from street corner to street corner all night its a joke. I guess there's safety in numbers and if you're not part of a gang then your more of a target. With knife crime there should be a £500 fine or something equally large to anyone in possession of a knife on the streets, if its a minor then the parents pay up, at least then it would make the parents keen to take an interest in what their kids are doing when they go outside. Anyway rant over, good thread by the way G.
  18. Thanks for the replies I think it's gonna be the 686E then as i'm looking for a good all rounder and this seems to fit the bill, i'll have to tell a little white lie to the Mrs about the cost of it though i think lol. I'm struggling to find any second hand, is it a case of no one wants to get rid of them? Still waiting on the licence so no huge rush, would it be best to go for a mint 2nd hand or buy new?? Cheers
  19. Thanks for the warm welcome I've filled in some more of my profile as suggested Cat and i'm looking forward to hitting those 25's lol. May as well ask 1 question here as the thread is open. Is it a crazy idea to want a Beretta 686E as a first gun? It's the gun i'm learning with at the moment and appreciated i've nothing to compare it to, but it feels good and what i point it at explodes haha, just don't see the point in getting a rubbish gun, then wanting the Beretta 6 months later. My G/F thinks i'm mad but at the end of the day she's just bought a new Mini for £17,000 so i don't think she has a leg to stand on What do you think?
  20. Hi Guys, I'm just getting into clay shooting as it's something i've wanted to try for years (i'm 31 now!!) Had a couple of lessons with Allen Warren up at Bisley and i seem to have taken to it well, am going to go for 2 more next month then look into getting my own gun, got the cabinet and relevant forms filled. I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks now and it looks like a great forum with a huge font of knowledge waiting to be tapped, i'm a pretty quick learner but i'm sure i'm going to bending your ears in a few sections when i need some help. Anyway, glad to be here and looking forward to hanging out here in the future. Cheers G.
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