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Everything posted by Glenshooter

  1. Glenshooter


    I suffer big time from insect bites and use Diethyltoluamide / DEET - the one that can melt plastics if over applied. It gives me 100% protection from midges.
  2. Still wondering what the motivation of the original poster was in creating this thread? All gone a bit quiet? Are you an anti?
  3. You are told. Clearly, boldly, in the most obvious way possible in the 3rd sentance of his 'proposal' in the voting information that came with theh BASC magazine. And in case you still can't see it, it reads - Alisdair Troup, aged 30 from Stirling proposed by Alan Balfour and seconded by Simon Breasley MD of BushWear; BSc in forestry and management. BASC member since 2001, member of Scottish Committee. The first paragraph of his statement is about the BushWare business. I would have thought that you'd welcome a Scottish member of council. So why moan? They could not have been more transparent and as others have said, I welcome someone on council that knows how to run a business. That's what shooters need, young, experienced and successful people in a position of influence. BTW, are you a BASC member?
  4. Fair enough. So what are they doing then on the proactive front?
  5. Probably a passionate shooter who wants himself and kids to shoot today and into the future. The smart thing to do is to support the two best and most pro-active field sport lobbying organisations. Surely? CA are superb and have practically got the horseback hunting ban overturned. BASC do an excellent job lobbying politicians as to the merits of shooting. Why on earth would you not support both if you could?
  6. I have absolutely no doubt that this is the case. But in addition to the large advice team that the BASC has, with specialists in many different aspects of firearms, they do great work in lobbying our politicians. Love them or loathe them, politicians set the rules. It is critical that we keep as many on our side as possible - particularly as most negative opinions are due to a lack of knowledge. What do the NGO do to protect the future of shooting? The more (shooting organisations supporting/lobbying/working with politicians) the merrier, but I genuinely don't know what they do.
  7. If yuo shoot foxes, you will not be very popular in the CA - who do an excellent job lobbying for the repeal of the foxhunting ban. If you're a shooter, the BASC is the biggest and the best, IMHO. Your choice of course.
  8. http://www.basc.org.uk/en/go-shooting/ What the OP might be thinking of is the Go Shooting facility on the BASC website?
  9. I'll take them please. Please send payment details by PM
  10. Can you translate the above please? You have joined the best. Their insurance is the best. The help-desk is the best. Their forward thinking, lobbying, media strategy is excellent. They are a great organisation. But what do you mean above?
  11. Would you please answer the question that I asked 2 posts ago Looking forward to your reply. I don't really want a chat with them, I just want to know what they are doing to protect our threatened sport of shooting in the UK and how competent they are. Seeing as you recommended them, I hoped you would know.
  12. Thanks for the advice. However, before I do so, can you please tell me what they are doing to protect shooting in the future and what capability their firearms dept has?
  13. Every time you hand over your credit card to anyone, they have access to all the info on your card, including these numbers, so I am not in the slightest concerned about this.
  14. Isn't it fantastic that the BASC are taking the initiative to preserve our sport? The antis can easily raise money have have Big Gun labour sporters and you're moaning about being asked to contribute £35?
  15. Minute of angle groups are pretty good for a non target rifle ie 1" at 100 and pro rata.
  16. Thin rubber backed carpet and spray glue worked a treat on mine 15 yrs ago and still as good as new.
  17. It's a tricky one this. The organisers can only 'sell' the stalls to traders etc if there is likely to be a large turnout and hence the stalls can make a profit. This will need to build this up over a period of years. So if we all don't go, there is no incentive to built up what could be a good show. I remember a 'new shooting show' in the Lord Roberts building in Bisley a good few years ago - what a fiasco. There was also a decent show in the NEC in the mid 90's, IIRC. But the Midland and the CLA are almost too big now and there are certainly no decent deals around any more. I used to do both but now I only go to one. Seems to be when the organisers get the show to a sufficient size they increase the fees for the stalls as well as the entrance fee - reducing the ability of the traders to give decent discounts while maximising the profits of the organisers and coming close to killing the goose that laid the golden egg.
  18. Judging by the comments on another forum about this show in 2009, I'll be avoiding it.
  19. Didn't know about the forum until this thread and had a quick look. Horrible. Do morons like 'Dennis' really exist?
  20. Except that my opinion is based on personal experience. Yours is second hand and based on a vague opinion based on feeling not fact. Please hesitate before you post negative information about a gun shop that you can't substatntiate personally and which might damage a person's business. I wouldn't like it if done to me. And I have seen many transactions carried out at Oxford Gun company and none of them left me thinking that Doug wasn't doing a fair deal for his customers.
  21. I shoot there most weekends and know the shop and the people pretty well. I see many transactions taking place and I think your friends are wrong. What OGC could be 'guilty' of is not to sell you an unsuitable gun even though you think it is best therfore avoiding an expensive mistake. And it is unlikely that many people know guns and shotgun shooting better than Doug Florent. They sold me a second gun for my lad at half the price of what I wanted to pay because that was all 'he needed', in Doug's view. And with hindsight, he was right. Go to any shop with your eyes wide open.
  22. Well, yes and no. It can be a total waste of money if the 'gunsmith' doesn't know what he's doing as far as fitting is concerned. Don't assume he does until you get a referral. And don't ask me how I know this.
  23. Also consider Oxford Gun Company in Oakley. If you can get there, go mid week if you can. Highly experienced and been good to me.
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