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Everything posted by Glenshooter

  1. Horrible thing to have happen and I'd be mad as well. Mind you, if they had wanted to really be evil, there's a lot more that they could have done so I'd go also with WasherBoy and kids on the way home being little tw*ts. Hope nothing more happens.
  2. Funny that especially now that Scargill seems to have endorsed one of Thatcher's flagship polices. How leopards change their spots. Seems to have ****** off some of his old mates. (Particlarly when it's possible that he was trying to turn them over......) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-25731328
  3. Sorry to hear that you still have pain. You're prob right in seeing medical advice. Good luck.
  4. Congratulations. Daughters are great!
  5. Get yourself one of these -- http://www.recoilsystems.com/greenpad/green.asp My lightly built teenage lad got one last summer and it seems to transform/remove/do something magic to recoil. I am genuinely amazed at how it has reduced his exposure to recoil. He's like a stick insect and can now shoot velocity 28s or Superfasts at 27g with almost no reaction to recoil. I've no connection to the company but this has been an outstanding buy. And the guy who owns/runs it is really helpful. Think he was a successful shooter in the past.
  6. I've got rid of all my MTCs due to the white out, particularly obvious at high mag.
  7. Yep, I can't wear them (to shoot with). Peltors, Sordins, all the same. Must have low ears! OK not shooting but can't wear them when I am shooting.
  8. Jolly good. Enjoyed watching that!
  9. I also always take it with me but in addition, I scanned them (SGC and FAC) into pdfs and store them in my iBooks app on my iPhone. Came in very handy once!
  10. Glenshooter


    Sad about Schumacher :( But the snow is fantastic just now. 12" on Fri night and nearly 6" last night. Looking great for tomorrow but I've already given the old legs a hammering today!!
  11. Glenshooter


    Ha-ha, writing this in a service station at Bourg-en-Bresse just west of Geneva heading to Flaine. 8 days of skiing!! Just scoffed a couple of croissants and coffee! Happy days! Only got 100 miles to go.
  12. +1. Don't take chances with your hearing. It will be years afterwards when the consequences are seen/not heard.
  13. With my 22LR rifle and subs, I'd be shooting about 0.25" high at 25yds with a 50 yd zero. Guess if you try that, you shouldn't be too far out. Beyond that, a drop of nearly an inch (0.7") at 60yds and 2.5 at 75yds can be expected. Hope this helps.
  14. Great to hear your good news. And thanks for posting it.
  15. I would like to get the barrels of my S/S shotgun reblued. It’s a Victor Sarasqueta and looks very like the AYA No 2. High sentimental value to me as it was my first ever gun! The chap who was my first choice, Colin Molloy in Manchester, a legend at blueing in the airgun world, won’t do it as it the barrels appear to be silver soldered, rather than brazed, and he tells me that his technique could damage the solder. (I’ve scratched some of the rib under the forend and got a silver colour - that’s the height of my knowledge about joining barrels.) Can anyone advise me please as to how I can get them reblued, (assuming that they are indeed silver soldered)? Thanks in advance.
  16. Big recommendation for the Oxford Gun Company in Oakley. David Florent is really keen to get youngsters into the sport and he runs an academy as well.
  17. Sorry about the timing but Churchill's is great in the evenings- during the summer. I took my lad up there on Wed and Thurs nights - and the cost seemed low as well. Sport trap £5 for 25, IIRC. Hickenham Farm out beyond Bourne End also good (non-registered) and on a Sunday but they've had their last shoot of the year.
  18. Well done. On the couple of times I've send my jackets back, they've been returned saying that they wouldn't be economical to repair!! Not surprised really!!!
  19. I've had excellent advice and help from BASC, couldn't fault them and the advice was high quality. They have allowed me to hold onto my guns by giving advice on how to 'approach' certain situations and I was really impressed as to how well the BASC HO people and the local guy worked together to help me. It seemed that the licensing issue I had was 'defused' when the authoriites realised that BASC were involved and I also believe that the relationshops that BASC had with some of the licensing personnel helped as well.
  20. Here's a way to check yourself - by using Brian Samsom's excellent 'tool'. http://www.anstonftc.co.uk/targets/
  21. I've had all the MTC Vipers at some time, and have sold them on, mainly due to white out at high mag - certainly very obvious on the 4-16 and 6-24 scopes. The Sidewinder I now have on my FAC air rifle is an excellent scope in it's price range. ..and the glass is the same in the Mamba range as on the Vipers. AFAIK
  22. David, please switch your computer off and have some time away from 'work'. You deserve it. I think you/BASC are doing a very good job in difficult circmstances.
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