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Grumpy Old Git

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About Grumpy Old Git

  • Birthday 29/01/1961

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    Cars, clays, music, my missus and robots! (no connection between the last two, honest!)
  1. So, attending Sonisphere at Knebworth would be be good training All interesting stuff, will give it a try tomorrow
  2. We got a Cocker to go with our Springer, thinking they were calmer.... WRONG! It's been mad for a few months, but now they're settling down a bit. Think they make a very good pairing IMHO
  3. Go here , then select services from the top menu, owners manual then B325. HTH
  4. I'll be there, have to go as part of my job, so get to go and get paid too
  5. I use the Napier gun cleaner & lubricant spray, and when it's clean a light spray over the metalwork, wiped over, after leaves a thin film of VP90 on there. No problems so far.
  6. As a BCO in Somerset, we've seen some one man bands "go bankrupt" leaving poor quality jobs half finished, and the customers several grand out of pocket. As has been said, the good smaller outfits are saying they're flat out pricing and are busy, and a couple of the Bloor type sites are now going to part rent / part buy, and are starting a handful every week. I was speaking to a 6 man outfit recently who had one small job with a customer as a carrot for a £350K job, he was told if he wanted it he'd have to cut 20% from his price...... including the one he was already working on! and he did. Fortunately he'd already added a chunk on as he thought that might happen, but not that much. It seems to be turning around down here, we're getting apps in, and it seems to me that people are deciding to put on the 3m x 3m extensions and loft conversions rather then move, and the big private money are taking advantage of the climate, and lack of return on investment, to go with the big jobs. Things are looking up!
  7. It's very common with Landys, mine was done (about 15 years ago mind!) before I got it and I'll be doing it again. This site seems to get a lot of links to it.
  8. I only shoot clays as well. We've got a Springer and a Cocker, don't propose to work them but my Missus wants to do field trials with them. As long as you keep their minds active I can't see it being a problem. Here's a picture of them in early "training"
  9. Bought as a dead 'un from fleabay, currently a works in progress..... I would MoT it but I'm not sure they'd have a failure sheet long enough
  10. Just bought a MK38 for my lad, he shoots OK with my 525 but the fixed chokes on the MK make it a bit lighter. No real difference from the 525 IMHO, made in the same factory!
  11. Exactly the same for me. When I got keen on shooting again after a 20 year lay off I took my son with me to the local clay ground for a beginners lesson. I shot a 686E, and hit 18 of the 20 easy incomers. I decided there and then that was the gun for me, but when I went back with my SGC ten weeks later I ended up with a 525, fitted and felt better. Some grounds will let you try a gun for a round, I'd suggest you do that.
  12. No, he only had four dogs when we went. He said there was a bitch but she'd gone.
  13. Spot on, I worked it out on a spreadsheet once and the breakeven point came at about 18K per year over three years, including servicing and everything else I could think of, and that was when diesel was cheaper than petrol.
  14. We recently bought one of these. Ammerdown Cocker He's a good strong bold pup, good temperament so far.
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