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Everything posted by fortune

  1. I didn't go on the sites, I just googled those words and a description came up. As for the history she wouldn't mind but I did get it in the ear once in regard to a listing​ something to do with young brunettes with piercings and tattoos! But it wasn't me gov honest. It nearly was death by celery. I blamed it on the dog. And because the dog is as honest as the day is long and the longer the day the less the dog does wrong goes, it soon passed by.
  2. Ah that makes sense now. How are you and your Mrs doing. That's more important. You've had a bit of a rough time lately. Better days ahead.
  3. Especially when it doesn't seem to make sense. Death by celery it shall be then.
  4. Hi Rimmie. Why would it need to have the stock modified? How does it shoulder up as it is now?
  5. I didn't even know what these were. I had to look them up to find out. If they wanted to be like that why not just buy an old Banger and just drive round doing nasty unspeakable things. As written it isn't exactly front line direct warfare is it.
  6. If it can't be released is it still in police custody/ Kennels? If not, how has it been issued back to spaniel aid without your say so or agreement seeing as you are the owners? I am confused.
  7. This doesn't seem to make sense to me how can you be the owners of the dog and yet plod has issued the dog back out to a now third-party, namely spaniel aid? Surely the dog is your property and you should have been consulted and involved in what happened to it. I love dogs and would go to any length to rehabilitate the dog but faced with a situation of having a really dangerous and unpredictable animal I would have no compunction to do the necessary and shoot it out of hand thus taking control of the situation and carving Spaniel aid out of the frame and stopping another unprovoked attack on another unsuspecting fosterer or a child potentially causing life changing injuries or even death.
  8. Where is the dog wisperer when you need him. Such a shame.
  9. Is Stumbletts down near the Rother valley in Northiam​? And where is mill farm situated?
  10. Go look at Chris Batha in youtube. Gun mount. PS. dont smash the hall miror when mounting. both goood guides
  11. You ******. You shot speckled Jim. You’re for it now, Blackadder.
  12. Whereabouts in Kent?The injectors injection pressure is thousands of psi and is dangerous if it is not understood and worked on correctly.
  13. All modern motors can be very difficult to diagnose what the real problem is. Sometimes injectors go down and the system detects the fault and the electrics cause a system shut down. This can be detected by testing the amount of leak off coming out of each individual injector by removing the rubber leak off pipe from the injectors and putting longer individual pipes into a container to collect the diesel. You can then find out if there is a different amount of diesel coming from one or more of them. It's all blooming expence that you don't need. Where are you? PS sometimes faults like this don't always show up under fault codes, or you get lots of fault codes that although shown are not real faults and are being affected by the fact that the problem that you do have is affecting other things causing phantom faults. It might be worthwhile looking at the fuel filter because if it is partially clagged it can cause system shut down. Removal of the injectors and putting them back on the pipes Will show if they are injecting BUT BEWARE Of THE HIGH PRESSURE SPRAY from the injectors because it can go through your skin.
  14. What exactly are you classing as a "flyer"? I've been shooting 22rimfire for more than 40 years both as smallbore target and sport shooting. I have shot tens of thousands of rounds in that time in the 3 22 rf rifles that I have and I have only ever had two misfires. When I am at the club there are many other shooters there with all sorts of different guns and different makes of ammunition. These competition cards require high levels of accuracy and consistency. The only really crud ammunition that I have ever had was Remington standard target and they just weren't consistant enough with some soft and others were a bit bangy. They would have been OK for hunting with but I just used up the thousand as barrel warmers. If you are getting 2 out of 10 then something is seriously wrong with the gun. 22 ammunition just isn't that unreliable.
  15. I was on the DoE award scheme and there was a sort of show thing covering different aspects of it. My group was about to set off on the Silver hike. He flew in by helicopter to view the show. He came over to us and had quite a chat to me about our route and things. He got me showing him on my OS map. The local rag was there taking pictures of me showing him on my map. we bought some copies of the pictures which I still have. He seemed genuinely interested in what we were doing and spent some time with us. The things that stuck in my mind was the shine of his shoes and the strong scent of his aftershave or perfume or something. No men that I knew wore aftershave or perfume. It just wasn't normal. Nice bloke.
  16. If you look on the bay you can get them for as little as £16-£17. At that price you ain't lost much if you don't get on with it and if you do drop it in the drink or poop it doesn't matter to much and you never know it might work anyway.
  17. Thanks for the link BB. Appearances ​can be deceptive. It looks ​like a nice animal. It is such a shame that this dog may attack again and end up being put down and inflicting serious injuries on someone
  18. fortune


    ?? police seem to think they were after the 4x4. Is the vehicle parked in the front room? The scum forced in the back door and were inside. If they hoped to find keys, it's a bit thin or perhaps they might have attacked you or your family like they did to my mate. A woman along the road from me had a situation where a recovery lorry Was trying to load up her Landover right outside of her house at 10.30 at all night.flashing orange lights, hi vis vests the lot. Her neighbour challenged them and they left in hurry. They tried it again the next night and were foiled again. The plod were called both times but by the time that they came out a couple of hours later the moment had gone. The reg of the lorry didn't exist and the lorry Was written up somewhere in Bolton !! This didn't match up with anything or any company there. And we are in Kent Block the vehicle in at all times even in the day and watch who is following you. Likely​ they will leave it awhile and then have another go. Good job that you had the dog inside to warn you. Beware of the possibility of someone throwing baited treats into your garden to nobble the dog. Nasty bussiness isn't it. Still plod did give you a crime number.
  19. it became apparent that there was a gap in the market for a more affordable model. Prices start from £18,999 More affordable!! >> £18,999!! I'll have 3. Have them sent round.
  20. One of the son in laws has got one of those for a bit of fun. The barrels are so thick that they look more like a double barrel rifle than a shotgun. It is good fun on clays.
  21. fortune


    Dogs don't lie. extra rations tonight. get cctv the scum is bound to come back. a friend of mine ignored the dogs and suddenly there were three scum in the bedroom beating him and his mrs. he was hit with a jemmy and knocked out. it could have been worse. a couple had boiling water poured over them. life changing situations . Digweed got invaded and guns and his wifes hilux taken. He's got enough meat to take the beating but it is no joke. take sensible precautions and believe the dog. PS at least the person ran off.
  22. Thanks to all contributors. It is something that I know nothing about and your replies have enlightened me from spending a lot of money on stuff that I could do myself or not do at all. Thanks again.
  23. What did you get and where from? I think that this is more important than the cameras. Detecting an incident lasting a few minutes or less on the playback is not easy. It would be helpful if we were alerted to the fact that someone is poking around. No one sits monitoring a screen 24/7. The only ones that I have seen run on AA batteries
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