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Everything posted by johnny

  1. still afew left so come on
  2. free ferret kitts from good working stock, only 1 week old at the moment so just taking names at the moment. I live just off juc 6 of the M40 near Thame. Good homes only If you feel you do want to give something for one donate to the site cheers john
  3. I've found own that is a one off payment of £99 for 200xnet mins a month for 2 years sim only. anyone seen anything better than this? cheers john
  4. I'am after a new mobile phone deal have you seen or got one, so to save me trolling through all the ****? not the cash back types though cheers john sorry should have gone in general banter please could a mod move it please cheers
  5. johnny


    I live at a place called cuxham oxon and as ryan said will hopfully have some ferret kitts by early june and they will be free to good homes. cheers john
  6. bit worried that which ever one gives birth first the other might eat them does this happen? cheers john
  7. need a bit of info on ferret breeding please. the hob has been in with my 2 jills and been pretty busy so I need to now how long before the kits will be born and should I split the jills up when they are nearly ready to drop. cheers john
  8. skinkus kindly has lent me a hob as my jills are now in season and is already on the case. but how long will they stay in season for and how long will the buns be in the oven for? cheers john
  9. thanks for the replys fellas thought I would stuggle abit with this one. cheers john
  10. anyone close to oxford got a hob ferret that wants to go on holiday to do the business to my 2 jills? cheers john
  11. I go through Adrain Flux in Norwich for my pajero
  12. I have thrown a few bags of beans and peas on some spring drillings before to try and make for a better day or to make it last until say the weekend when I can shoot it and I dont really see the harm in this its not like I would be going for a record. but I would'nt spread tons over say a setaside field but what ever floats your boat. When this topic comes up it always makes me laugh because I cant really see the difference baiting game and vermin, you don't hear people shouting about feeding flight ponds for wild duck. Also how many pigeon shooters do it for crop protection I think none we do it because we love it, and on a good day when was the last time you packed up early as you had killed enough. Will proberly get slated now cheers john
  13. hello AVB There used to be a bloke called Fred catchpole who I think did some let pigeon days. he ran a small pigeon and rough shoot I dont know his number but you could try the gun shop in hatfield heath as he used to have the odd day with him. hope this is of some use cheers john
  14. Me and my mate could do with another couple of hands this sunday if possible with your own ferrets and nets or without if you just want to come and help. just off Juc 6 of the M40 near Thame. pm if interested cheers john
  15. On saturday picking up my lab caught his ear it was only a pin hole but it would not stop bleeding as he kept shaking his head. Whats the best way to stop the bleeding in the field? In the end when I got home I put a plaster on and a bandage round his head to stop the ear from moving. cheers john
  16. brought a bettinsoli talanto today and iam not sure if if it was the right thing to do as I know nothing about them. seems to fit and feel ok but should I of spent a bit more and got something else? cheers john
  17. I was always lead to belive it was a safety thing with the autos on game days I would never take my auto on a game day and when I shot clays when iam not in the cage my gun is in the slip where as if I shoot my o/u at clays I just walk round with it open. thats just me cheers john
  18. thanks for the replys, I didnt buy it as it did not fit me when i mounted it I could not see the end of the barrells we checked the comb height and it was the same as my other guns but the stock was 15in and my guns are 14.5in dont know if this would have made the difference. my shooting is bad enough at the moment so I left it alone. cheers john
  19. Been offered a nearly new MK70 30inch barrells and multi choke for £725 anyone else got one and what are they like? cheers john
  20. I was going to say about the lamp shade collers you can get and I thought it would be a good idea as apart from your dog being on a lead, i see no way of correcting the problem because unless you like diving around after you dog to stop it going down a hole at least if it cant get down you can tell it no so to try and train it not to. but hey what do I know. cheers john
  21. me and my mate went out for the first time this winter and got 9 fairly hard work as there is still alot of rubbish growing need more frost. still we both had a good time and will try again another day cheers john
  22. I ve been finding the afternoons best, just of late this gives you a chance to see where they will be feeding and they may be a bit keener to coy cheers john
  23. Iam still up for it rob, if there is not enough interest to put a clay shoot on why not go to another clay shoot like hornet. cheers john
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