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wel chaps forgot i had posted this!!! heres how it went!!! got to the farm to be greeted by a sqwizzer sat on the fence were i park my car!!! thwack hes in the bag..gets to were i want to get the maggies loaf of bread out and the tree rat for good measure!!! 2hrs.....nowt!!!! so decide to have a wander round the rest of the land!!! ollie the springer put up another tree rat,but instead of goin up the tree it legs it along the fence line,shotgun mode kicked in,air gun up....thwack...no2 dead..this ****** was shiftin so it was a great shot !!! :lol: anyway..gets back to the car and all hell was breakin loose in the woods..magpies and jays everywere!!! happy days,so i just got in the car and started shootin them..anyway after bout ten mins of constant shootin,out from the woods pops a fox!!!! this musta been why the birds were so irate!!! anyhow couple a squeaks and hes virtually at the car bonnet!!! a nice specimine!!! anyhow only havin the airgun he lives to see another day!!!gutted i didnt take the camera!!!! so all in all i was quite happy with the afternoon!!!! :hmm:

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